300字范文 > 有格调吸引人的网红句子 很有品味 值得收藏

有格调吸引人的网红句子 很有品味 值得收藏

时间:2020-08-15 20:32:32


有格调吸引人的网红句子 很有品味 值得收藏

爱使服从变得容易。 ——英国

Love makes obedience easy. - the UK

爱就像杀人一样,必须经常暴露。 ——温格利夫

Love is like murder, it must be exposed often. -- Vingo Leaf

没有帮助所爱的人的能力的人,最好不要随便谈论喜欢的人和讨厌的人。 当然,帮助不等于爱,但爱不包括帮助。 ——鲁迅

If you don have the ability to help those you love, youd better not talk about those you love and those you hate. Of course, helping does not equal love, but love does not involve helping. Lu xun,

爱情的喜悦是甜蜜的,但只能活在荣耀和美德存在的地方。 内尔

The joy of love is sweet, but it lives only where honor and virtue exist. Neil


Love promotes the development of the world.

爱和信仰构成人性,它们是人性的象征和特征。 ——勃朗宁

Love and faith constitute human nature. They are symbols and characteristics of human nature. - Browning

没有爱的人生被称为罪恶。 ——温格利夫

Life without love is called sin. -- Vingo Leaf

爱情没有规则,也不应该有条件。 ——黎里

Love has no rules and should have no conditions.

衣服带子渐渐宽了终于无怨无悔,为伊消憔悴了。 柳永

Gradually the belt of clothes wide finally no regrets, for the yi disappear haggard. always

爱是混淆非概念的强烈的爱和骄傲的野心是没有国界的。 ——碘雷顿

Love is a confounding nonconcept of intense love and proud ambition that knows no borders. - iodine leighton

爱是生命之盐。 ——约谢菲尔德

Love is the salt of life. -- John Sheffield

友谊有很多名字,但青春和美貌一介入,友谊就被称为爱,神化为最美的天使。 ——资源

Friendship has many names, but as soon as youth and beauty intervene, friendship is called love and deified as the most beautiful angel.

我共同的爱并不总是长久的。 只有披上神秘的大衣,自己才能安心。 ——南斯拉夫

My shared love didn always last. Only put on the mysterious coat, oneself can feel at ease. -- Yugoslavia

爱神能征服一切,我们还是向爱神屈服吧。 ——维吉尔

Love conquers all. Let us yield to love. - Virgil

爱情的喜悦是甜蜜的,但只能活在荣耀和美德存在的地方。 ——古尔奈尔

The joy of love is sweet, but it lives only where honor and virtue exist. -- Gurnell

比互相喜欢更美丽的东西是什么? ——格兰维尔

Whats more beautiful than bisexuality? -- Granville

道德最大的秘密是爱。 雪莉

The great secret of morality is love. Shirley

需要爱的时候,你会意识到它在等着你。 ——狂野

When you need love, you will realize it is waiting for you. - the wild

爱,这不是一颗心敲击另一颗心,而是两颗心共同碰撞的火花。 ——伊萨科夫斯基

Love, it is not one heart against another heart, but the spark of two hearts together. -- Isakovsky

不能让对方窥探恋人的全部秘密。 ——爱迪生

Don let your partner know all your lovers secrets. - Thomas Edison
