300字范文 > IBM大型机技术学习笔记(三) - IBM的RACE技术

IBM大型机技术学习笔记(三) - IBM的RACE技术

时间:2018-08-10 13:26:23


IBM大型机技术学习笔记(三) - IBM的RACE技术

RACE - Re-hosting Applications on Competitive Consolidated Environments


RACE 技术要点

有效性Availability-高有效性 High availability - 操作小时 Hours of operations备份 / 还原/ 单边恢复Backup / Restore / Site Recovery- 备份 Backup - 灾难恢复 Disaster Scenario - 重建 Restore - 站点还原效果 Effort for Complete Site Recovery - 存储单元和网络SAN (Storage and Network) effort架构花费Infrastructure Cost-空间 Space - 电力 Power - 网络架构 Network Infrastructure - 存储单元架构 Storage Infrastructure - 安装硬件花费 Initial Hardware Costs - 软件花费 Software Costs - 维护费用 Maintenance Costs额外发展和执行 Additional development and implementation- 平台投资费用 Investment for one platform - 其他再生产 reproduction for others控制和财务 Controlling and Accounting-系统分析费用 Analyzing the system cost操作结果 Operations Effort- 监控和维护 Monitoring, Operating - 解决问题 Problem Determination - 服务管理工具 Server Management Tools - 整体服务管理 Integrated Server Management - 企业范围 Enterprise Wide安全性Security-授权和验证Authentication / Authorization - 用户管理 User Administration - 数据安全 Data Security - 服务和操作系统安全 Server and OS Security - RACF 和 其他解决方法 RACF vs. other solutions发展和支持 Deployment and Support- 系统编程 System Programming - 操作系统稳定性和SW级别 Keeping consistent OS and SW level - 数据库效果 Database Effort - 中间设备 Middleware - SW维护 SW Maintenance - SW整合(跨越防火墙) SW Distribution (across firewall) - 应用程序 Application - 技术升级 Technology Upgrade - 系统不间断升级 System Release change without interrupts操作概念 Operating Concept- 操作程序发展 Development of an operating procedure - 可发展程序可行性 Feasibility of the developed procedure - 自动化 Automation资源利用和表现 Resource Utilization and Performance- 混合的工作量和批处理包 Mixed Workload / Batch - 资源共享 Resource Sharing - 不共享和所有共享比较 Shared nothing vs. shared everything - 双子星系统和其他系统比较 Parallel Sysplex vs. Other Concepts - 系统响应时间 Response Time - 表现管理 Performance Management - 峰值处理和扫描 Peak handing / scalability整合 Integration- 功能性整合和执行功能比较(支持第三方工具) Integrated Functionality vs. Functionality to be implemented (possibly with 3rd party tools) - 平衡系统 Balanced System - 标准整合 Integration of / into Standards长期有效性发展方向 Further Availability Aspects- 计划性停机Planned outages - 非计划性停机 Unplanned outages - 自动接管 Automated Take Over - 不间断接管(特别对于数据库)Uninterrupted Take Over (especially for DB) - 跨各区间工作管理 Workload Management across physical borders - 商业持续性 Business continuity - 对于其他应用程序和项目的有效性评估 Availability effects for other applications / projects - 终端用户啊服务 End User Service - 终端用户生产力 End User Productivity - 虚拟机 Virtualization技术和资源 Skills and Resources- 个性化教育 Personnel Education - 资源有效性 Availability of Resources
