300字范文 > 「初中英语」人教版七年上册+七年级下册+八年级上册知识点总结


时间:2019-10-26 20:02:58






1.缩写:my name’s=my name is what’s=what is isn’t=is not

2.询问对方姓名的问答:-Whats your name? -My name is...

3.询问他人姓名的问答:-Whats his name? -His name is...

4.-Nice to meet you. -Nice to meet you, too.

5.询问对方/他人的电话号码:-Whats your telephone number?

-My telephone number is...

Whats his telephone number? His telephone number is...


1.介绍他人的句式:This is+姓名。 That is +姓名。

2.these 这些(this的复数形式) those 那些(that的复数形式)

These are my parents. 这两位是我的父母。

Those are my friends. 那些人是我的朋友。

3.缩写:this is不缩写 thats=that is whos=who is

who e=who arethey e=they are



5.the photo(s) of... ......的照片

the photo of me 我的照片(照片上的人是我)

my photo 我的照片(照片上的人不一定是我)

This is the photo of my brother.

These are the photos of my brothers.




my book=minehis pen=histheir rulers=theirs

2.They e Bobs. 他们是鲍勃的。Bobs是名词所有格。

3.Are these your pencils? Yes,they are. No, they aren’t.


4.关于谢谢的回答:Thank you for your help. You’re welcome./That’s all right.

5.call sb. at+电话号码 按照电话号码给某人打电话

call me at 495-3539 拨495-3539给我打电话

6.lose-lost 丢失 find-found 找到 lost是lose的过去式 found是find的过去式

I lost my school ID card. I found my computer game.

7.a set of keys 一串钥匙



Where is my book? Its on the sofa.

Where are my keys? They are on the table.


2.be动词后加not 变成否定句:They are not on the table.=They aren on the table.

3.in 在...里面 on 在...上面 under 在...下面

in our room 在我们的房间里面 on the desk 在书桌上

under the table在桌子下面






3.缩写:do not=don does not=doesn


I have a pen. 我有一支钢笔。

There is a pen on the table. 座子上有一支钢笔。

5.Lets=Let us 让我们......

Lets+V.原 让我们做......(表示建议)

Lets watch TV. 我们看电视吧。

6.That sounds good/great. 听上去不错。 注意that是单数,sound是动词,当主语是三单时,动词sound使用三单形式即sounds.

7.短语:after class 下课后 after school 放学后

8.拓展:Soccer is not easy for me.

Soccer is difficult for me.

Playing soccer is not easy for me.

It’s difficult for me to play soccer. 足球对我而言很难。


1.then 然后 区别于than,比

2.chicken 可数名词,小鸡;不可数名词,鸡肉

I ate a piece of chicken. 我吃了一块鸡肉。

I feed the chickens every day. 我每天都喂小鸡。


4.eating habits 饮食习惯

I have a good eating habit.

A good eating habit is helpful to our health.


-What do you like for breakfast/lunch/dinner?

-I like eggs and milk for breakfast/lunch/dinner.


-What does he like for breakfast/lunch/dinner?


-He likes hamburgers and bread for breakfast/lunch/dinner.



1. Can I help you?

-Yes,please./No, thanks.

2.I’ll take it. 我会带走它。 I’ll=I will 我将会

3.-How much is the blue sweater? -Its 25 yuan.

-How much are those skirts? -They are thirty yuan.

4.cheap 便宜的 expensive 昂贵的

5. a/one pair of socks 一双短袜

two pairs of socks 两双短袜


For girls,we have skirts in purple for only $20.


1.月份名词(1-12月):January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December(注意月份名词是专有名词,开头字母大写)


January first 1月1日 February second 2月2日 March third 3月3日

May fourth 5月4日November twenty-second 11月22日

1st=first 2nd=second 3rd=third 4th=fourth 22nd=twenty-second


When is your birthday? My birthday is on November twenty-second.


When is his/her/your father’s birthday?

