300字范文 > 山东省济南市中考英语试卷


时间:2019-01-26 19:53:31




Ⅱ.选择填空从每题 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。(15分)

1.(1分)﹣ Hows weather today?

﹣ Its sunny.Get up quickly.We e going for a picnic.

A.a B.an C.the D./

2.(1分)﹣Whos that young lady?

﹣Shes Miss White.She teaches English.

A.we B.us C.our D.ours

3.(1分)﹣ Peter,you can read in bed.Its not goodyour eyes.

﹣ OK,Dad.

A.in B.by C.on D.for

4.(1分)﹣What would you like,sir?

﹣A cup of ,please

A.potato B.coffee C.banana D.hamburger

5.(1分)Little Kate is only 4 year old, she can help with a lot of housework.

A.or B.so C.but D.because

6.(1分)﹣ My phone doesn work. I use yours?

﹣ Sure.Here you are.

A.Must B.Could C.Need D.Would

7.(1分)Cindy is always ready to help others.I think she is student in my class.

A.good B.better C.best D.the best

8.(1分)﹣swim in this river.Its quite deep.

﹣Thanks for telling me.

A.No B.Not C.Don D.Doesn

9.(1分)﹣Susan,how was your party?

﹣Pretty good.We sang and danced all night.

A.happily B.hardly C.politely D.clearly

10.(1分)﹣Have you finished your book report yet?

﹣ No,I haven .I plan it this weekend.

A.write B.wrote C.writing D.to write

11.(1分)﹣ Henry,can you take this box to the classroom?

﹣ All right.Oh! heavy box!

A.What a B.What an C.What D.How

12.(1分)﹣ We must do something to protect the wild animals.

﹣.Some of them are in great danger.

A.Never mind B.You e right

C.Nothing much D.I disagree

13.(1分)My hometown has changed a lot in the past few years.You the changes if you come.

A.see B.saw C.will see D.have seen

14.(1分)﹣ When did Bob and Victor arrive at the meeting?

﹣ They were late.They didn until three oclock.

A.fix up B.grow up C.take up D.show up

15.(1分)一Excuse me.Do you know ?

一Yes.You can go to Furong Street.

A.where I can get some local snacks

B.where does the boy come from

C.when can we travel to Hong Kong

D.when did Jimmy come to Jinan


16.(5分)A:Hello,this is Sunny Flower Shop. (1)

B:I want to buy some flowers for my grandma.Tomorrow is her birthday.

A: (2) What kind would you like?

B:Im not quite sure. (3)

A:Certainly,What about carnations(康乃馨)?They have a good meaning of love.

B:Sounds good .Could you send some to my house tomorrow?I live at 56 Long Street.

A: (4) Anything else I can do for you?

B:Yes. (5)

A:Of course.Ill call you as soon as I get here.

B:Thank you.Bye!

(1)A.Whats wrong with it?

B.Do you often exercise?

C.What can I do for you?

D.Would you like a pear?

(2)A.We have many kinds of flowers.

B.When is your grandmas birthday?

C.I have apple juice and ice﹣cream.

D.Why don you give her a sweater?

(3)A.Can I borrow your dictionary?

B.Can you give me some advice?

C.May I ask you some questions?

D.Is she free tomorrow afternoon?

(4)A.You e welcome.

B.No problem.

C.Have a good day.

D.Im afraid not.

(5)A.Is she in the library?

B.Are they excited?

C.Do you have a fever?

D.Can I pay online?

V.阅读理解阅读下列短文, 从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。(40 分)

17.(10分)Nezumi was a mouse.He was thinking about finding a husband for his daughter Suki .But Suki said,"Father,I wish to marry Taro."

Taro was smart and strong,but Taros parents were not rich or powerful. "My Suki can marry a common mouse!" Nezumi said. "Ill find someone powerful for my daughter." Nezumi traveled far and wide,but nobody met his high standards.

One day,he climbed to the top of a mountain." Hi,Sun!" Nezumi called. "Nobody is more powerful than you .Id like you to marry my daughter." Sun smiled and said,Im powerful.Without me,nothing grows.But when Cloud covers my face,Sun disappeared.

Nezumi bowed to Cloud and told him his wish. "Surely Im powerful," he said. "But here comes someone stronger." And Wind blew Cloud away.

Then Nezumi shouted his wish to Wind. "Of course Im powerful.But I can pass through Wall." said Wind.

