300字范文 > 英文带翻译告白的情书汇总 英语告白情话带翻译(四篇)

英文带翻译告白的情书汇总 英语告白情话带翻译(四篇)

时间:2022-05-23 14:45:18


英文带翻译告白的情书汇总 英语告白情话带翻译(四篇)



英文释义:by means of , by reason of this





the employer hereby covenants to pay the contractor in consideration of the execution and completion of the works and the remedying of defects therein the contract price or such other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the contract at the time and in the manner prescribed by the contract.




(1)hereby: by reason of this 特此

(2)covenant: v. make a formal agreement 立约,签订合同、条约; n. legal agreement具有法律约束的正式合同

(3)completion of the works: 工程的竣工

(4)therein: in the works在本工程中

(5)the contract price: 合同总价,指工程的总造价

(6)such...as: 关系代词,相当于that, which

(7)under: in accordance with 根据,按照

(8)the provisions of the contract: terms and conditions of the contract合同条款


we hereby certify to the best of our knowledge that the foregoing statement is true and correct and all available information and data have been supplied herein, and that we agree to provide documentary proof upon your request.



(2)to the best of our knowledge:as far as we know据我们所知

(3)foregoing statement:above-mentioned statement上述声明

(4)herein:in this, in the statement在声明中

(5)documentary proof:证明文件




this contract is hereby made and concluded by and between co. (hereinafter referred to as party a) and co. (hereinafter referred to as party b) on (date), in (place), china, on the principle of equality and mutual benefit and through amicable consultation.



(2)hereinafter referred to as party a:以下称甲方

(3)on the principle of equality and mutual benefit:在平等互利基础上

(4)through amicable consultation:通过友好协商


本合同双方, 公司(以下称甲方)与 公司(以下称乙方),在平等互利基础上,通过友好协商,于 年 月 日在中国 (地点),特签订本合同。


this agreement is hereby made and entered into on (date), by and between co. china (hereinafter referred to as party a) and co. (hereinafter referred to as party b).


(1)this agreement is hereby made and entered into:特此订立本协议 在法律文件中表示“订立本协议”可用以下4个动词:sign (make, conclude or enter into) this agreement, 按照同义词连用的写作特点,可用上述4个动词中的两个来表示)。

(2)hereinafter referred to as party b:以下简称乙方


本协议特由中国 公司(以下简称甲方)与 公司(以下简称乙方)于 年 月 日订立。

英文释义: of this


用法:在表示上文已提及的“本合同的、本文件的??”时,使用该词。例如表示本合同条件、条款时,可以说“the terms, conditions and provisions hereof”,这里hereof表示“of this contract”;又如表示本工程的任何部分,可用“any parts hereof”,这里hereof表示“of this works”。 语法:一般置于要修饰的名词的后面,与之紧邻。

hereof和thereof的区别:hereof强调“of this”。例如,上面的“the terms, conditions and provisions thereof”中的thereof表示of the contract;“any parts thereof”中的thereof表示of the works。


whether the custom of the port is contrary to this clause or not, the owner of the goods shall, without interruption, by day and night, including sundays and holidays (if required by the carrier), supply and take

delivery of the goods. provided that the owner of the goods shall be liable for all losses or damages including demurrage incurred in default on the provisions hereof.


(1) whether the custom of the port is contrary to this clause or not:不论港口习惯是否与本款规定相反,whether? or not:不论??是否

(2) the owner of the goods:货方

(3) without interruption:无间断地

(4) carrier:承运人

(5) in default on the provisions hereof:违反本款规定 hereof:of this clause




foreign trade dealers as mentioned in this law shall, in accordance with the provisions hereof, cover such legal entities and other organization as are engaged in foreign trade dealings.


(1) foreign trade dealers:对外贸易经营者

(2) as mentioned in this law:本法所称

(3) the provisions hereof:the provisions of this law 本法规定

(4) legal entity:法人

(5) be engaged in foreign trade dealings:从事对外贸易经营活动 参考译文:



the establishment of a limited liability company or a company limited by shares shall comply with the conditions and provisions of this law. a company complying with the conditions and provisions hereof may be registered as a limited liability company or a company limited by shares. provided that if a company fails to comply with the conditions and provisions hereof, the company in question shall not be registered as a limited liability company or a company limited by shares.


