300字范文 > 街机飞机游戏合集_立即在Internet存档上播放1 785个经典街机游戏(无需四分之一)...

街机飞机游戏合集_立即在Internet存档上播放1 785个经典街机游戏(无需四分之一)...

时间:2020-03-26 12:44:58


街机飞机游戏合集_立即在Internet存档上播放1 785个经典街机游戏(无需四分之一)...


Arcades, in most cities, are a distant memory, but you can relive over a thousand classic games right now thanks to The Internet Archive.


The site, which aims to preserve our digital past, offers a massive collection of emulated arcade titles, which you can play here (via ). The collection currently includes 1,785 games, all emulated right in your browser.

该网站旨在保留我们的数字过去,提供了大量的模拟街机游戏标题, 您可以在此处 ( 通过进行播放 )。 该系列目前包括1,785款游戏,所有游戏都可以在您的浏览器中直接模拟。

Highlights you might remember include The Simpsons, Rampage: World Tour, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time. But there are all kinds of titles here most gamers have never heard of—especially gamers in North America.

您可能还记得的亮点包括《辛普森一家》 ,《 横冲直撞:世界巡回演唱会 》和《忍者神龟:时光之龟》 。 但是这里有大多数游戏玩家从未听说过的各种游戏,尤其是北美的游戏玩家。

A large number of titles were added in the past month or so. Here’s Jason Scott, the curator of this collection, in a blog post about recent the new additions:

在过去一个月左右的时间里添加了大量的标题。 这是该馆藏的策展人Jason Scott 在有关最新新增功能的博客文章中 :

Advancements by both the MAME emulator team and the Emscripten conversion process allowed our team to go through many more potential arcade machines and add them to the site.


The majority of these newly-available games date to the 1990s and early 2000s, as arcade machines both became significantly more complicated and graphically rich, while also suffering from the ever-present and home-based video game consoles that would come to dominate gaming to the present day. Even fervent gamers might have missed some of these arcade machines when they were in the physical world, due to lower distribution numbers and shorter times on the floor.

这些新推出的游戏大都可以追溯到1990年代和2000年代初,因为街机变得更加复杂和图形丰富,同时也遭受了永远存在的家用视频游戏机的支配,今天。 即使是狂热的游戏玩家,由于分布数量较少且在地板上的时间较短,因此在现实世界中可能会错过其中的某些街机。

Take some time to dive into the collection…you might find something you loved before, or will love now.


翻译自: /fyi/play-1785-classic-arcade-games-right-now-on-the-internet-archive-no-quarters-necessary/