When Nezumi told Wall his wish,Wall said quietly, "Yes,who dig under me and make me fall down."

Nezumi let out a big laugh.He ran back home and said to Suki, "My dear!You are right.Taro will be a powerful husband."

(1)Nezumi wanted to find for his daughter.

A.a ring

B.a house

C.a husband

D.a friend

(2)Nezumi thought that Taros parents were not .





(3)Where did Nezumi call to Sun?

A.In his yard.

B.On a mountain.

C.In his hole.

D.On the beach.

(4)Wall said that he was afraid of .





(5)From the last paragraph,we can infer(推断) that in the end.

A.Suki and Taro got married

B.Nezumi laughed at Suki

C.Suki ran away from home

D.Nezumi fought with Taro


(1)Where is the apartment?

A.On Haddern Road.

B.In a village.

C.Near a school.

D.Behind a hotel.

(2)The apartment has .

A.two bedrooms

B.a small garden

C.one large garage

D.a big kitchen

(3)You should pay if you want to rent the apartment for half year.





(4)You can call at 019405486574 if you want to rent the apartment.

A.Carleen Green

B.West Farm


D.Little Haddern

(5)Which of the following is true?

A.People with pets cannot rent the apartment.

B.The apartment is not very far from the city center.

C.Only adults who have children can rent the apartment.

D.You can see the fields or the woods from the apartment.

19.(10分)Online study can be hard.Zech Hipp was doing it with great difficulty.Zech is 15 years old.He lives in Seattle,Washington,with his four brothers and his mother.

"Its hard to stay focused," he said. "I can stay focused on one thing at a time." Zech has gotten some helpful advice from his "Big Brother" Owen Kim.Kim is 33 years old.He is Zechs mentor through a program.The program is called Big Brothers Big Sisters of Puget Sound.

A mentor is someone who gives help and advice.Kim and Zech often text,talk over the phone and even video call.Kim gave Zech some advice about how to stay focused while doing school at home.Kim suggests picking one space and always doing your work there." Make that space as comfortable as possible, " he said.

In his room,Zech set up a cubby(小房间) .He has a place where he can make tea.This was Kims idea.Here

Kim and Zech have been Big Brother and Little Brother for four years.They used to meet once a week.They would walk through the city or play video games.In spring ,COVID﹣19 started spreading,Kim and Zech had to stop meeting up in person.The illness spreads easily between people.Now

Kim is older than Zech.He has had different life experiences.When they talk.Kim can give Zech a different point of view about life.Zech said this is helpful.Kim said its been a great thing for him,too.He said Zech has been a wonderful addition to his life.

"Owens always there," Zechs mother said.All of her boys have had Big Brothers or Big Sisters. "It has done such wonders for our family." she said. "Just having them in our lives has been such a blessing."

(1)What do we know about Zech from Paragraph 1?

A.He lives in a big city in India.

B.He had trouble learning online.

C.His mother is too hard on him.

D.There e five people in his family

(2)What is talked about in Paragraph 2?

A.Why Kim and Zech studied together.

B.When Big Brothers Big Sisters started.

C.What good advice Zech gave to Kim.

D.How Kim became Zechs "Big Brother" .

(3)Why did Zech set up a cubby in his house?

A.To get a new job and do his work there.

B.To have a space to study with his brothers.

C.To make a special space for schoolwork.

D.To make a space for him and Kim to meet.

(4)Because of the spread of COVID﹣19,Kim and Zech had to .

A.part with their family

B.stay at home watching videos

C.meet up at Zechs home

D.talk on the phone or video call

(5)Whats the writers purpose of writing the text?

A.To introduce a helpful program.

B.To help a boy named Zech Hipp.

C.To show us how to study online.

D.To stop the spread of COVID﹣19.

20.(10分)Scientists have long predicted that warmer temperatures caused by climate (气候) change will have the big influence on the worlds poorest people.New research now suggests that has already happened over the past years.

A study coming out in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science found that in most poor countries,higher temperatures are more than 90% likely to have resulted in a fall in economic output(经济产量),compared to a world without global(全球的)(获益) from higher temperatures.

"We e not saying that global warming created inequality(不公平),"says Noah S.Diffenbaugh,the writer of the study and a professor at Stanford University who studies climate change.But "global warming has slowed down the improvement".The poorest countries are facing the worst influence of rising temperatures﹣ for which they are least responsible

The new study builds on past research.A study in the journal Nature predicted that the average income(平均收入) in the poorest countries will be 25% lower by 2100 compared to a world without warming,while some of the richest countries﹣ like the USA﹣ could experience an increase in income.And a report from IPCC,showed that if global temperatures rise more than 1.5 C by the end of the century,poor countries will likely face very serious challengessuffer the most,as they are already." said Mary Robinson,who used to be a UN Special Envoy on Climate Change and a president of Ireland.

