300字范文 > 日本的福岛核电站因地震引起的核泄漏事故使约70%的日本领土范围被污染了&nbsp


时间:2018-06-07 19:46:18



Japans Fukushima nuclear power plant due to the earthquake causedby the nuclear leakage accident caused about 70 % of Japansterritory is polluted

saw an information on the internet: " Japans Fukushima nuclearpower plant caused by the earthquake caused by the nuclear leakageaccident caused about 70 percent of Japans territory is polluted,20 percent of Japanese land, including tokyo, is heavilycontaminated by radiation. ". Pollution in the land will last forabout 300 years. Japan, then prime minister Naoto Kan, after theFukushima incident, said: " have to give up the whole of eastJapans intention. ". “

depreciation of the yen has led to a surge in Chinese touriststo Japan, with 45 Nations travelling to Japan during the springfestival in , spending 60, becoming Japans largest touristgroup. On the contribution to the Japanese economy, Chinesetourists far outnumber Chinese buyers of Japanesegoods.

personally think traveling abroad is a good thing, open youreyes, understand the beautiful natural scenery of the world, localcustoms, buy their favorite things. This is also every Chineseordinary peoples own affairs, is the individual freedom andlegitimate choice right, no one caninterfere.

I want to say, before going abroad, people ( especially theirown children ) need to travel abroad, study, work, go intobusiness, to choose to travel, study, work, countries and places todo business in advance to all aspects of customs and socialsecurity situation to understand.

particular, to travel, learn, work, do business in the nationaland regional security, social security management level and naturaldisasters such as earthquakes, typhoons, and industrial pollutionto conduct a comprehensive understanding of the risk and safetyfactor assessment.

have done insurance work, my teacher, my teacher, ( I personallythink is the social elite ), give us the first lesson on ourstudents, " do anything to do a risk assessment, to minimize therisk factor. ". " the three-month insurance qualification trainingcourse has taught me a lot of valuable knowledge and social workexperience.

personally suggest that ordinary people and ( students ) in Chinatravel abroad, study, work, do business and do not go to countriesand regions where war is taking place;

countries and regions that have civil war do notgo;

not go to countries and regions where terrorist attacksoccur;

Don go to Chinas unfriendly country andregion;

frequent occurrence of Chinese female foreign students (graduate students ) in the countries and regions where thedisappearance of foreign countries is not togo;

personally think that this is a potential unsafe factor in thelegal provisions of foreign countries and territories that allowtheir citizens to buy and sell guns, legally and legally, topossess firearms.

are countries and regions that cause nuclear power plantleakage accidents due to strongearthquakes.

" earlier in the year before, the us" Reagan " carrier fleet ofseven thousand officers and men commissioned lawyers to Japanesepower to conceal nuclear radiation caused the officers and men wereexposed to radiation sickness, the English version of Yahoo!, theEnglish version of the company has not stopped in the sea highpollution radiation water.

also reported that contaminated vegetables were found inseveral counties more than 200 km from the Fukushimaprefecture.

is reported that the Fukushima nuclear pollution has affectedgroundwater. Japan, then prime minister Naoto Kan, after theFukushima incident, said: " have to give up the whole of eastJapans intention. ".

1, Fukushima and tokyo are only 200 kilometers, and withoutmountains and rivers barrier, you say you just don go to tokyowill not be exposed to nuclearradiation?

Chernobyl nuclear leakage of 2000 kilometers away from Franceall affected!

2, the view of Chinese scientists in the journal earth scienceconfirmed that even the west coast of the United States has beenhit by a strong Fukushima nuclearpollution!

" this is true," said jinyi, a professor of microbiology at theuniversity of jinrong. " about 70 % of Japans territory iscontaminated, and 20 % of Japanese land, including tokyo, isheavily contaminated by radiation. It is obvious that, in the caseof land pollution, agricultural products will be contaminated byradioactive contamination. The pollution of the land will last forabout 300 years. ".

above judgment is similar to the forecast by the United Statesoceanic and atmospheric administration, namely, 1 / 3 of thedomestic soil cover of Japan. Japan has found that vegetables arecontaminated in rural areas of more than 200 - 300 km away fromFukushima, and can be mutually certified with theabove.

fact, the Fukushima and Chernobyl nuclear accidents are amongthe highest, but they are widely recognized because of the openwestern European countries. Tens of thousands of acres ofvegetables were destroyed in Germany, a city or two thousandkilometers away, and a large amount of radiation dust has beenfound in Sweden, which is 1,100 kilometers away. Japan tokyo is 200kilometers away from Fukushima, but like what did not happen,normal? Is it possible to be safe?

a fish at a Japanese restaurant is from the eastern Pacificocean or southern Alaska, or a vegetable from contaminated soil,its equivalent to a " bomb" that has been implanted in your body.You sit on the subway in tokyo, and if the passenger nearby comesfrom the contaminated area, and unfortunately there are severalapples from the radiation area in his bag, you e unlucky to beexposed to a big increase in the probability ofradiation.

friends question why Japan and the United States do not issuerisk warnings? For Japan, because it is too big, immigration isimpossible, so to avoid domestic panic, the cover risk became theonly choice. The Japanese government has been dealing with thecover-up from the outset. As for the United States, there are thesame problems. Indeed affect the whole body Guam and Hawaiiresidents, if found to have personal security risk, the UnitedStates Pacific fleet inevitable chaos, soldiers and family andpublic opinion will pressure the United States government, when theonly choice is to abandon Guam and Hawaii. As for California,Californias social stability and economic development must be hithard if people are aware of the radiation exposure to coastalwaters and beaches in California. This is the first u s tax state,and theres a silicon valley there. So the only thing that the us -Japanese government can do is pray that scientists are wrong. Orlike the Japanese government to reduce nuclear radiation safetystandards after the accident, like self -comfort.

course, I pray that scientists are wrong. But if the wishbecomes a fact, no one is sure. If anyone wants to gamble on his orher familys health, its a personal matter. Japan stipulates thatChinese tourists to Japan northeast tourism can be free of threeyears visa!