(1)a limited liability company:有限责任公司

(2)a company limited by shares:股份有限公司

(3)provisions hereof:本法规定 hereof: of this law

(4)may be registered as:登记为





if, as a result of withdrawal or any other reasons, an arbitrator fails to perform his duties as an arbitrator, another arbitrator shall, in accordance with the provisions hereof, be selected or appointed. 注释:

(1) as a result of withdrawal or any other reasons:回避或者其它原因

(2) arbitrator:仲裁员

(3) the provisions hereof:the provisions of this law 本法规定

(4) be selected or appointed:选定或指定


仲裁员因回避或者其它(转 载于: 博 威范文 网:)原因不能履行职责的,应当依照本法规定重新选定或指定仲裁员。


in the event of conflict between the provisions on arbitration formulated and prepared prior to the effective date of this law and the provisions of this law, the provisions hereof shall prevail.


(1) conflict:相抵触

(2) prior to the effective date of this law:本法施行前

(3) the provisions hereof shall prevail:以本法为准 hereof:of this law 参考译文:

本法施行前制定的有关仲裁的规定与本法的规定相抵触的,以本法为准。 例6

where, in accordance with laws, the circumstance(s) specified in article 15 and article 16 of this law is /are confirmed, the organization with compensatory obligations shall pay compensation in any of the circumstance in question.

where the claimant for compensation demands the confirmation of one of the circumstances specified in article 15 and article 16 hereof, and the demanded organization refuses to make the confirmation, the claimant shall have the right to lodge a complaint. where the claimant claims compensation, the claim, shall, first, be lodged to the organization for compensatory obligations.

the provisions of article 10, article 11 and article 12 hereof shall apply to/ in the procedures of compensation.


(1) the organization with compensatory obligations:赔偿义务机关

(2) shall pay compensation:应当给予赔偿

(3) the claimant for compensation:赔偿请求人

(4) article 15 and article 16 hereof:本法第十五条、第十六条 hereof:of this law

(5) shall have the right to lodge a complaint:有权申诉

(6) claims compensation:要求赔偿

(7) apply to/ in:适用 more examples: the comment applies equally here. /that argument does not apply in this case. /that applies to at least nine-tenths of the people we see about. /these remarks apply to every town in this kingdom. /the rules of safe driving apply to everyone. 参考译文:




if an arbitrator involved in one of circumstances specified in item 4, article 34 of this law, and if it is serious, or those specified in item 6, article 58 hereof, the arbitrator in question shall, in accordance with the law, bear the legal liability and responsibility. the arbitration commission shall remove the name of the arbitrator in question from the list of arbitrators.


(1) arbitrator:仲裁员

(2) article 58 hereof:本法第五十八条 hereof:of this law

(3) bear the legal liability and responsibility:承担法律责任

(4) the arbitration commission:仲裁委员会

(5) remove the name of the arbitrator in question from the list of arbitrators:将其除名


仲裁员有本法第三十四条第四项规定的情形,情节严重的,或者有本法第五十八条第六项规定的情形的,应当依法承担法律责任,仲裁委员会应当将其除名。 例8

if, pursuant to this law, the relevant responsible authorities with the duty of approvals fail to grant approval to such an application as meets the requirements and provisions hereof, or the company registration authorities fail to register a company whose application meets the requirements hereof, the party in question may, in accordance with laws, apply for reconsideration or bring an administrative suit.


(1) the relevant responsible authorities with the duty of approvals:履行审批职责的有关主管部门

(2) meets the requirements and provisions hereof:符合本法条件

(3) the company registration authorities:负责公司登记的主管部门

(4) the requirements hereof:本法条件 hereof: of this law

(5) apply for reconsideration:申请复议

(6) bring an administrative suit:提起行政诉讼


自我介绍范文 | 简短的自我介绍 | 一分钟自我介绍 | 英文自我介绍






















the board meeting had come to an end. bob started to stand up and jostled the table, spilling his coffee over his notes. "how embarrassing. i am getting so clumsy in my old age."

the board meeting had come to an end. bob started to stand up and jostled the table, spilling his coffee over his notes. "how embarrassing. i am getting so clumsy in my old age."

everyone had a good laugh, and soon we were all telling stories of our most embarrassing moments. it came around to frank who sat quietly listening to the others. someone said, "come on, frank. tell us your most embarrassing moment."

frank laughed and began to tell us of his childhood. "i grew up in san pedro. my dad was a fisherman, and he loved the sea. he had his own boat, but it was hard making a living on the sea. he worked hard and would stay out until he caught enough to feed the family. not just enough for our family, but also for his mom and dad and the other kids that were still at home."