His/Her/My father’s birthday is on November twenty-second.


My birthday is in June.

The maths class is at 3:00.




Whats your/his/her favorite subject?

My/His/Her favorite subject is Chinese.

What are your/his/her favorite subjects?

My/His/Her favorite subjects are Chinese and P.E.

3.给出观点的句式:I think...

I think science is fun. 我认为科学很有趣。

I think math is boring. 我认为数学是无聊的。

4. 同义句转换:

My/His/Her favorite subject is Chinese.=I/He/She likes Chinese best.

5.on Monday and Friday 在周一和周五

from Monday to Friday 从周一到周五


-Why do you like music? -Because its interesting and relaxing.

7.I have an art lesson for two hours. 我有一节持续两个小时的美术课。

8.finish doing sth. 结束做某事

I finish washing my clothes.我洗完了衣服。

I finish my math lesson at 12:00. 我的数学课12点下课。



1.make friends with sb. 和某人做朋友

Will you make friends with me? 你愿意和我做朋友吗?

2.时间:the day before yesterday 前天

yesterday 昨天today 今天 tomorrow 明天

the day after tomorrow 后天

3.help sb. with sth./help sb. to do sth./help sb. to do sth.


He helps me with washing my clothes.

helpful adj.有帮助的

He is always helpful. 他总是乐于助人。

4.shopping center 购物中心

5.at/on weekends=at/on the weekend 在周末

6.a guitar player 一名吉他演奏者

a basketball player 一名篮球运动员

7.musician 音乐家magician 魔术师

Do you want to be a magician?

8.science-scientist violin-violinist piano-pianist

write-writer work-worker teach-teacher


10.be good at+n. 擅长...... be good at+doing sth. 擅长......

I am good at maths. 我擅长数学。

I am good at playing the piano.我擅长弹钢琴。

be good at=do well in

11. join the club 加入俱乐部

12. They can play the drums. 他们会敲鼓。

13.can的否定can not,cannot或can

14.肯定句:They can play the drums.

否定句:They can not play the drums.

一般疑问句:Can they play the drums?

肯定、否定回答-Yes, they can./ No, they can’t.

对划线部分提问:What can they do?


16.tell a story/stories 讲故事 tell的过去式told

17.tell sb. to do sth. 告诉某人做某事

tell sb. not to do sth. 告诉某人不要做某事

tell sb. sth.告诉某人某事

tell sth. to sb. 把某事告诉某人


1.brush ones teeth 刷牙 He brushes his teeth at 7:00.

2.take a shower/bath 洗澡

3.sometimes 偶尔,有时候some times 几次

some time 一些时间 sometime某个时候

I will find you sometime next week.



7:20 顺读法:seven twenty逆读法:twenty past seven

9:30 顺读法:nine thirty逆读法:thirty/half past nine

11:45 顺读法:eleven forty-five 逆读法:fifteen to twelve

a quarter to twelve

5.What time do/does...?

-What time do you usually play the piano?

-I usually play the piano at 8 o’clock.

-What time does he often exercise?

-He often exercises at 9:00.



How does your friend go to school?

He takes the subway to go to school.

2.how有关的词组:how many+可数名词复数 多少......

how much+不可数名词 多少......

how long 多长时间;多长(长度)

how far 路程多远

-How long does it take him to do his homework?

-It takes him about 50 minutes to do his homework.



【拓展】It takes sb.+时间+to do sth. 花费某人多长时间做某事

3.询问距离与回答:-How far is it from A to B?

-Its ...kilometers.

-The bus ride takes about 20 minutes.

-About 15 minutes by bike.

4.交通方式:on foot/walk ride a bike/by bike take the bus/by bus

take the subway/by subway take the train/by train

take the ship/by ship take the plane/by plane by air


6.between...and... between the library and the post office


e true 实现 My dream to be a player will come true.