July 1, , the Japanese government will issue a three-yeareffective visa to Chinese tourists visiting the earthquake-strickenareas in the northeast. For the first time, Chinese tourists andbusiness people in Iwate prefecture, Miyagi prefecture andFukushima prefecture in the tohoku earthquake disaster area will befree to enter Japan within three years. That is, to attract theChinese to the most serious radiation places! “

personally suggest that ordinary Chinese people and students mustlearn more about scientific knowledge, and have a sense of self -prevention and self - protection. Be safefirst.

wish the Chinese ordinary people and students to travel abroadhappily, because of private study successful, because of the smoothwork abroad, because of private business to go abroad to make afortune.

personally think that China is the highest level of socialsecurity management in the world, welcome the common people in allcountries of the world, welcome the worlds scientists, doctoralstudents, graduate students, university students to China travel,study, work, business.

live in Shanghai, Chinas beautiful Jinshan new city, Shanghaifrom the sea nearest new city, convenient transportation, fromShanghai south railway station to Shanghai Jinshan new metro line22, the express train is half an hour, shopping has Wanda plaza.The city planning is very good, there is broad road, traffic is notcrowded at all. The trees are full of green trees. The residentialdistrict environment is beautiful, Jinshan new town new high-riseresidential building, villa house type is very good, the houseprice is cheap, each square meters in the RMB 2300 to about 28,000yuan. The house has about 90 square meters of room with a newhouse. I am doing the real estate intermediary work, provides thehigh quality advisory service for everybody. Welcome to find me toconsult the house, my wechat: 1052031338 QQ: 1052031338 mobilephone: 13361809391

to the worlds scientists, doctoral students, graduatestudents, college students to the beautiful Jinshan new city inChina, Shanghai, learning, work,business.

the ordinary people from all over the world to thebeautiful Jinshan new city in Shanghai, China, to study, work anddo business.

friends from all over the world to Shanghai beautifulJinshan new city tourism, study, work, businessvisit.

welcome: / / / example / % E6 % 88 % 91 % E7 %9a % 84 % E8 % 8b % B1 % E6 % 88 % 91 % E7 % 9a % 84 % E7 % 9a % 84% E7 % 9a % 84 / 。

ordinary: / / / example / % E6 % 88 % 91 % E7 %9a % 84 % E8 % 8b % B1 % E8 % af % ad / 。

Welcome: / / / example / work / 。

live in Shanghai, China beautiful new city, Shanghai from thesea nearest new city, convenient transportation, from Shanghaisouth railway station to Shanghai Jinshan new metro line 22, theexpress train is half an hour, shopping has Wanda plaza., the cityplanning is very good, there is broad road, traffic is not crowdedat all. the residential district is beautiful, the residentialdistrict is beautiful, the residential district is new high - riseresidential building, villa house type is very good, the houseprice is cheap, each square metres in the RMB to about 28,000. thehouse has about 90 square

Http: / / / example / account /

Qq: 1052031338

Mobile: 086 - 13361809391

tel: 021 - 33696387

fish detection of radioactive cesium, according to JapansKyodo news, may 30, Japans marine research and development agencypublished in the British journal of science, said in the Britishjournal of science, from the Japan trench about 7,260 deep seabedsamples ( collected in July ), detected the Fukushima nuclearrelease radioactive elements, " cesium. ". The results show thatthe trace caesium - 134 containing 0. 02 bekkerel in each kilogramof soil. Caesium - 134 has a half-life of about two years, so itwas determined that it was released in the Fukushima nuclearaccident. This is the first time that radioactive cesium has beendetected in the deep sea. The research team believes that cesium isabsorbed by plankton bodies and settled on the bottom of theocean.

Japans Kyodo news agency reported that on July 12, JapansMinistry of the environment announced the results of the detectionof radioactive cesium active in samples of fish, crustaceans andinsects from December to January this year in the rivers,lakes and waters of Fukushima prefecture. In the river fish riverriver fish river, the highest level of radioactive cesium per kg of9,800 bekkerel was detected, significantly exceeding the standardfood standard of 100 bekkerel per kilogram inJapan.

reached 650 Xi to refresh the highest value at theFukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant on February 9, . Tokyoelectric power co., ltd sent a camera equipped with a " scorpion"robot to the nuclear power plant no 2 unit to test, found that thesafe shell of unit 2 is as high as 650 Xi per hour, updated thehighest value. The original plan to enter the safe shell 5 metersin depth detection of the robot, only 1 meter, there is an imagetransmission failure.

Japans tokyo electric power company said on 9, according toanalysis, the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant no 2 unit ofthe maximum radiation value of 650 Xi per hour, more than estimatedat 530 per hour per hour, re - refreshed the reactors internalradiation status of the highest guess. If a person is exposed tosuch radiation for a few seconds, he willdie.

Japan, the " 3 11" earthquake near the sixth anniversary, theFukushima nuclear power plant leakage again become a news focus,causing concern. This has to be questioned, in the past few years,in the face of such serious accidents, should the Japanesegovernment and the tokyo electric power company, which should beopen, transparent and prompt to take effective and effectivemeasures, really do their duty? However, it is extremelyregrettable that, in the face of the international communityschallenge to the " Fukushima sequela ", Japan has repeatedly deniedthe deliberate dilution and concealment of the magnitude of theFukushima nuclear accident and its harm.
