300字范文 > 「晚安」很适合发给闺蜜的文艺句子 简短温馨 句句凸显真情!

「晚安」很适合发给闺蜜的文艺句子 简短温馨 句句凸显真情!

时间:2021-12-20 08:28:40


「晚安」很适合发给闺蜜的文艺句子 简短温馨 句句凸显真情!


You do n’t have to apologize if you make a mistake, and you do n’t have to withdraw if you make a mistake. Even if you have n’t contacted you for a long time, you are still in my heart because we are the best friends. Do you know now?



I read a sentence that day and wanted to give you: "More than twenty, still useless."

In fact, we should grow up at this age, so do n’t worry about what you have n’t gotten. You will work hard to become good, and you will only shine and be happy.


Unknowingly, it has been several years. You are still the girl who often gets lost and loves to cry when she feels wronged. And I will also be by your side when you need it most. You are my best friend.


Although we all have shortcomings and contradictions, we are very real to each other. I also hope that we will continue to be true and simple.


You always say that I am not gentle enough, but I feel that I do n’t need gentleness with you. Because of the gentleness of the performance, I am afraid you are not used to it-to my girlfriends.


I hope that the boy you meet in the future will put you on the top. The sun in the circle of friends is all your happy moments. I only love you for the rest of my life and will give you a sense of security.


I do n’t wait for whoever is waiting for you, I ’m not good to you, who is good to you, I do n’t cherish you, who cherishes you, as long as there is me, I will help you in the future.


Take a break early, he doesn love you, and me, as a good sister, I will definitely accompany you for a long time.



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