300字范文 > 诺贝尔文学奖艾丽斯•芒罗名言


时间:2024-04-29 06:22:37




“The thing about life, Harry had told Lauren, was to live in theworld with interest. To keep your eyes open and see thepossibilities - see the humanity - in everybody you met. To beaware. If he had anything at all to teach her it was that.”—RunAway

“生活的要义,哈里告诉劳莲,就是满怀兴趣地活在这个世界上。睁大你的眼睛,要从你所遇到的每一个人的身上看到各种可能性——看到他的人性。要时刻注意。如果他有什么可以传授给女儿的话,那就是这句话了:要时刻注意。”——《逃离》“The conversation of kisses. Subtle,engrossing, fearless, transforming.”—RunAway“爱的语言—— 微妙的、美好的和无惧的。”——《逃离》“There is a limit to the amount of misery anddisarray you will put up with, for love, just as there is a limitto the amount of mess you can stand around a house. You can knowthe limit beforehand,but you will know when youve reached it. I believe this.”“对于爱情,你所能承受的痛苦和混乱一定有一个限度,这就如同你对脏乱的房间有一个忍受限度一样。你不能预知这个界限在何处,但我相信,当你达到自己所能承受的极限时,你就会知道了。”“Never underestimate the meanness inpeoples souls... Even when they e being kind... especially whenthey e being kind.”“永远别低估那些深藏于人的灵魂中的刻薄……即使是当人们表现友善的时候……尤其是他们表现友善的时候。”“Because if she let go of her grief even fora minute it would only hit her harder when she bumped into itagain. ”“只要她试图放下自己的忧伤、哪怕仅仅一分钟,就会在下一次遭遇忧伤时被打击的更狠。”——《柳暗花明》“Moments of kindness and reconciliation areworth having, even if the parting has to come sooner orlater.”“人与人之间相互友善,相互和谐的时刻是值得珍惜的,即使早晚我们必须分离。”“Always remember that when a man goes out ofthe room, he leaves everything in it behind... When a woman goesout she carries everything that happened in the room along withher.” -Too Much Happiness“永远记住,当一个男人从房间里走出来时,他已经将一切回忆甩在身后。而当一个女人从房间里走出来时,她会将房间里的一切回忆随身带走。”——《太多的幸福》“Why is it a surprise to find that peopleother than ourselves are able to tell lies?”“当你发现其他人比自己更会说谎时,没有必要感到吃惊。”“In your life there are a few places, ormaybe only the one place, where something happened, and then thereare all the other places.”-Too Much Happiness“在你的生命中总有几个地方,或者也许只有一个地方,在那里发生了一些事,然后地球上任何其他地方对你来说都只是‘他乡’。”——《太多的幸福》“I can play bridge. I don play tennis.All those things that people learn, and I admire, there hasn seemed time for. But what there is time for is looking out thewindow.”“我不会玩桥牌,也不会打网球。那些别人会的休闲方式,我只是欣赏。我没有时间做那些事。我把时间都用来观察窗外的风景了。”