8.be afraid of sth. 害怕某物 be afraid of doing sth. 害怕做某事

I am afraid of dogs. I am afraid of swimming.

be afraid that 害怕..... I am afraid that he didn’t do his homework.


1.定义:表示命令,请求或建议的句子,以动词原形或者don 开头。

2.肯定句:V.原+其他 Open the door,please. 请开门。

否定句:Don +V.原+其他 Don open the door,please. 请别开门。


4.fight with sb. 和某人打架 Don fight with your classmates.

5.put on 穿戴(动作) wear 穿戴(状态)

He is wearing a pair of sports shoes.

He is putting on a pair of sports shoes.

wash/do the dishes 洗衣服

6.noise n.噪音 noisy adj.吵闹的 quiet adj.安静的

7.feel-felt 感官动词 feel+adj. 感觉......

He feels good. He felt terrible yesterday.

常见的感官动词taste: It tastes delicious.

8.strict 严格的 My teacher is strict with me. 我对老师对我严格。



Learning math is very difficult.

11.wear a uniform/hat

12.have to do sth. 不得不做某事

肯定句:We have to clean the bathroom.

否定句:We don have to clean the bathroom.

对划线部分提问:What do you have to do?

13.make ones bed或make the bed 整理床铺

14.leave V.留下,遗留

15.either 也,用于否定句

too 也,用于肯定句

also 也,放在句子中

16.I like to watch TV,too.

I also like to watch TV.

I can watch TV,either.

17.before在...之前 after在...之后

I must read a book before I can watch TV.

I can watch TV after I read a book.

18.learn to do sth. 学习做某事

I must learn to play the piano. 我必须学习弹钢琴。

19.have fun=enjoy+反身代词=have a good time 玩得开心

I have fun with my friends.=I have a good time with my friends.

=I enjoy myself with my friends.



2.sleep-slept 睡觉 I slept late yesterday. 昨天我睡得迟。

3.friendly 友好的 unfriendly 不友好的

He is friendly to us. 他对我们很友好。

4.be in great danger 处于巨大的危险中 dangerous 危险的

The elephants are in great danger.

5.kind of+adj. 有点儿......

Math is kind of difficult.

6.Why don’t you play sports?

Why doesn’t he like vegetables?

7.one of+可数名词复数Shanghai is one of Chinas big cities.

8.for a long time 持续很长时间 He can sleep for a long time.

9.get lost 迷路 I got lost in the forest. 我在森林里迷路了。


1.see a movie/film或go to a film/movie 看电影

2.Just have a rest. 休息一下吧。

3.go shopping 去购物 例:go fishing/climbing/sightseeing

4.other adj.其他的 others=other+复数名词 another adj.另外的

5.He is still sleeping. 他仍然在睡觉。 She is still hard-working. 她仍然很努力。



8.talk on the phone 用手机通话

9.live 居住 live in a town 居住在小镇上live with sb. 和某人居住在一起

10.watch the soccer game 观看足球比赛watch the boat race 观看划船比赛


1.visit sb. 拜访某人 I often visit my grandparents on weekends.

visit+地点 visit our school 参观我们的学校


Its warm in spring. Its dry in winter.


4.in the mountains 在山区

5.on vacation 在度假go skating 去滑冰 go swimming 去游泳

6.天气名词-天气形容词 sun-sunny wind-windy snow-snowy cloud-cloudy


7.make a snowman 堆雪人


Hows the weather like+in+地点/季节+?

What’s the weather in+地点/季节+?

回答:Its+天气形容词。/ Its raining/snowing.

9.How’s it going? Not bad./Fine,thanks.


They are playing computer games.

What are they doing?






I get to school by bus.----How do you get to school?


1.建筑物名词 post office 邮局 police station 警察局 restaurant 参观

bank 银行 hospital 医院

2.pay...for 为...付款I paid five yuan for the ticket.

