300字范文 > 说到心坎的情感感悟 内涵深刻 句句道出人生真谛

说到心坎的情感感悟 内涵深刻 句句道出人生真谛

时间:2023-07-12 01:37:55


说到心坎的情感感悟 内涵深刻 句句道出人生真谛


In my heart, knowing with me is more important than love.

人生的道路上,每个人都有该走的路。 那是年轻时的曲线。

On the road of life, everyone has the road to walk. Thats the curve when you e young.


True love involves not only giving, but also the encouragement, gentleness, comfort, and effective prodding needed for proper discussion of appropriate rejection and timely criticism.


You learn important lessons when you stop rushing to deny your mistakes.


In the future, I will no longer be bound by fantasy, do not disturb human beings, down-to-earth work, a good life, become close to happiness.

我们对自己喜欢的人和事只有持续的热情。 那一刻我会很幸福。 因为总有一天哪里也找不到。

We have a constant passion for who and what we like. I will be happy at that moment. Because one day it won be anywhere.

我们就像我们的身体一样命运地洗澡。 请像改变自己的衣服一样改变我们的生活。

We bathe as fate as our bodies. Please change our lives as you change your clothes.

我们学会了努力工作,学会了像珍珠一样收集眼泪,学会了在成功的日子里储存眼泪。 即使那天被冲到海里。

We learned to work hard, to collect tears like pearls, and to store them on days of success. Even after being washed out to sea that day.

如果为了爱而考虑自尊,只有一个理由。 其实你还是最喜欢自己的。

If you think about self-esteem for love, theres only one reason. In fact, you like yourself best.

与其诅咒黑暗,不如点蜡烛。 除了你,没有人能给你光。

Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness. No one can give you light but you.

嘴里的爱很浅。 只有爱会变得更深。

The love in the mouth is very shallow. Only love can get deeper.

我希望你和我好。 既不猜测也不赞赏。 像往常一样,你和我和自己说话一样。 我也会像对你和我自己说一样说话。

I want you to be good with me. Neither guess nor admire. As usual, you and I are talking to ourselves. And I will speak to you as I speak to myself.

真正的幸福是一点一点得到的,每天都在积累。 不要伤害你喜欢的人。 请不要伤害喜欢的人。

True happiness is achieved little by little, accumulated every day. Don hurt the people you like. Please don hurt the person you like.

真心爱你的人不会让你突然冷下来。 真心追你的人和你毫不含糊。 我不会随便答应和你真心结婚的人。

A person who truly loves you won make you cold. Someone who is really after you and you know it. I don just say yes to someone you e really married to.

最困难的时候可能是拐点的开始。 如果改变主意,可能会迎来拐点。 平常心看世界,花开输赢是风景。

The most difficult time may be the beginning of the inflection point. If you change your mind, there could be a tipping point. Normal heart to see the world, flowers win or lose is the scenery.


One day your horns will be flattened by the world, your thorns plucked from your body, and you will smile at those you hate and be silent.

只有最聪明的女人知道。 同情和理解总是比最动人的外表更打动男人的心。

Only the smartest women know that. Sympathy and understanding will always touch a mans heart more than the most attractive appearance.


Tonight the moon is round, want to hold your hand in the seaside together to enjoy the full moon!

我爱你! 就像这个亘古不变的月亮一样!

I love you! Just like the eternal moon!


Time does not flow the real wine, distance is inseparable from ideas.


Miss you, the wasteland, forever.