The influence is greater elsewhere,especially in sub﹣Saharan,African driven the average income more than 20% lower. "There are a number of ways by which temperature influences economic activities,for poor countries,the news is all bad.

(1)According to the text,warmer temperatures .

A.are mainly caused by poor countries

B.may bring advantages to rich countries

C.had no influence on the world before

D.can improve the poorest peoples health

(2)What does "suffer" underlined in Paragraph 4 most probably mean in Chinese?





(3)Which of the following will face great economic problems caused by climate change?

A.The UN.

B.The USA.


D.Burkina Faso.

(4)What is the main idea of the text?

A.Climate change will make poor countries poorer.

B.We must take action to deal with climate change.

C.Climate change can cause millions of early deaths.

D.People make good predictions about climate change.

(5)From which is the test most probably taken?

A.A geography textbook.

B.A health magazine.

C.A research paper.

D.A storybook.



Grace is a little girl.Last night,she had a strange dream.She dreamed that she was having dinner (1)an alien in her dining room.She had to tell the alien what (2)the things on the table were for. "This is a(3)she said. "We use it to cut up our food.And this is a plate.We put our food on it." "What are(4)?"asked the alien,pointing to a pair of chopsticks.Grace told him,and tried to show him how to use them.But he had only three fingers on each (5)so it was very difficult for him.



I lost my job again and felt my whole world was dark.I (1) under an old tree in the park when a boy came up to me from nowhere.He stood right before me with his head down and said, " Look,what I(2) !" In his hand was a flower,a dry and dead one.I gave him a small smile and turned my eyes away so that he could go off (3) .

To my surprise,he just sat down next to me.He placed the flower to his nose and said excitedly, "It (4) sweet and it is beautiful,too.Thats why I picked it.Here,it is for you." I(5) the flower impatiently and just then I noticed that the boy was blind.I held him tight in my arms.Through the eyes of a blind child I saw the beauty in lie.And then I held the dry flower up to my nose and breathed in the smell of a beautiful rose.

Ⅶ.阅读理解七选五根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(5 分)

23.(5分)Listen!Whats that in the background?Is it rock,country or classical music? (1)

"Music makes both the left and right brain more active,and this can maximize(使最大化)learning and improve our memory,a professor at Northcentral University.

According to Godkin,its good to listen to classical music while you are studying. (2) You can also listen to meditation( 冥想)music,which can relieve stress and relax your mind.

It is helpful to create a playlist of the best study music.Everyones taste in music is different,but when it comes to creating the best study music playlist,here are some tips to consider:

●Go Classical

You may not want to go to a concert of classical music,but the sounds of the classical music seem to increase mood and productivity(效率). (3)

●Consider Tempo

It seems that music with 60 ~ 70 beats a minute like Beethovens Fur Elise can help students study longer and memorize more information.

●Nature Sounds

(4) They make great background noise.You can even create your own mix with websites like Noisli.

●Electronic Music

Electronic music is a great choice for those who don like classical.Any music with little to no lyrics is best.

●Sound Control

The volume of your study music is important.Don drown out(淹没) your own thoughts.Remember,its supposed to be in the background.

(5) Please write to us and let us know what music helps you get through school!

Ⅶ. 书面表达(30分)第一部分情境运用 根据所提供的图片,用一个完整的句子提问或词组补全应答。

24.(2分)A: ?

B:Because its easy for me.

图片模糊,建议替换或删除 ×

25.(2分)A:Where is Sally?

B:In the bathroom. .

图片模糊,建议替换或删除 ×

26.(2分)A:Excuse me. ?

B:Yes,there is.Its on Jingshi Road.

图片模糊,建议替换或删除 ×

27.(2分)A: ?

B:We need one spoon.

28.(2分)A:Whats the use of that machine?

B: .

