300字范文 > 男人最爱丰满女人


时间:2022-08-27 07:24:06



Tina: Am I bound to be dying alone?我是不是要孤独终老啊? Mike: What? No. You are the hottest girl as far as I know.怎么了?怎么会?你是我见过的最性感的女生了。 Tina: Will you please top it, super lawyer who was kicked out by his boss?行了,别说了,大律师,还是一个刚被开除的律师。 Mike: See? The problem is your attitude. If you can treat me a little nicer, all men would be yours.看吧,问题在于你的态度。如果你对我稍微好点儿,天下男人都将是你的。 Tina: I am not going to buy your story. You can’t even convince your boss that you are capable enough to be a lawyer. It doesn’t matter anyway.我才不信你呢。你连你老板都说服不了?他都不信你可以做一个好律师。反正也无所谓了。 Mike: It matters to me. What’s the matter? Guy problem?对我有关系。出什么事情了?男人问题? Tina: The other day I met this man in a bar. He is kind of cute and he looks very decent. So I was thinking maybe he was my guy. So I went to talk to him. You know me. I don't uaually do that.几天前我遇见了一个人。他很可爱,看上去也挺正派。一开始我以为他就是我要的了。所以我就去跟他搭讪。你了解我的。我很少这么做。 Mike: He was a gay. So you feel embarrassed?他是同性恋吧。所以你感觉尴尬了? Tina: No. Everything was fine till I got his mail yesterday. I am cool with the one night thing. We both had fun. But he said a woman like me was only good for being a mistress. Is it true that when you guys are looking for wives, subconsciously you prefer those fat and well developed women?不是。一切发展很顺利直到我昨天收到他的电邮。就一夜而已,本来没什么。我们都挺开心。但是他说我这样的女人只能做情人。难道你们男人在寻找另一半的时候,潜意识里你们都偏爱比较肥的发育丰满的女人? Mike: Well, that depends. But it doesn’t sound true to me at least. Is he from Africa? Maybe he needs a woman with a big ass to give birth to as many children as she can.不一定的。至少我听起来不像真的。他是非洲人?可能需要一个大屁股的女人来给尽可能的开枝散叶吧。
