300字范文 > Nachos文件系统目录管理的解读


时间:2022-09-15 01:25:53








首先 当format 初始化文件系统的时候

//----------------------------------------------------------------------// FileSystem::FileSystem// Initialize the file system. If format = TRUE, the disk has//nothing on it, and we need to initialize the disk to contain//an empty directory, and a bitmap of free sectors (with almost but//not all of the sectors marked as free). ////If format = FALSE, we just have to open the files//representing the bitmap and the directory.////"format" -- should we initialize the disk?//----------------------------------------------------------------------FileSystem::FileSystem(bool format){ DEBUG('f', "Initializing the file system.\n");if (format) {BitMap *freeMap = new BitMap(NumSectors);Directory *directory = new Directory(NumDirEntries);FileHeader *mapHdr = new FileHeader;FileHeader *dirHdr = new FileHeader;DEBUG('f', "Formatting the file system.\n");// First, allocate space for FileHeaders for the directory and bitmap// (make sure no one else grabs these!)freeMap->Mark(FreeMapSector); freeMap->Mark(DirectorySector);// Second, allocate space for the data blocks containing the contents// of the directory and bitmap files. There better be enough space!ASSERT(mapHdr->Allocate(freeMap, FreeMapFileSize));ASSERT(dirHdr->Allocate(freeMap, DirectoryFileSize));// Flush the bitmap and directory FileHeaders back to disk// We need to do this before we can "Open" the file, since open// reads the file header off of disk (and currently the disk has garbage// on it!).DEBUG('f', "Writing headers back to disk.\n");mapHdr->WriteBack(FreeMapSector); dirHdr->WriteBack(DirectorySector);// OK to open the bitmap and directory files now// The file system operations assume these two files are left open// while Nachos is running.freeMapFile = new OpenFile(FreeMapSector);directoryFile = new OpenFile(DirectorySector);// Once we have the files "open", we can write the initial version// of each file back to disk. The directory at this point is completely// empty; but the bitmap has been changed to reflect the fact that// sectors on the disk have been allocated for the file headers and// to hold the file data for the directory and bitmap.DEBUG('f', "Writing bitmap and directory back to disk.\n");freeMap->WriteBack(freeMapFile); // flush changes to diskdirectory->WriteBack(directoryFile);if (DebugIsEnabled('f')) {freeMap->Print();directory->Print();delete freeMap; delete directory; delete mapHdr; delete dirHdr;}} else {// if we are not formatting the disk, just open the files representing// the bitmap and directory; these are left open while Nachos is runningfreeMapFile = new OpenFile(FreeMapSector);directoryFile = new OpenFile(DirectorySector);}}


Directory *directory = new Directory(NumDirEntries);

#define NumDirEntries 20

所以目录表里面新建了 20个目录表项

之后标记的是 Bitmap 和 Directory的文件头,分别是0 / 1 sector

freeMap->Mark(FreeMapSector); freeMap->Mark(DirectorySector);


ASSERT(mapHdr->Allocate(freeMap, FreeMapFileSize));ASSERT(dirHdr->Allocate(freeMap, DirectoryFileSize));

问题来了 Allocate的 DirectoryFileSize 是多少呢

#define DirectoryFileSize (sizeof(DirectoryEntry) * NumDirEntries)


所以 我改成了 20个表项,就目录表而言,必须要能放开20个表项的,但是至于往后磁盘的其他空间,他并不关心.


./nachos -D


class DirectoryEntry {public:bool inUse;// Is this directory entry in use?int sector;// Location on disk to find the // FileHeader for this file char name[FileNameMaxLen + 1];// Text name for file, with +1 for // the trailing '\0'int parent; // father dir 's indexint Child_Num; // dir's child numint children[MaxDirChildNUm]; // dir's children};#define MaxDirChildNUm 10 // the number of child that a dir can have

Entry Size = 1 + 4 + 10 + 8 + 10*4 bytes = 63bytes

而20个Entry 则20 * 63= 1260 bytes

1260 / 128 = 10 (向上取整),故最后目录表要占10个扇区,3 ~ 13

所以其他文件的数据都是从0x704开始写,最高地址为0x20004即文件数据块能占 32*32 - 13 个扇区

1260 / 128 = 10 (向上取整),故最后目录表要占10个扇区,3 ~ 13


所以其他文件的数据都是从0x704开始写,最高地址为0x20004即文件数据块能占 32*32 - 13 个扇区

