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Ebook- Amazon(mobi epub pdf格式) 亚马逊效应英文原版电子版分享

时间:2024-01-21 05:06:58


Ebook- Amazon(mobi epub pdf格式) 亚马逊效应英文原版电子版分享


书名:Amazon: How the World’s Most Relentless Retailer Will Continue to Revolutionize Commerce

作者:Natalie Berg, Miya Knights

内容简介:The retail industry is facing unprecedented challenges. Across all sectors and markets, retailers are shifting their business models and customer engagement strategies to ensure their survival. The rise of online shopping, and its primary player, Amazon, is at the heart of many of these changes and opportunities. Amazon explores the e-commerce giant’s strategies, providing original insight at a time when the company is on the cusp of revolutionizing itself even further.

Amazon’s relentless dissatisfaction with the status quo is what makes it such an extraordinary retailer. This book explores whether Amazon has what it takes to become a credible grocery retailer, and as it transitions to bricks and mortar retailing, explores whether Amazon’s stores can be as compelling as its online offering and if innovations such as voice technology, checkout-free stores and its Prime ecosystem will fundamentally change the way consumers shop.


售业正面临前所未有的挑战。 在所有行业和市场中,零售商都在改变他们的商业模式和客户参与策略,以确保他们的生存。 在线购物的兴起及其主要参与者亚马逊是许多这些变化和机遇的核心。 亚马逊探索了这家电子商务巨头的战略,在该公司处于进一步变革自身的风口浪尖之际,提供了独到的见解。

亚马逊对状的无情不满使其成为如此非凡的零售商。 这本书探讨了亚马逊是否具备成为一家可靠的杂货零售商所需的条件,以及在向实体零售转型的过程中,探讨了亚马逊的商店是否能像其在线产品一样引人注目,以及是否有语音技术、免结账商店等创新 其 Prime 生态系统将从根本上改变消费者的购物方式。
