300字范文 > 深度 | 香港中文大学(深圳)张大鹏教授:生物特征识别的新进展 | CCF-GAIR

深度 | 香港中文大学(深圳)张大鹏教授:生物特征识别的新进展 | CCF-GAIR

时间:2018-09-22 13:41:13


深度 | 香港中文大学(深圳)张大鹏教授:生物特征识别的新进展 | CCF-GAIR


-07-15 18:51:11


文 | 黄善清

AI 科技评论按:7 月 12 日-7 月 14 日, 第四届全球人工智能与机器人峰会(CCF-GAIR )于深圳正式召开。峰会由中国计算机学会(CCF)主办,雷锋网、香港中文大学(深圳)承办,深圳市人工智能与机器人研究院协办,得到了深圳市政府的大力指导,是国内人工智能和机器人学术界、工业界及投资界三大领域的顶级交流博览盛会,旨在打造国内人工智能领域极具实力的跨界交流合作平台。

7 月 12 日,香港中文大学(深圳)校长讲席教授、香港理工大学讲座教授、深圳人工智能与机器人研究院中心主任、IEEE Fellow 张大鹏教授为 CCF-GAIR 主会场「中国人工智能四十年专场 」做了题为「生物特征识别的新进展-纪念中国人工智能40年」的大会报告。以下为张大鹏教授所做的大会报告全文,感谢张大鹏教授的修改与确认。

非常高兴受邀参加本次会议,让我有机会汇报我的最新工作。今天我的讲题是“纪念中国人工智能40周年”,而我本人是中国学位法公布后首届入学的研究生,也是哈工大毕业的首个计算机博士,从1980 年入学开始算起,我基本见证了中国人工智能这 40 年的发展历程。

这是我研究生期间所能找到最早的一篇论文,选题与指纹识别有关。1984 年,陈光熙教授是我的博士生导师,图片展示的是当年哈工大进行博士学位论文答辩的场景。



1988 年,我在加拿大拿到我的第二个博士学位,一直到1995 年才来到香港,这时候已经过去了 23 年,这是我在香港工作时期的一些成果。


简而言之,我们将模式识别、图像处理做成了一个平台,紧接着通过该平台进行生物特征识别。我们在这方面做了许多新方法、新技术和新应用的探讨。其中,我们研发了 2DPCA 方法,截止目前引用率已经高达 3900 多次;此外,我们还在生物特征识别的鉴定方法上做了许多工作;鉴于生物特征识别主要更多是二维以及可见光的,我们又接着探讨三维以及波光谱的研究;针对三维生物特征识别上的工作,我们还发表了一本书。




作为接触式的生物特征识别方式,缺点包括有 5% 的人无法通过指纹进行识别,国际上也承认该方法的防伪能力存在缺陷。






掌纹识别研究发展至今,我们有很多文章被发表,同时也获得了诸多奖项的肯定。比如,我们在1998 年首次在国际上发表的掌纹识别文章,还出过掌纹识别的总结性书籍。国际上相关的 13篇文章中,我们占了其中 2 篇。这也是我国研发的首套掌纹系统。

系统落地——中医 & 美学





– Book:TongueImageAnalysis,SpringerSingapore,306pp.(舌像分析)

– Book:TongueDiagnostics,AcademicPress.650p,(舌像分析)

– “Robusttonguesegmentationbyfusingregion-based&edge-basedapproaches”Expert Systems with Applications 21, 42, Nov, 8027-38. . (舌像分割)

– “DetectingDiabetesMellitusandNonproliferativeDiabeticRetinopathyUsing Tongue Color, Texture, and Geometry Features”, IEEE Trans. on Biom. Eng. 2, 61, 491-501, . (舌像应用)

– “StatisticalAnalysisofTongueimageforFeatureExtractionanddiagnostics”IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, 22 (12), 5336-47, . (舌色分析 )

– “Ahighqualitycolorimagingsystemforcomputerizedtongueimageanalysis,”

– ExpertSystemwithApplications4,15,5854-66..(仪器设计)

–“ANewTongueColorcheckerDesignbySpaceRepresentationforPreciseCorrection,”IEEEJournalofBiomedical&Health Informatics 2, 17, 381-391, . (舌色校正)

– “TongueColorAnalysisforMedicalApplication,”Evidence-BasedComple-&Alter-Medi-,ID264742,11p,(舌色分析).

