300字范文 > 动名词/不定式的特殊句型 English

动名词/不定式的特殊句型 English

时间:2019-03-11 15:01:21


动名词/不定式的特殊句型 English


Special Structure with the Gerund and the Infinitive Special Structure with the Gerund动名词 1. There is no + gerund =It is impossible + infinitive Examples: There isno arguingwith him; he is too opinionated to listen to anyone else. 同他争辩没有用,他太固执己见听不见别人的意见。 There isno hidingof evil but (or:except) not to do it. 若要人不知,除非己莫为。 *Occasionally, the word NO in the structure can be replaced by NOT ANY or NEVER ANY:(偶尔no也可以被not any或者never any来替代) The man keeps worrying me to marry him; there isnot any (or:never any) gettingaway from him. 那个男人老是缠着我要嫁给他,我没法摆脱他。 2.No + gerund =不准.…… Examples: No parking. 不准停车。 No talking in the reading-room. 阅览室内不准讲话。 *In some cases the NO+NOUN structure can be used to indicate what is not allowed or prohibited:(在一些场合下,用No+名词形式来表示不被许可) No dogs in the restaurant. (不得携狗进入餐厅。) No unauthorized entry. (未经许可不得入内)3.How about (What about) + Gerund or NounHow about/what about放在句首,可以用来表示询问意见,或者对于某些事物表示关切。 Examples: How about/What about staying here till Saturday and leaving for Beijing Sunday? 我们在这里呆到星期六,星期天去北京,你看怎么样? What about/How about the child? We can’t just leave him here. 这孩子怎么办?我们不能就这样把他留在这里。 4.The + Gerund + Of +Object the +动名词+of+宾语的形式等同于“及物动词+宾语”。需要注意的是,如果该动词有其自己的名词形式,那么一般使用该名词形式+of而不是它的动名词形式。 Examples: The making of(not:for)quality steel (=Making quality steel)is of utmost importance to the development of heavy industry. 炼出优质钢对发展重工业至关重要。 How much money will be needed forthe carrying out ofthis research project? (实施这一科研计划需要多少钱?) My brother took upthe study(not: studying) oflaw a year ago. 我兄弟一年前开始攻读法律。 I don’t approve of yourtreatment(not:treating) ofthe theme in your thesis. 我不赞同你在论文中对该主题的论证。 Special Structure with the Infinitive不定式 1. 疑问词(What, Where, Which, Who, Whom, Whether and How)+ Infinitive Examples: I don’t knowwho(m) to askfor advice about this problem. 关于这一问题我不知道向谁请教。 Whether to buildan entertainment center around here has not been decided yet. 是否应该在附近建造一个娱乐中心目前还没有定论。 2.To Let, To Blame, To Seek The three infinitives are always active in form, though passive in meaning.这三个不定式结构通常用主动形式表达被动涵义。 Examples: This apartment isto let(not: to be let)for $300 a month.这套公寓供出租,月租金300美元。 You areto blame(notto be blamed)for this error. 这一错误得怪你。 The reason for his failure was not farto seek(not: to be sought).He was not diligent enough. 他失败的原因不难找到,他不够勤奋。 <script>O(0);</script>
