300字范文 > 「媒库文选」我们越富有却越不快乐


时间:2018-09-16 13:30:03



We Keep Getting Richer But Unhappier


ow happy do you feel today? How worthwhile do you think you are? How meaningful is your job? How hopeful do you feel? How angry? How does this compare with other people in your community, your city and your country?

These are big questions that a group of economists says governments should ask their citizens to better understand what makes a good life and to feed that into public policies. This is especially important, they say, at a time when we are seeing economic success accompanied by increasingly fractured societies.

The U.S. is one of the richest countries on earth. The economy has been barreling along at a fast clip and unemployment lies near record lows. But these economic good times aren translating into happier lives for a big swath of Americans.

A report released by the World Economic Forum on Wednesday found that, while the U.S. economy is the most competitive in the world, it has come at the expense of a “weakening social fabric”. Life expectancy is falling, driven in part by increases in “deaths of despair” ― people dying from suicide and substance abuse. This particularly affects white men without a college education who are falling between the cracks and dropping out of the workforce ― about 15 percent of men ages 25 to 54 are not working.

Its not just an American issue, either. Basically, as countries get richer, many of the people living in them seem to be getting unhappier.

Its a phenomenon that Carol Graham, economics professor and senior fellow at the Brookings Institution,calls the “progress paradox,” where unprecedented economic growth and improvements in areas like health and literacy coexist with the bad stuff: climate change,pockets of persistent poverty, increased income inequality and unhappiness.

In an article published on Thursday in the journal Science,Graham, along with co-authors Kate Laffan of the London School of Economics and Sergio Pinto of the University of Maryland, say to overcome this paradox its vital to measure peoples happiness and well-being.

“We need to rethink how we think about success in society more generally, so its not just about peoples economic activity,” Laffan says, “but things like social connectedness that really matter about how people feel about their lives, that don show up in GDP or any other economic measure.”

This idea for including well-being and happiness in economic evaluations has been bubbling away for a few decades and its been steadily gaining traction.

Some places are already trying to slot happiness factors into policymaking. Bhutan is the most famous example. The kingdom of nearly 800,000 people, nestled in the Eastern Himalayas, created a Gross National Happiness Index in 1998. Every five years, a survey is taken of households across the country to track traditional indicators like living standards and health, along with nontraditional indicators like psychological well-being, time use, ecological diversity and connection to the community.

There are challenges to using well-being metrics. Happiness and well-being can be slippery things for us to define. Women in very deprived circumstances, for example,will sometimes say they are happier than they are because they have low expectations or have learned to live with their circumstances, says Graham.

But, she says, there are ways of questioning to tease out these problems and she dismisses broad criticisms that well-being data is unreliable or subjective.

“There is an amazing consistency in the patterns in terms of the way people answer,” she says. “If it was that biased and weird, why would the same factors matter to peoples well-being scores across countries and over time?”

“I don think we have an obvious solution to a lot of this despair,” she adds, “so we need to look not just at the causes of despair but also look at the communities able to thrive in the face of adversity.”