–“Fastmarchingoverthe2DGabormagnitudedomainfortonguebodysegmentation,”EURASIPJ.Adv.Sig.Proc.190.. (舌像分割)

– “Automatic tongue image segmentation based on gradient vector flow and region merging,” Neural Computing and Applications 8, 21,1819-26, . (舌像分割)

– “Tongueprint:AnovelbiometricsIdentifier,”PatternRecognition3,43,1071-1082,.(舌像应用)

– “Anoptimizedtongueimagecolorcorrectionscheme,”IEEETrans.onInf.Tech.inBio.6,14,1355-64,.(舌色校正)

– “Tongueshapeclassificationbygeometricfeatures,”Infor.Sci.2,180,312-324,.(舌型分析)

– “A snake-based approach to automated segmentation of tongue image using polar edge detector”, Inter.Journal of Image System & Technology 4, 16,103-112, . (舌像分割)

– “Automatedtonguesegmentationinhyperspectralimagesformedicine,”AppliedOptics34,46,8328-34,.(舌像分割)

– “Classification of hyperspectral medical tongue images for tongue diagnosis,” Com. Med. Imaging & Graphics 31, 672-678,. (舌像应用)

– “TheBi-ellipticalDeformableContouranditsApplicationtoAutomatedTongueSegmentationinChineseMedicine,”IEEE Trans. on Medi. Ima. 8, 24, 946-56, . (舌像分割)

–“ComputerizedDiagnosisfromTongueAppearanceusingQuantitativeFeatureClassification,”TheAmericanJournalofChinese Medicine (AJCM) 6, 33, 859-66, . (舌像分析)

– TongueImageAnalysisforAppendicitisDiagnosis,Infor.Sci.3,175,160-176,.(舌像分析)

– ComputerizedTongueDiagnosisBasedonBayesianNetworks,IEEETrans.onBio.Eng.10,51,1803-10,.



– Book: Electronic Nose: Algorithmic Challenges, Springer, . – Book: Breath Analysis for Medical Applications, Springer, .

– “Breath analysis for detecting disea. on respiratory, metabolic & digestive system,” Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering,

– “Learning domain-invariant subspace using domain features & indepe- Maxmization,” IEEE Trans. on Cybernetics

– “A novel medical e-nose signal analysis system,” Sensors 4,17,402.– “Efficient solutions for discreteness, drift & disturbance (3D) in electronic olfaction,” IEEE Trans. on SMC: Part A. (气味分析)

– “Temperature modulated gas sensing e-nose for low-cost/fast detection,” IEEE Journal 2,16,464-74,– “Calibration transfer & drift compensation of e-noses via coupled task learning,” Sensors & Actuators: B.225, 31, 288-297. (气味分析)

– “Correcting instrumental variation & time-varying drift: A transfer learning approach with autoencoders,”IEEE TIM 9, 65, -22. (系统设计)

– “A novel semi-supervised learning approach in artificial olfaction for e-nose application,” IEEE Sensor

Journal 12, 16, 4919-31. (系统设计)– “Improving the transfer ability of prediction models for electronic noses,” Sensors & Actuators: B.

Chemical 220, 115-124. (仪器设计)– “Domain adaptation extreme learning machines for drift compensation in e-nose systems,” IEEE Trans.on IM 7,64, 1790-1801. (气味分析)

– “Feature selection and analysis on correlated gas sensor data with recursive feature elimination,” Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, 212, 353-363. (气味分析)

– “Design of breath analysis system for diabetes diagnosis & blood glucose level prediction”, IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engineering 11, 61. (仪器设计)

– “Non-invasive Blood Glucose Monitoring for Diabetics by Means of Breath Signal Analysis,” Sensors & Actuators B 173,106-113, (气味分析)

– “Sparse representation-based classification for Breath sample identification,” Sensors & Actuators B

1,158, 43-53, (气味分析)

– “A LDA based sensor selection approach in breath system,” Sensors & Actuators B157, 265-274,

– “A novel breath analysis system based on electronic olfaction,” IEEE TBE 11, 57, 2753–63,



– Book: Computational Pulse Signal Analysis, Springer, Singapore,

– “Radial artery pulse waveform analysis based on curve fitting using discrete Fourier series”

Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine

– “A Robust Pulse Acquisition on Multisensor & Signal Quality Assessment,” IEEE TIM,

– “Generalized Feature Extraction for Wrist Pulse Analysis: from 1-D Time Series to 2-D Matrix,” IEEE JBHI 4, 21, 978-985. (脉象分析)

– “A Robust Signal Preprocessing Framework for Wrist Pulse Analysis,” Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 23, 62-75. (脉象分析)

– “Comparison of Three Different Types of Wrist Pulse Signals by Their Physical Meanings and Diagnosis Performance,” IEEE JBHI 1, 20, 119-127. (系统设计)

– “A novel multi-channel wrist pulse system with different sensor arrays,” IEEE TCM 7,64, -34.

– “An Optimal Pulse System Design by Multi-channel Sensors Fusion,” IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (J-BHI) 2, 20, 450-9, (系统设计)

– “A Compound Pressure Signal Acquisition System for Multi-Channel Wrist Pulse Analysis”, IEEE Trans. TIM 6, 63,1556-65, (仪器设计)

– “Combination of heterogeneous features for wrist pulse blood flow signal diagnosis via multiple kernel learning”, IEEE Trans. Infor. Tech. in BioMedicine 4, 16, 598-606, (脉象分析)

– “Computerized wrist pulse signal diagnosis using modified auto-regressive models,” Journal of Medical Systems 35(3): 321-328, (脉象分析)

– “Classification of Pulse Waveforms Using Edit Distance with Real Penalty.” EURASIP J. on Advances in Signal Pro., 303140: 1-9, (脉象分析)

– “Wrist Blood Flow Signal-based Computerized Pulse Diagnosis Using Spatial and Spectrum Features.” Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering, 3(4): 361-366, (脉象分析)

– “Wrist Pulse Signal Diagnosis using Modified Gaussian Models and Fuzzy C-Means Classification,” Medical Eng. & Phy. 31, 1283-1289, (脉象分析)

– “Baseline Wander Correction in Pulse Waveforms Using Wavelet-based Cascaded Adaptive Filter”, Computers in Biology and Medicine 37, 5, 716-731, (脉象分析)

– “Arrhythmia Pulses Detection by Ziv-Lempel Complexity Analysis”, RURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing , 1-12, (脉象分析)

– “Wavelet-based Cascaded Adaptive Filter for Removing Baseline Drift in Pulse Waveforms,” IEEE Trans. on Biome. Eng. 52,11,1973-1975, (脉象分析)

– “Modern researcher on Traditional Chinese Pulse Diagnosis”, European Journal of Oriental Medicine 4, 5, 46-54, (脉象分析)

– “Objectifying Researches on Traditional Chinese Pulse Diagnosis”, Informatics Medical Slovenica, August, 56-63, (脉象分析)



– Book: Voice Analysis for Medical Applications, Springer,

– “Joint Learning for Voice Based Disease Detection,” Pattern Recognition 87,130-39, .

– “Computerized voice analysis in biomedical field & its open challenges,” IEEE Access, .

– “Influence of sampling rate on voice analysis for the detection ofParkinson‘s disease,” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, .

– “Learning acoustic features to detect Parkinson’s disease,” Neurocomputing, .

– “GMAT: Glottal closure instants detection based on the Multiresolution Absolute TKEO,” Digital Signal Processing 69,286-299. .



– Book:InformationFusion:TechnologiesandApplications,Springer,

–“Visual Classification With Multikernel Shared Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model,” IEEE Trans. on Cybernetics 8, 49, 2886-99, .

–“Generative Multi-view and Multi-feature Learning for Classification,” Information Fusion 41, 215-26, . –“Body Surface Feature-based Multi-modal Learning for Diabetes Mellitus Detection,” Information Sciences.472, Jan. 1-14. .

–“Shared Auto-encoder Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model for Visual Classification,” IEEE TNNLS 9,29, 4272-86.

–“Joint discriminative and collaborative representation for fatty liver disease diagnosis,” Expert Systems

with Applications 89, Dec., 31-40.

–“Joint Similar and Specific Learning for Diabetes Mellitus and Impaired Glucose Regulation Detection,” Information Science 384, 191-204.




