300字范文 > pdf转可编辑word文档_如何将文本从PDF文件转换为可编辑的Word 文档

pdf转可编辑word文档_如何将文本从PDF文件转换为可编辑的Word 文档

时间:2020-09-07 11:52:11


pdf转可编辑word文档_如何将文本从PDF文件转换为可编辑的Word 文档


Word offers a new feature, called PDF Reflow, that allows you to import PDF files into Word and edit the text as a Word document. You can then resave or export the text as a PDF file.

Word 提供了一项称为PDF Reflow的新功能,该功能使您可以将PDF文件导入Word并将其编辑为Word文档。 然后,您可以将文本重新保存或导出为PDF文件。

NOTE: The PDF Reflow feature in Word works best with documents that are mostly text. If there are graphics in the PDF file, Word seems to have issues with them, and you may lose your images. It may also take Word a few minutes to open a PDF file in edit mode, depending on how big the file is.

注意:Word 中的PDF重排功能最适合大多数为文本的文档。 如果PDF文件中有图形,则Word似乎存在问题,并且您可能会丢失图像。 Word也可能需要几分钟的时间才能在编辑模式下打开PDF文件,具体取决于文件的大小。

To open a PDF file in Word , click the FILE tab.

要在Word 中打开PDF文件,请单击文件选项卡。

Click the Open option on the left and then click Computer if your PDF file is on your local hard drive. You can also open files from SkyDrive or another location using Add a Place.

单击左侧的“打开”选项,如果您的PDF文件位于本地硬盘上,则单击“计算机”。 您也可以使用“添加位置”从SkyDrive或其他位置打开文件。

If opening a PDF file on your local hard drive, click one of the Recent Folders on the right or click the Browse button to find your file.


Navigate to the location of your PDF file, select it, and click Open.


The following dialog box displays, warning you about the time it may take to convert your document. It also warns you that your document may not look like the original if there are a lot of graphics.

显示以下对话框,警告您转换文档可能需要花费的时间。 它还警告您,如果有很多图形,您的文档可能看起来不像原始文档。

NOTE: You can skip this dialog next time by selecting the Don’t show this message again check box.


The PDF file opens in Word, and you can edit it, adding, deleting, changing, and moving text.


To convert the document back to a PDF file you can either save it as a PDF file or export it. We will show you how to save it as a PDF file. If you would rather export the file as a PDF file, use the Export option on the FILE tab and and select the PDF/XPS format.

要将文档转换回PDF文件,可以将其另存为PDF文件或将其导出。 我们将向您展示如何将其另存为PDF文件。 如果您希望将文件导出为PDF文件,请使用“文件”选项卡上的“导出”选项,然后选择PDF / XPS格式。

To save the file as a PDF file, click the FILE tab and click the Save As option on the left.


Select the location where you want to save the PDF file. You can save it to your SkyDrive account, your local hard drive using the Computer option, or a different location using Add a Place. We chose to save it to our local hard drive, so we selected Computer and then clicked Browse.

选择您要保存PDF文件的位置。 您可以将其保存到SkyDrive帐户,使用“计算机”选项保存到本地硬盘,或使用“添加地点”保存到其他位置。 我们选择将其保存到本地硬盘驱动器,因此选择“计算机”,然后单击“浏览”。

NOTE: To skip this screen and go directly to the Save As dialog box, see our article about bypassing the Backstage screen when saving new documents in Word .

注意:要跳过此屏幕并直接转到“另存为”对话框,请参阅有关在Word 中保存新文档时绕过Backstage屏幕的文章。

On the Save As dialog box, navigate to the desired location to save your PDF file and enter a name for the file in the File name edit box. Select PDF (*.pdf) from the Save as type drop-down list. The Options button displays providing you the opportunity to specify settings for your PDF file.

在“另存为”对话框中,导航到所需的位置以保存PDF文件,然后在“文件名”编辑框中输入文件的名称。 从“保存类型”下拉列表中选择PDF(* .pdf)。 显示选项按钮,使您有机会指定PDF文件的设置。

NOTE: We recommend saving your revised PDF file under a new name, leaving the original PDF file unchanged.


Change the desired settings for your PDF file on the Options dialog box and click OK.


You are returned to the Save As dialog box, where you can click Save to save your revised PDF file.


The new PDF file automatically opens in the default PDF reader.


To close your original PDF file, click the FILE tab in Word and click the Close option on the left.


You will be asked if you want to save changes to the original PDF file. Since we saved the revised PDF file with a new name, we don’t want to save changes to the original PDF file. Click Don’t Save to keep your original PDF file intact.

系统将询问您是否要将更改保存到原始PDF文件。 由于我们使用新名称保存了修订的PDF文件,因此我们不想将更改保存到原始PDF文件。 单击“不保存”以保持原始PDF文件不变。

For the example in this article, we created a PDF file using random text generated using the free tool discussed in this article.

对于本文中的例子中,我们使用使用此讨论的免费工具生成的随机文本创建一个PDF文件的文章 。

翻译自: /141476/how-to-convert-text-from-a-pdf-file-into-an-editable-word--document/