frank laughed and began to tell us of his childhood. "i grew up in san pedro. my dad was a fisherman, and he loved the sea. he had his own boat, but it was hard making a living on the sea. he worked hard and would stay out until he caught enough to feed the family. not just enough for our family, but also for his mom and dad and the other kids that were still at home."

he looked at us and said, "i wish you could have met my dad. he was a big man, and he was >




there was once a bridge which spanned a large river. during most of the day the bridge sat with its length running up and down the river paralleled with the banks, allowing ships to pass thru freely on both sides of the bridge. but at certain times each day, a train would come along and the bridge would be turned sideways across the river, allowing a train to cross it.

a switchman sat in a small shack on one side of the river where he operated the controls to turn the bridge and lock it into place as the train crossed. one evening as the switchman was waiting for the last train of the day to come, he looked off into the distance thru the dimming twilight and caught sight of the trainlights. he stepped to the control and waited until the train was within a prescribed distance when he was to turn the bridge. he turned the bridge into position, but, to his horror, he found the locking control did not work. if the bridge was not securely in position it would wobble back and forth at the ends when the train came onto it, causing the train to jump the track and go crashing into the river. this would be a passenger train with many people aboard. he left the bridge turned across the river, and hurried across the bridge to the other side of the river where there was a lever switch he could hold to operate the lock manually. he would have to hold the lever back firmly as the train crossed. he could hear the rumble of the train now, and he took hold of the lever and leaned backward to apply his weight to it, locking the bridge. he kept applying the pressure to keep the mechanism locked. many lives depended on this man‘s strength.

then, coming across the bridge from the direction of his control shack, he heard a sound that made his blood run cold. "daddy, where are you?" his four-year-old son was crossing the bridge to look for him. his first impulse was to cry out to the child, "run! run!" but the train was too close; the tiny legs would never make it across the bridge in time. the man almost left his lever to run and snatch up his son and carry him to safety. but he realized that he could not get back to the lever. either the people on the train or his little son must die. he took a moment to make his decision.

the train sped safely and swiftly on its way, and no one aboard was even aware of the tiny broken body thrown mercilessly into the river by the onrushing train. nor were they aware of the pitiful figure of the sobbing man, still clinging tightly to the locking lever long after the train had passed. they did not see him walking home more slowly than he had ever walked: to tell his wife how their son had brutally died.

now if you comprehend the emotions which went this man‘s heart, you can begin to understand the feelings of our father in heaven when he sacrificed his son to bridge the gap between us and eternal life. can there be any wonder that he caused the earth to tremble and the skies to darken when his son died? how does he feel when we speed along thru life without giving a thought to what was done for us thru jesus christ?




long ago in a small, far away village, there was place known as the house of 1000 mirrors. a small, happy little dog learned of this place and decided to visit. when he arrived, he bounced happily up the stairs to the doorway of the house. he looked through the doorway with his ears lifted high and his tail wagging as fast as it could. to his great surprise, he found himself staring at 1000 other happy little dogs with their tails wagging just as fast as his. he smiled a great smile, and was answered with 1000 great smiles just as warm and friendly. as he left the house, he thought to himself, "this is a wonderful place. i will come back and visit it often." in this same village, another little dog, who was not quite as happy as the first one, decided to visit the house. he slowly climbed the stairs and hung his head low as he looked into the door. when he saw the 1000 unfriendly looking dogs staring back at him, he growled at them and was horrified to see 1000 little dogs growling back at him. as he left, he thought to himself, "that is a horrible place, and i will never go back there again."

all the faces in the world are mirrors. what kind of reflections do you see in the faces of the people you meet?

as told by chris p. cash






a letter written to a man on death row by the father of the man whom the man on death row had killed:

you are probably surprised that i, of all people, am writing a letter to you, but i ask you to read it in its entirety and consider its request seriously. as the father of the man whom you took part in murdering, i have something very important to say to you.

i forgive you. with all my heart, i forgive you. i realize it may be hard for you to believe, but i really do. at your trial, when you confessed to your part in the events that cost my son his life and asked for my forgiveness, i immediately granted you that forgiving love from my heart. i can only hope you believe me and will accept my forgiveness.