3.in front of 在...前面 behind 在...后面 in the north/south/east/east

4.in the left of 在...的左边 in the right of 在...的右边

5.sit by the pool 坐在水池旁边

6.I’m learning a lot. 我学习到很多东西。

He drinks water a lot every day. 他每天喝很多水。

7.study hard 努力学习 work hard 努力工作

8.be on a vacation 在度假

My father is on a vacation.

9.summer vacation/holiday 暑假 winter vacation/holiday 寒假

10.next to 紧挨着 near 在附近

The hospital is next to the police station.

The bank is near the hospital.

11.The police station isbetween the hospital and the restaurant.

Where is the police station?

12.turn left/right 左转/右转

13.be on the left/right 在左边/右边

14.go along the street 沿着街道走


1.外貌名词:hair 头发 head 头 eye 眼睛 nose 鼻子 mouth 嘴巴

face 脸 ear耳朵 neck 颈部 body 身体 hand 手 leg 腿 foot 脚

2.外貌形容词:straight-curly tall-medium-short thin-fat light-heavy

handsome beautifulcute round blonde lovely

3.询问外貌与回答:-What do they look like?

-They are short and thin./They have curly hair.

4.may 可能 I may be a little late. He may go to the library.

5.be of medium height He’s of medium height. 他中等身高。

6.She has long straight hair. 他有又长又直的头发。

7.draw a picture 画一幅画

8.put it in newspaper 放在报纸上

9.He has long straight hair and big eyes. 他有又长又直的头发和一双大眼睛。

10.He wears a T-shirt and a pair of glasses. 他穿着T恤衫,带着一副眼镜。


1.A+be the same as+B A和B相同 A+be as+形容词原级+as+B A和B一样...

A+be different from+B A和B不同

2.How old are you?=Whats your age?

3.blow out the candle 吹灭蜡烛

4.luck n. 运气 lucky adj.幸运的 luckily adv.幸运地

5.cut up the onion 切碎洋葱

6.I’d=I would shed=she would wed=we would

7.-What would you like? -I’d like some tomatoes./ I’d like a large bowl of noodles.

8.a bowl of beef soup 一碗牛肉汤

9.-What size would you like? -I’d like large size.

10.on their birthday 在他们生日的那天

11.cake with candles 带蜡烛的蛋糕

12.a symbol of long life 长寿的象征

13.bring V.带来 bring sth. to sb. =bring sb. sth. 带给某人某物

Please bring a book to me. 请带一本书给我。


1.quiet 安静的quite 相当

2.grow-grew 种植;成长

3.in the countryside 在乡村 I live in the countryside. 我住在乡村。

4.exciting 令人激动的 Its an exciting game. 这是一场激动人心的比赛。

excited 令人激动的 He is excited to hear the news. 听到消息他很激动。

5.be interested in... 对.......感兴趣 They are interested in maths.

6.I’m sorry to hear that. 听到那个消息我很难过。

7.is-was are-were do-did



play-played visit-visited climb-climbed



study-studied worry-worried

9.动词过去式不规则变化:go-went ride-rode feed-fed take-took see-saw

10.过去时间:last系列 last week 上周 last month 上个月 last year 去年

11.What did+主语+do+? I went fishing./He fed the chickens./They watched TV.


1.visit-visitor 参观-参观者

2.stay at home stay up late

3.shout at/to sb.

4.three weeks ago 三个星期以后

5.each other 互相 We must help each other.

6.wake sb. up 弄醒某人 Don wake him up.

7.into 进入I went into the classroom.

8.在具体的某一天的上午下午或晚上,介词使用on;on Monday morning/afternoon/evening

9.动词过去式不规则变化:tell-told lose-lost hear-heard run-ran

sing-sang swim-swam fly-flew put-put make-made

10.put up a tent 搭帐篷 make a fire 生火 keep sb. warm 保持某人温暖

11.I was so scared that I couldn move. 我太害怕了以至于不能动。

so+adj./adv.+that 太......以致于不能......



