300字范文 > asp.net mvc 页面传值的方法总结

asp.net mvc 页面传值的方法总结

时间:2020-03-31 17:49:27


asp.net mvc 页面传值的方法总结


Usual Methods to transfer data from Page To Page in MVC


In ( like in PHP and other Web frameworks) there are 2 clear entities:Server( code on the WebServer ) andClient( the HTML interpreted by the browser and javascript).

ServerandClientshares samecookies– meansClientandClientboth can read and write cookies.

Transfer from theClienttoServerhappens when

a) you click alink: the information to transfer is query string . That means, http://…/a?x=y&a=b will send information y ( associated to key x) and b( associated to key a). This is called aGET

b) you press asubmitbutton to send aFORM: the information is values of select and input. This is called aPOST.

c) you send information via javascript ( including AJAX) . Usually this can involve aPUT, aGET, or other ( seeREST).

d) Creating/Modifying and send cookies. The sending happens automatically by the browser .

Transfer from theServertoClient

a)sending text(HTML)/binary data. . The interpretation is done by the browser( how to display html, how to display send file …)

b) Creating/Modifying and send cookies . Browser will do automatically this.

WebForms way:

ForWebformsthe modalities to transfer are detailed by Peter Bromberg ,/tutorials/asp-net/e653f028-01fb-4d0e-843b-058deae562a2/eight-different-ways-to-transfer-data-from-one-page-to-another-page.aspx.

MVC way:

I want to discuss fromMVCperspective. InMVCwe have 2 distinct objects:VIEWandACTION. Both happens to run on theServer.

TheACTIONcan return aVIEWor ( or a redirect to) anotherACTIONor simply aFILETheVIEWprocesses a Model ( and a ViewBag/ViewData) and sends the text( HTML) data to theClient .

Instead of PAGES , we will discuss of VIEWS – because the VIEWS sends HTML data to the Client.

So, to transfer data betweenView1toView2in MVC is reduced to this:

a)Page1transfer data to the serverACTION1( by a,b,c,d methods in thePreamble )

b) The Action receives the values as his parameters ( by binding) and can do this:

b1) Return a differentView( using some logic :

if( a )

return View1(Model1);


return View2(Model1);

b2) Returning a Redirect toACTION2( that returnView2) or simply return the result of this action

return RedirectToAction(Action2(<parameters>)); //Used in Post/Request/GET,/wiki/Post/Redirect/Get

return Action2(<parameters>);

Resuming: Transfer betweemPAGEtoPAGEinMVCis really transfering fromACTIONtoACTION, besides the cookie that can be transferred directly by the browser.

9 Modalities to transfer data from Page to Page in MVC

Enough theory, let’s do some code. We have a Model to transfer namedModelTransfer


We have the firstView1(Index) and a secondView2(Transfer) that will server as an example. Also, we will have the more ACTIONS – one for each example of transfer – all are using theTRANSFERaction as an ultimate resort do see the View.

Method1: Transfer directly to the second View/Action .

? ?

Method2Index sends POST data to a [HttpPost] Index action, that performs some calculations and return a redirect.Usefull in PRG

? ?

Method3: No data send. The ServerAction just make some data to be transferred to the Transfer view, by TempData

? ?

Method4: No data send. The ServerAction just make some data to be transferred to the Transfer view, by Cache

Method5: No data send. The ServerAction just make some data to be transferred to the Transfer view, by Session

Method6: No data send. The ServerAction just make some data to be transferred to the Transfer view, by Application

Method7: No data send. The ServerAction just make some data to be transferred to the Transfer view, by HttpContext Items

Method8: By Cookies

? ?

Method9: By Javascript /Ajax.

It is an entire post by itself and you can see here:



In this post you have seen 9 methods to transfer data in MVC. As a bonus, the page dispolays also a message with Javascript( usefull for messaging like “Data Saved to database” messages to the user.

The code source you will find here:

Transfer Data Page to Page

It is made with Razor and MVC3 – but you can replace Razor with aspx and MVC3 with MVC2 also.

If you think I can improve this post, please leave some comment.


I used here hard coding values. Please learn about T4MVC and Html.EditorFor !

To learn more about MVC visit/mvc.

Default TempDataProvider is based on Session. There is one more , based on cookies.

Please do the exercises to gain self knowledge about MVC

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