but this is not all i have to say to you. i want to make you an offer -- i want you to become my adopted child. you see, my son who died was my only child, and i now want to share my life with you and leave my riches to you. this may not make sense to you or anyone else, but i believe you are worth the offer. i have arranged matters so that if you will receive my offer of forgiveness, not only will you be pardoned for your crime, but you also will be set free from your imprisonment, and your sentence of death will be dismissed. at that point, you will become my adopted child and heir to all my riches.

i realize this is a risky offer for me to make to you -- you might be tempted to reject my offer completely -- but i make it to you without reservation.

also, i realize it may seem foolish to make such an offer to one who cost my son his life, but i now have a great love and an unchangeable forgiveness in my heart for you.

finally, you may be concerned that once you accept my offer you may do something to cause you to be denied your rights as an heir to my wealth. nothing could be further from the truth. if i can forgive you for your part in my son‘s death, i can forgive you for anything. i know you never will be perfect, but you do not have to be perfect to receive my offer. besides, i believe that once you have accepted my offer and begin to experience the riches that will come to you from me, that your primary (though not always) response will be gratitude and loyalty.

some would call me foolish for my offer to you, but i wish for you to call me your father.


the father of jesus

bob richards, the former pole-vault champion, shares a moving story about a skinny young boy who loved football with all his heart.

practice after practice, he eagerly gave everything he had. but being half the size of the other boys, he got absolutely nowhere. at all the games, this hopeful athlete sat on the bench and hardly ever played.

this teenager lived alone with his father, and the two of them had a very special relationship. even though the son was always on the bench, his father was always in the stands cheering. he never missed a game. this young man was still the smallest of the class when he entered high school. but his father continued to encourage him but also made it very clear that he did not have to play football if he didn‘t want to.

but the young man loved football and decided to hang in there he was determined to try his best at every practice, and perhaps he‘d get to play when he became a senior. all through high school he never missed a practice nor a game but remained a bench-warmer all four years. his faithful father was always in the stands, always with words of encouragement for him. when the young man went to college, he decided to try out for the football team as a "walk-on." everyone was sure he could never make the cut, but he did.

the coach admitted that he kept him on the roster because he always puts his heart and soul to every practice, and at the same time, provided the other members with the spirit and hustle they badly needed.

the news that he had survived the cut thrilled him so much that he rushed to the nearest phone and called his father. his father shared his excitement and was sent season tickets for all the college games. this persistent young athlete never missed practice during his four years at college, but he never got to play in a game.

it was the end of his senior football season, and as he trotted onto the practice field shortly before the big playoff game, the coach met him with a telegram. the young man read the telegram and he became deathly silent. swallowing hard, he mumbled to the coach, "my father died this morning. is it all right if i miss practice today?" the coach put his arm gently around his shoulder and said, "take the rest of the week off, son. and don‘t even plan to come back to the game on saturday."

saturday arrived, and the game was not going well. in the third quarter,when the team was ten points behind, a silent young man quietly slipped into the empty locker room and put on his football gear. as he ran onto the sidelines, the coach and his players were astounded to see their faithful teammate back so soon. "coach, please let me play. i‘ve just got to play today," said the young man. the coach pretended not to hear him. there was no way he wanted his worst player in this close playoff game. but the young man persisted, and finally feeling sorry for the kid, the coach gave in. "all right," he said."you can go in." before long, the coach, the players and everyone in the stands could not believe their eyes. this little unknown, who had never played before was doing everything right. the opposing team could not stop him. he ran, he passed, blocked, and tackled like a star. his team began to triumph. the score was soon tied. in the closing seconds of the game, this kid intercepted a pass and ran all the way for the winning touchdown. the fans broke loose. his teammates hoisted him onto their shoulders. such cheering you never heard.

finally, after the stands had emptied and the team had showered and left the locker room, the coach noticed that this young man was sitting quietly in the corner all alone the coach came to him and said, " kid, i can‘t believe it. you were fantastic! tell me what got into you? how did you do it?"

he looked at the coach, with tears in his eyes, and said, "well, you knew my dad died, but did you know that my dad was blind?" the young man swallowed hard and forced a smile, "dad came to all my games, but today was the first time he could see me play, and i wanted to show him i could do it!"

like the athlete‘s father, god is always there cheering for us. he‘s always reminding us to go on. he‘s even offering us his hand for he knows what is best, and is willing to give us what we need and not simply what we want. god has never missed a single game. what a joy to know that life is meaningful if lived for the highest. live for him for he‘s watching us in the game of life!





the park bench was deserted as i sat down to read beneath the long, straggly branches of an old willow tree. disillusioned by life with good reason to frown, for the world was intent on dragging me down.