图片模糊,建议替换或删除 ×










Ⅱ.选择填空从每题 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。(15分)

1.【解答】根据Hows the weather today?是固定句型。




3.【解答】根据前文"you can in ,可知躺在床上读书对眼睛是有害的,即be not good for 对......没好处的。




5.【解答】or或者、还是;but但是。根据Little is 4 year ,及she help a lot housework"她能帮忙做很多家务"可知。




7.【解答】根据in my ,可知是最高级的比较范围。




9.【解答】happily快乐地;hardly几乎不;clearly 干净地 was party good."你的派对怎么样。"可知。


10.【解答】根据plan to do sth计划做某事,是固定短语。


11.【解答】感叹的中心落在名词上,用what引导感叹句:What ++ 形容词 ++ 谓语 + 形容词 ++ 主语 + !What ++ 可数名词复数++ 谓语 ,或整个句子 + 形容词或副词 ++ 谓语 box是单数名词,所以用what a。


12.【解答】A.Never mind不要紧;B.You e right你说得对;D.I disagree我不同意。


13.【解答】if 引导的条件状语从句,所以主句用一般将来时。


14.【解答】fix up;grow ,成长 up;show ,露面 were ,可知是要出现。D项正确。





16.【解答】(1)C.根据下文"I want buy flowers my 。可知C选项:What I do you。符合题意。

(2)A.根据后文"What kind you ?"您想要什么样的? have kinds flowers我们有很多种花。故选E。

(3)B.根据下文"Certainly,What carnations(康乃馨) have a meaning love"当然?它们有着爱的美好意义 you me advice你能给我一些建议吗。故选B。

(4)B.根据上文"Could you some my tomorrow?I at Long ?我住在长街56号 problem没有问题。故选B。

(5)D.根据后文"Of course.Ill you soon I get 。"当然可以。可知D选项:Can I online我可以在网上付款吗。故选D。

V.阅读理解阅读下列短文, 从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。(40 分)

17.【解答】(1)C.细节理解题。根据He thinking finding a for daughter 。可知。故选C。

(2)A细节理解题。根据Taro smart strong Taros were rich powerful.Taro又聪明又强壮,也没有权势,Nezumi认为Taro的父母不富有。

(3)B.细节理解题。根据One ,he to top a mountain." ,Sun!" called.有一天。"你好!"Nezumi叫道,他在山顶和太阳对话

(4)D.细节理解题。根据When told his ,Wall quietly, ,Im keep away.But afraid mice you dig me make fall ,墙壁平静地说:"是的。"我阻挡能敌人,它们在我下面挖洞。"可知。故选D。

(5)A.推理判断题。根据My !You right.Taro be a husband.我的亲爱的女儿。Taro会是一个强大的丈夫 find powerful my 。可推知。故选A。

18.【解答】(1)B.细节理解题。根据Apartment rent Baddesley ,Little Village.出租公寓。可知。故选B。

(2)D.细节理解题。根据 ●big 。可知。故选D。

(3)C.推理判断题。根据Only a month(in ,please).每月只需600美元(请预付),如果你想租半年的话。故选C。

(4)A.细节理解题。根据Interested telephone:Carleen ?请致电:Carleen Green,如果你想租那间公寓 Green。

(5)B.细节判断题。根据Only minutes train the center.坐火车到市中心只需15分钟,B选项"公寓离市中心不远,故选B。

19.【解答】(1)B.细节理解题。根据Online can hard.Zech was it great 。泽赫希普做得很费劲,他在线学习有困难。

(2)D.段落大意题。根据Zech gotten helpful from "Big Owen is years is mentor a program.The is Big Big of Sound.泽赫从他的"老大哥"欧文金那里得到了一些有用的建议。他通过一个项目成为泽赫的导师。可知,成为了泽赫的导师。

(3)C.推理判断题。根据In room set a cubby(小房间) has a where can tea.This Kims ,Zech he more from the where does ,泽赫设置了一个小房间。这是金的主意,泽赫说他和房子里的每个人都分开了。可知。故选C。

(4)D.细节理解题。根据In started ,Kim Zech stop up person.The spreads between ,they communicate the or call.春天,金和泽赫停止了面对面的会面。现在。可知,两人只能通过电话或视频通话。

(5)A.主旨大意题。根据Zech gotten helpful from "Big Owen is years is mentor a program.The is Big Big of Sound.泽赫从他的"老大哥"欧文金那里得到了一些有用的建议。他通过一个项目成为泽赫的导师。以及通读全文可知。作者写这篇文章的主要目的是为了介绍这个帮扶计划。

20.【解答】(1)B.细节理解题。根据The has less in countries—with even from temperatures.在较富裕的国家,有些国家甚至从高温中获益,气温升高可能会给富裕国家带来好处。