1.不定代词做主语时,看成单数,谓语动词使用三单形式。如:Everyone is in the classroom.

There isn’t anyone in the bedroom.

2.使用形容词修饰不定代词时,形容词放在不定代词之后。如:something interesting;nothing serious


4.because of+n. 因为... We didn go to the beach because of the rain.

We didn go to the beach because it’s rainy.

5.enough adj. 足够的;放在名词之前,形容词之后。enough food;good enough

6.wait for sb. 等待某人 wait a minute 等一会儿

7.do the housework 做家务

8.quite a few 相当多的 decide to do sth. 决定做某事

build 动词,建造 building 名词,建筑物

9.in the past 在过去 enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事

10.make a difference 起重要作用

11.start to do sth./strat doing sth. 开始做某事

12.too many+可数名词复数;too much+不可数名词;

much too+形容词,太... much too difficult太难了

13.taste,feel,smell等感官动词后面直接加形容词;smell good,taste delicious

14.一般过去时的时间是过去时间,动词变为过去式,实义动词过去时的否定句借助助动词didn ,一般疑问句使用did或was/were开头。

肯定句:主语+过去式+其他 否定句:主语+didn +V.原+其他

一般疑问句:Did+主语+V.原+其他+? 肯定回答:Yes,主语+did. 否定回答:No,主语+didn .


1.once,twice,three times等表示次数;once and once again 一次又一次

2.surf the Internet 上网

3.full 满的,饱的;hungry 饿的

4.be full of;The cup is full of water.

5.maybe 可能,也许 Maybe he is right.may be 可能是 He may be hungry.

6.at most 最多 at least 最少 He is 20 years old at most.

7.health 健康; be in good health 健康状况良好; healthy健康的

8.as a result 结果是;result in 造成...结果

9.across 横穿 through 通过

10.Sorry-Thats all right./It doesn’t matter.

11.mind doing sth. 介意做某事 I don mind opening the window.

12.such as; for example 比如;例如

13.go to the doctor看医生;go to the dentist看牙医

14.many/much-more-the most; little-less-the least

15.询问频率:How often+do/does+主语+V.原+其他+?

-How often do you exercise?-I exercise every day.

频率副词:always-usually-often-sometimes-hardly ever-never;对频率副词提问使用how often

16.how come 怎么了 in ones free time 在某人空闲的时候find-found

17.four to six times a week 一个星期四到六次

18.go online 去上网 ninety percent 百分之九十

19.most students 大多数学生

20.although 尽管,不能和but出现在同一个句子中

Although he tried to win the game,he failed.

21.spend time with sb. 和某人共度时光

sb. spend +时间+(in) doing sth. I spend two hours in doing my housework.

22.more than 多于 less than 少于



2.both...and 两者都

3.good/well-better-the best; bad/badly-worse-the worst



5.care about sth. 关心某事 I don care. 我不在乎。

6.laugh at sb. 嘲笑某人

7.as long as 只要;和...一样长

8.be necessary to... 对...是必要的

9.be in good grades 成绩好

10.should,情态动词,应该 We should exercise more.

11.arrive at/in 到达;reach到达

12.in fact 事实上

13.share sth. with sb. 和某人分享某物 He often shares his food with us.

14.more outgoing/beautiful/handsome/interesting 多音节单词比较级+more;最高级+most

more的反义词是less I am less outgoing than my sister. 我不如我的妹妹那么外向。



16.make sb. do sth. 让某人做某事 He often makes me do the dishes. 他经常让我洗碗。


1.be close to... 和...离得近(亲密) The library is close to the post office.

2.so far 目前(相当于 at present)

3.careful 认真的 carefully 认真地

He is a careful student. He often listens to the teacher carefully.

4.fresh; fresh air/vegetables

5.act 表演 actor 演员

6.perform 表演 performer 表演者

7.have...in common 有共同特征 We have hobbies in common.