and if that weren‘t enough to ruin my day, a young boy out of breath approached me, all tired from play. he stood right before me with his head tilted down and said with great excitement, "look what i found!"

in his hand was a flower, and what a pitiful sight, with its petals all worn - not enough rain, or too little light. wanting him to take his dead flower and go off to play, i faked a small smile and then shifted away.

but instead of retreating he sat next to my side and placed the flower to his nose and declared with surprise, "it sure smells pretty and it‘s beautiful, too. that‘s why i picked it; here, it‘s for you."

the weed before me was dying or dead. not vibrant of colors, orange, yellow or red. but i knew i must take it, or he might never leave. so i reached for the flower, and replied, "just what i need."

but instead of him placing the flower in my hand, he held it mid-air without reason or plan. it was then that i noticed for the very first time, that weed-toting boy could not see: he was blind.

i heard my voice quiver, tears shone like the sun. as i thanked him for picking the very best one. "you‘re welcome," he smiled, and then ran off to play, unaware of the impact he‘d had on my day.

i sat there and wondered how he managed to see a self-pitying woman beneath an old willow tree. how did he know of my self-indulged plight? perhaps from his heart, he‘d been blessed with true sight.

through the eyes of a blind child, at last i could see, the problem was not with the world; the problem was me. and for all of those times i myself had been blind, i vowed to see beauty, and appreciate every second that‘s mine.

and then i held that wilted flower up to my nose and breathed in the fragrance of a beautiful rose and smiled as that young boy, another weed in his hand about to change the life of an unsuspecting old man.

author unknown




a great and wise man once called one of his workmen to him saying, "go into the far country and build for me a house. the decisions of planning and of actual construction will be yours, but remember, i shall come to accept your work for a very special friend of mine."

and so the workman departed with a light heart for his field of labor. material of all kinds was plentiful here, but the workman had a mind of his own. "surely," he thought, "i know my business. i can use a bit of inferior materials here and cheat on my workmanship a little there, and still make the finished work look good. only i will know that what i have built has weaknesses."

and so, at last the work was completed and the workman reported back to the great and wise man. "very good," he said. "now remember that i wanted you to use only the finest materials and craftsmanship in this house because i wanted to make present of it——my friend, you are the one i had you build it for. it is all yours."

how much like man. he comes to earth a stranger. he has his free agency. he may build as he likes. but on the morning of his resurrection he will receive what he has built for an eternal home and habitation.





attitude is everything

by francie baltazar-schwartz

jerry was the kind of guy you love to hate. he was always in a good mood and always had something positive to say. when someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, "if i were any better, i would be twins!"

he was a unique manager because he had several waiters who had followed him around from restaurant to restaurant. the reason the waiters followed jerry was because of his attitude. he was a natural motivator. if an employee was having a bad day, jerry was there telling the employee how to look on the positive side of the situation.

seeing this really made me curious, so one day i went up to jerry and asked him, "i don‘t get it! you can‘t be a positive person all of the time. how do you do it?" jerry replied, "each morning i wake up and say to myself, jerry, you have two choices today. you can choose to be in a good mood or you can choose to be in a bad mood.‘ i choose to be in a good mood. each time something bad happens, i can choose to be a victim or i can choose to learn from it. i choose to learn from it. every time someone comes to me complaining, i can choose to accept their complaining or i can point out the positive side of life. i choose the positive side of life."

"yeah, right, it‘s not that easy," i protested.

"yes it is," jerry said. "life is all about choices. when you cut away all the junk, every situation is a choice. you choose how you react to situations. you choose how people will affect your mood. you choose to be in a good mood or bad mood. the bottom line: it‘s your choice how you live life."

i reflected on what jerry said. soon thereafter, i left the restaurant industry to start my own business. we lost touch, but often thought about him when i made a choice about life instead of reacting to it.

several years later, i heard that jerry did something you are never supposed to do in a restaurant business: he left the back door open one morning and was held up at gunpoint by three armed robbers. while trying to open the safe, his hand, shaking from nervousness, slipped off the combination. the robbers panicked and shot him. luckily, jerry was found relatively quickly and rushed to the local trauma center. after 18 hours of surgery and weeks of intensive care, jerry was released from the hospital with fragments of the bullets still in his body.

i saw jerry about six months after the accident. when i asked him how he was, he replied, "if i were any better, i‘d be twins. wanna see my scars?"

i declined to see his wounds, but did ask him what had gone through his mind as the robbery took place. "the first thing that went through my mind was that i should have locked the back door," jerry replied. "then, as i lay on the floor, i remembered that i had two choices: i could choose to live, or i could choose to die. i chose to live.

