300字范文 > 2.9 直接/间接引语 - 宾语从句 need 实义动词/情态动词

2.9 直接/间接引语 - 宾语从句 need 实义动词/情态动词

时间:2021-12-21 16:28:11


2.9 直接/间接引语 - 宾语从句 need 实义动词/情态动词

1.successful adj.

successfully adv.

success n.

succeed v.

We will succeed in learning English.

2.alone adj. adv.

lonely adj.

The old lady lived alone, so she felt lonely.

Leave me alone!


陈述句:He will help us. I know that he will help us.(陈述句不变),that不做宾语从句的成分,可以省略。

特殊疑问句:What did he say? We know what he said. 疑问句变陈述句,主语在前,谓语在后。有特殊疑问词what,不需要that作为分隔符。

一般疑问句:Is she coming here? We know whether/ifshe is coming here.

"Was my operation successful?" He asked his doctor to tell him if his operation had been successful.

4.host -- hostness['həʊstɪs]n.女主人

prince -- princess[ˌprɪnˈses] 公主

5.globe[gləʊb] n.地球 强调全球

travel all around the globe

global adj.全球的,世界的

global warming

6.despair[dɪˈspeə(r)] n.绝望

They gave up to struggle[ˈstrʌgl] in despair.


His parents have despaired of him.

She didn't despair of reaching the shore safely(adv.平安的).

7."Will you be seeing it?" 用将来进行时进行提问,尤其是提出问题但是又不想迫使对方作出明确的答复时,将来进行时可以显得比一般将来时will更委婉客气

How will you pay for this?

How will you be paying for this?


If yougaveme more time, I would do it better.

If Iwere(不受人称的影响)you, I should seize the chance.

If Tedwereboss, he would make some changes.

If you ate more and talked less, we would both enjoy our dinner.

9.Look at oneself in the mirror[ˈmɪrə(r)].

10.need doing 需要被做某事,表示被动


11.I regretted[rɪˈgret] saying it almost at once(立刻).

12.She lookslike her father.like是介词

13.tune[tju:n] n.曲调

out of tune走调

play a tune on the piano

14.glimpse[glɪmps] n.一瞥 v.瞥见

She caught/had/gota glimpse of herself in the mirror.

15.muscular[ˈmʌskjələ(r)] movement 肌肉运动

16.obviously[ˈɒbviəsli] adv.明显的

The mistake is obvious[ˈɒbviəs] adj..

17.rise - rose - risen

The sun rises from the east.
