300字范文 > mysql表子查询(嵌套查询)


时间:2022-10-06 17:10:40





子查询是指嵌入在其它 sql 语句中的 select 语句,也叫嵌套查询

-- 如何显示与 SMITH 同一部门的所有员工?-- 1.先查出smith是哪一个部门的 2.在查询员工表中编号和smith相同的select * from emp where deptno = (select deptno from emp where ename = 'SMITH')-- 如何查询和部门 10 的工作相同的雇员,但是不含 10 号部门自己的雇员.-- 1.先查出部门为10的有哪些工作(使用distinct是因为查出的工作有相同的,需要去重)select * from emp where job in (select DISTINCT job from emp where deptno = 10) and deptno <> 10 -- 如何查询与 allen 的部门和岗位完全相同的所有雇员(并且不含 allen 本人)写法1:select * from (select deptno,job from emp where ename = 'allen') as temp,emp where temp.job = emp.job and temp.deptno = emp.deptno and ename <> 'allen'写法2:select * from emp where (deptno,job) = (select deptno,job from emp where ename = 'allen') and ename <> 'allen'-- 请查询 和宋江数学,英语,语文成绩 完全相同的学生方法1:select student.chinese,student.english,student.math,student.`NAME` from (select chinese,english,math from student where NAME = '宋江') as temp,student where temp.chinese = student.chinese and temp.english = student.english and temp.math = student.math and NAME <> '宋江'方法2:select * from student where (math,english,chinese) = (select math,english,chinese from student where NAME = '宋江') and NAME <> '宋江'


在MySQL中!=<>的功能一致,在sql92规范中建议是:!=,新的规范中建议为:<>值得一提的是=<=>以及is这三个运算符的用法(大家都知道 is 专门用来判断是否为 NULL,而=则是用来判断非NULL以外的所有数据类型使用。而<=>则是前两者合起来)

SELECT * FROM t_user WHERE username != "陈哈哈";

SELECT * FROM t_user WHERE username <> "陈哈哈";

SELECT * from t_user whereusernameis null;

SELECT * from t_user whereusername<=> null;

SELECT * from t_user whereusername= '陈哈哈';

SELECT * from t_user whereusername<=> '陈哈哈';

-- all和any操作符-- 显示工资比部门 30 的所有员工的工资高的员工的姓名、工资和部门号select * from emp where sal > all(select sal from emp where deptno = 30)select * from emp where sal > (select max(sal) from emp where deptno = 30)-- 如何显示工资比部门 30 的其中一个员工的工资高的员工的姓名、工资和部门号select * from emp where sal > any(select sal from emp where deptno = 30)select * from emp where sal > (select min(sal) from emp where deptno = 30)

-- 查找每个部门工资高于本部门平均工资的人的资料,使用一个数据查询小技巧,把一个子查询当做一个临时表使用SELECTename,sal,temp.avg_sal,emp.deptno FROMemp,( SELECT deptno, AVG( sal ) AS avg_sal FROM emp GROUP BY deptno ) temp WHEREemp.deptno = temp.deptno AND emp.sal > temp.avg_sal-- 查找每个部门工资最高的人的详细资料select * from emp,(select deptno,max(sal) max_sal from emp group by deptno) temp where emp.sal = temp.max_sal and emp.deptno = temp.deptno-- 查询每个部门的信息(包括:部门名,编号,地址)和人员数量select * from dept,(select count(*) deptNum,deptno deptno from emp group by deptno) temp where dept.deptno = temp.deptno


-- 查询ecs_goods表中各个类别中,价格最高的商品-- 1.先分类别查出ecs_goods表中,每个类别最大的价格,让其当做临时表去查询,在关联ecs_goods表匹配价格相等的数据select goods_id, ecs_goods.cat_id, goods_name, shop_price from (select cat_id,max(shop_price) as max_price from ecs_goods group by cat_id) as temp,ecs_goods where temp.max_price = ecs_goods.shop_price order by ecs_goods.cat_id