"weren‘t you scared? did you lose consciousness?" i asked. jerry continued, "the paramedics were great. they kept telling me i was going to be fine. but when they wheeled me into the emergency room and i saw the expressions on the faces of the doctors and nurses, i got really scared. in their eyes, i read, ‘he‘s a dead man. " i knew i needed to take action."

"what did you do?" i asked.

"well, there was a big, burly nurse shouting questions at me," said jerry. "she asked if i was allergic to anything. ‘yes,‘ i replied. the doctors and nurses stopped working as they waited for my reply.. i took a deep breath and yelled, ‘bullets!‘ over their laughter, i told them, ‘i am choosing to live. operate on me as if i am alive, not dead."

jerry lived thanks to the skill of his doctors, but also because of his amazing attitude. i learned from him that every day we have the choice to live fully. attitude, after all, is everything.



the fence

there was a little boy with a bad temper. his father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, to hammer a nail in the back fence. the first day the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence. then it gradually dwindled down. he discovered it was easier to hold his temper than to drive those nails into the fence. finally the day came when the boy didn‘t lose his temper at all. he told his father about it and the father suggested that the boy now pull out one nail for each day that he was able to hold his temper. the days passed and the young boy was finally able to tell his father that all the nails were gone. the father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence. he said, "you have done well, my son, but look at the holes in the fence. the fence will never be the same. when you say things in anger, they leave a scar just like this one. you can put a knife in a man and draw it out. it won‘t matter how many times you say i‘m sorry, the wound is still there. a verbal wound is as bad as a physical one. friends are a very rare jewel, indeed. they make you smile and encourage you to succeed. they lend an ear, they share a word of praise, and they always want to open their hearts to us.




a grandmother and a little girl whose face was sprinkled with bright red freckles spent the day at the zoo.

the children were waiting in line to get their cheeks painted by a local artist who was decorating them with tiger paws.

"you‘ve got so many freckles, there‘s no place to paint!" a boy in the line cried.

embarrassed, the little girl dropped her head. her grandmother knelt down next to her. "i love your freckles," she said.

"not me," the girl replied.

"well, when i was a little girl i always wanted freckles" she said, tracing her finger across the child‘s cheek. "freckles are beautiful!"

the girl looked up. "really?" "of course," said the grandmother. "why, just name me one thing that‘s prettier than freckles."

the little girl peered into the old woman‘s smiling face. "wrinkles," she answered softly.

contributed by father pat



good afternoon everyone, my name is , im 29 years old, and im from beijing.


id like to introduce myself through the next points:


about working: there are three main aspects of my daily work:


the first, i teach courses such as basic laws and politics. i can feel the strong responsibilities on a teacher, because i have to not only teach knowledge well, but also let students know how to be a good person.


the second, im responsible for some administrative work, such as students recruiting and employment. the main majors in our college are urban metro, car repairing, transportation management, logistics and so on.


i think the students recruiting and employment are very important to our college as well as to students and their parents, the serious working attitude and consciousness are highly required.


the third part of my daily work is to be a head teacher, there is an idea i respect very much: there is no bad students, but only bad teachers. if a family is a component of our society, then the class is a component of the school.


when we judge a class good or bad, the key ruler is the organization and management ability of a head teacher, as well as the good working attitude and teaching methods. a head teacher is the pathfinder on the way of students growing, as a young teacher, ill try my best to be an excellent head teacher.


about daily life: i have a wide range of hobbies, especially sports and reading.


sport: we have very good sports facilities in our college, i play badminton every tuesday, and play basketball every friday. i think that sports is the best flavor of our life, it can release the pressure and relax our mood.


reading: i have good reading habits since i was a child, i like the famous four classic very much, and im also interested in some biography and news commentaries. i think books can help people being mature, they affect me gradually.

(为了以防万一考官问你四大名著是什么,英文如下《三国演义》three kingdoms,《西游记》journey to the west,《红楼梦》dream of red mansions,《水浒传》outlaws of the marsh. 另外,最好例举一些你比较喜欢的书,比如名人传记方面可以说现在比较火的乔治福布斯传记《george forbes》)


and of course, i have the confused moment, but i think the difficulties can help me grow. thank you.