8.all kinds of clothes 各种各样的衣服

9.be up to... 由...决定

10.win 获胜 winner 获胜者

11.the first prize 一等奖

12.make up 编造; make up stories 编故事

13.serious-seriously;take...seriously 认真对待

14.give-gave 给


多音节形容词或副词在前面加the most:the most interesting, the most beautiful

the best sings, the most talented dancers, the most exciting magicians, the funniest actors...最杰出的歌手,最具才能的舞者,最激动人心的魔术师,最滑稽搞笑的演员...

16.thanks for doing sth. 感谢做某事 Thanks for telling me the story.

17.What do you think of...?=How do you like...? 你认为......怎么样?


He is the tallest of us.

He is the most interesting man in our class.

19.more and more popular 越来越流行

Its +adj.+for+sb.+to do sth. 对于某人而言做某事是......的

Its always funny to talk with him.


1.news 新闻,不可数名词;newspaper 报纸(可数名词)

2.stand 站立;忍受 I can stand it. 我无法忍受。

3.plan to do sth. 计划做某事 He plans to take a vacation. 他计划去度假。

4.discuss 动词,讨论 discussion 名词,谈论

5.happen 动词,发生 What happened to him last night? 昨晚他身上发生了什么?

6.joke 名词,玩笑 play a joke on sb. 在某人身上开玩笑

7.mean 动词,意思是;meaning 名词,含义;meaningful 形容词,有意义的

What does the word mean?/What’s the meaning of this word?


8.famous 有名的;be famous as...作为...而出名;be famous for...由于...而出名

9.success 名词,成功 successful 形容词,成功的

10.become-became 成为

11.luck 名词,幸运;lucky 形容词,幸运的;luckily 副词,幸运地;unlucky 形容词,不幸的

12.might 可能,语气相较于may更委婉

13.be ready to do sth. 准备做某事 He is ready to climb the mountains. 他准备去爬山。

14.want to do sth. 想要做某事 want sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事

15.What do you think of...?=How do you like...? 你认为......怎么样?

16.电视节目:talk show soap operas sports show sitcoms

game show talent show news

情感态度:love,like,don mind,don like,can stand

17.Sally thinks game shows are more educational than sitcoms.


18. hope to do sth. 希望做某事 learn a lot 学习很多东西 learn from sb. 向某人学习

19. enjoyable 令人愉悦的

20. try to do sth. 尝试做某事

21. not so simple as 不如...那么简单


1.grow up 长大 What do you want to be when you grow up? 你长大想要干什么?

2.science-scientist 科学-科学家

3.be sure about sth. 对...很确定 I am sure about my guess. 我对我的猜测很确信。

4.send sb. sth=send sth. to sb. 送某物给某人 He sends me some flowers every week.

5.at the beginning of the party 在聚会开始的时候

6.have to do with 和...有关

7.take up doing sth. 开始着手做某事

8.be going to do sth. 打算做某事

9.询问对方长大的职业规划:What do you want to be when you grow up?

I want to be an engineer.

10.How are you going to do that? 你打算怎么去做?

I am going to study hard/do more exercises/play basketball everyday.

11.keep on doing sth. 坚持做某事 I keep on writing stories. 我坚持写故事。

12.when 当...的时候 when I grow up;when I finish my homework

13.take up a hobby 开始一个爱好 for this reason 由于这个原因

14.keep ones resolution 坚持某人的决心

People hardly ever keep their resolutions. 人们几乎从来不坚持他们的决心。


1.in future 今后 in the future 在未来

2.pollute 动词,污染 pollution 名词 污染 air/water pollution 空气/水污染

3.environment;save/protect the environment 保护环境;pollute the environment 污染环境

4.on the earth 在地球上

5.play a part 参与,发挥作用

6.over and over again 一遍又一遍地

7.agree 动词,同意;disagree 动词,不同意;He disagrees with my plan. 他不同意我的计划。

8.agree with sb. 同意某人 agree to do sth. 同意做某事

9.hundred; one hundred; two hundred; hundreds of成百上千的

10.look for 寻找(强调过程);find找到(强调结果) I looked for my pen everywhere in the classroom but I couldn find it.