(2)C.词义猜测题。根据画线词后句as are 。以及前文poor will face serious ,including disappearance whole and of deaths.贫穷国家很可能面临非常严重的挑战。可推知。画线词意为"遭遇"。

(3)D.细节判断题。根据The is elsewhere in ,African the income than lower.这种影响在其他地方更大,非洲人的平均收入下降了20%以上,布基纳法索(非洲国家)将面临由气候变化引起的重大经济问题。

(4)A.主旨大意题。根据Scientists long that temperatures by (气候) will the influence the poorest ,气候变化导致的气温升高将对世界上最贫穷的人产生重大影响,本文主要讲述了气温升高会对贫穷国家造成重大影响。故选A。

(5)C.信息来源题。根据Scientists long that temperatures by (气候) will the influence the poorest research suggests has happened the years.科学家们早就预测。新的研究表明。本文最有可能来源于一篇研究论文。



(2)all.考查形容词。根据后文this a plate.We our on 。我们把食物放在上面,Grace在给外星人普及餐桌上的物品作用。all the things意为"所有的东西"。

(3)knife.考查名词。分析句子可判断此处缺名词 use to up food.我们用它来切食物,这是一把刀,因空格前有冠词a修饰,故填knife。

(4)those.考查代词。根据后文asked alien to a of 。可知 pair chopsticks,所以填those"那些"。



22.【解答】(1)was sitting.考查动词的过去进行时。分析句子可判断此处缺动词作谓语 stood before with head 。可推知。根据语境要用过去进行时(was/were doing)。

(2)found.考查动词。分析句子可判断此处缺动词作谓语 his was a ,a dry dead ,一朵干枯的花,小男孩给作者看他找到的某样东西,所以要用一般过去时。

(3)to play.考查动词不定式。根据句意"我对他微微一笑,好让他去玩。",故填to play。

(4)smells.考查感官动词。分析句子可判断此处缺动词作谓语 placed flower his 。可推知,此处表示"花闻起来很香。",引号里人说的话要用一般现在时。

(5)accepted.考查动词。分析句子可判断此处缺动词作谓语,it for 。可推知。全文在描述过去发生的事情,故填accepted。

Ⅶ.阅读理解七选五根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(5 分)


(1)F.根据下文Music makes the and brain active this maximize(使最大化)learning improve memory.音乐使左右脑都更加活跃。结合选项可推知。F选项"你知道有些音乐可以帮助你集中注意力吗,故选F。

(2)C.根据空格前句its good listen classical while are 。以及空格后句You also to 冥想)music can stress relax mind.你也可以听冥想音乐,放松你的大脑,此处是在解释为什么学习时要听古典音乐的原因。"符合语境。

(3)A.根据空格前句the sounds the music to mood productivity(效率).古典音乐的声音似乎可以提高情绪和工作效率,就是因为这些作用所以古典音乐很适合学习时听。"符合语境。

(4)D.根据Nature Sounds.大自然的声音,此段在描述大自然的声音、风声和雨声让人放松,故选D。

(5)E.根据后句Please write us let know music you through !请写信给我们!结合选项可推知。E选项"我们很想知道你的学习播放列表上都有什么,故选E。

Ⅶ. 书面表达(30分)第一部分情境运用 根据所提供的图片,用一个完整的句子提问或词组补全应答。

24.【解答】根据Because its for ,可知需要表达的句子是"你为什么喜欢数学?"。why提问原因。

故答案为Why do you like math?

25.【解答】根据In the ,可知需要表达的句子是"她正在刷牙。"。she接is+doing。

故答案为:She is brushing her teeth.

26.【解答】根据Yes,there on Road.和图片内容?",时态为一般现在时。near here这附近。

故答案为Is there a hospital near here?

27.【解答】根据We need spoon.和图片内容?",时态为一般现在时,用how much提问。

故答案为How much honey do you need?

28.【解答】根据Whats the of machine,可知需要表达的句子是"这台机器是用来包饺子的。"。句子是被动语态be used for doing sth被用来做某事。

故答案为The machine is used for making dumplings.



Learn from failure

Nobody likes failure

Last term,because I thought I was good at speaking English and I had so much experience in giving speeches.【高分句型一】I was sure I could win the contest easily?Of course not.The winner was Jim,who had practiced after school every day.(经历)

"Practice makes perfect,Ill take it seriously and do my best.【高分句型二】(感悟)