11.possible adj.可能的 impossible 不可能的

as...as possible 尽可能 as quick as possible 尽可能快的

12.during the holiday 在假期期间

13.will do sth. 将要做某事 Will people have robots in the future? Yes,they will./No, they won’t. they’ll=they will won’t=will not

14.What will you/he/she do in the future? I/He/She will buy a robot at home.

What will the future be like? 将来会是什么样子?

Cities will be more crowded and polluted. 城市越来越拥挤,污染越来越严重。


16.There be的将来时态:There will be或There is/are going to be...

There will be more trees in the city.

There are going to be more trees in the city.

17.be able to do sth. 有能力做某事


1.milk shake 奶昔make/do the milk shake 制作奶昔

2.turn on 接通电源;turn off 切断电源;turn up 调高音量;turn down 调低音量

3.peel the banana 给香蕉剥皮

4.add ...to ... 给...添加... Add some salt to the noodles. 给面加点盐。

5.dig a hole 挖一个洞(dig过去式dug)

6.a piece of 一块 a piece of bread/chicken

7.prepare...for 给...准备 He is preparing for the exams.

8.mix up 混合 mix...with... 把...和...混合

9.have a temperature 发烧 have a fever 发烧

10.cut up 切碎 cut up the onions 切碎洋葱 put...in/into... 放入 pour...into... 把...倒入...

11.表述时间顺序的副词:first 首先;next 接下来;after that在那之后;then 然后;finally最后

12.How many/much...do we need? 我们需要多少...?

We need one bottle of milk and two teaspoons of honey. 我们需要一瓶牛奶和两茶匙蜂蜜。

13.cut the turkey into thin pieces 把火鸡切成薄片

14.It falls on the second Monday in October. 它在十月的第二个星期一。

15.apple pie 苹果馅饼 gravy (调味)肉汁 cornbread 玉米面包

mashed potatoes 土豆泥 pumpkin 南瓜


1.not...until不到...不;He didn sleep until he finished his homework. 他不完成作业不睡觉。

2.hang out 闲逛; Don hang out in the forest. 不要在森林里闲逛。

3.catch-caught 追;赶上;抓住 catch the train;catch the dog

4.accept-refuse 动词,接受-拒绝

5.refuse to do sth. He refused to open the door.

6.look after sb. 照顾某人;take care of sb. 照顾某人

He often looks after my dog. He often takes good care of my dog.

7.turn down 拒绝 Don turn down my invitation. 不要拒绝我的邀请。

8.surprise 名词,惊讶 surprised 形容词,惊讶的 to ones surprise 令某人吃惊的是

9.prepare 动词,准备 preparation 名词,准备

10.take a trip 去旅行 He often takes a trip to the beach.



1.meet遇见;meeting会议;sports meeting运动会

anize 动词,组织 organize a party 组织一个聚会

3.upset 沮丧的,Don be upset. 不要灰心。

4.take a taxi 乘出租车 taxi driver 出租车司机

5.keep...to oneself 保守秘密 He always keep the problems to himself.

6.unless 除非 He can go to the beach unless he feels better.

7.certainly,sure,of course 当然

8.angry 愤怒的,生气的 He is angry about the accident.

9.careful 形容词,认真的;careless形容词,粗心的

He is so careless that he often makes mistakes.

10.advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事 He advises us to listen to English songs.

11.solve V.解决;solve the maths problem解答数学问题

12.else adj.其他的;What else do you want?你还想要其他的什么?;something else其他的一些事情


If it rains tomorrow,we will not go to the beach.(If it rains tomorrow是从句,尽管时间状语是tomorrow,也要使用一般现在时;we will not go to the beach是主句,使用一般将来时。)

