300字范文 > illustrator插件-常用功能模块-测量路径长度-js脚本开发-AI插件


时间:2020-04-18 13:24:21







var PMSLibs = confirm("此脚本会计算所选路径的长度及总长(毫米)\n\nAI脚本插件合集-插件定制,手机微信:18928899728");var ver10 = (version.indexOf('10') == 0);var verCS1 = (version.indexOf('11') == 0);var verCS2 = (version.indexOf('12') == 0);//var tim = new Date();main();//alert(new Date() - tim);function main(){// Settings =================================// use "PathItem.length" property if CS3 or latervar use_native_property = true;var font_size = 12;var font_name = "simsun";var digit = 2; // number of digits after decimal point (round off last digit)var use_mm_4_unit = true; // use millimeter as unit: true/false(use point)var put_text_on_the_first_layer = false;// true: put the texts on the first layer of the document. unlock and show it if it is locked or hidden.// false: put the texts on the active layer. if it is locked or hidden, put the text on the topmost// layer of the selection.var div_num = 1024;// ==========================================if(ver10 || verCS1 || verCS2){use_native_property = false;}if (documents.length<1){return;}var sel = activeDocument.selection;if (!(sel instanceof Array) || sel.length<1){return;}var selected_paths = [];extractpaths(sel, 1, selected_paths);if(selected_paths.length<1){return;}// prepares the layervar lay;if(put_text_on_the_first_layer){lay = activeDocument.layers[0];if(lay.locked) lay.locked = false;if(!lay.visible) lay.visible = true;} else {lay = activeDocument.activeLayer;if(lay.locked || !lay.visible){lay = selected_paths[0].layer}}var path_length = 0;var all_paths_length = 0;var unit = use_mm_4_unit ? "mm" : "";var position_to_write_result;var i, j, k;var path_points, segment_length;var results = [];for(i = 0; i < selected_paths.length; i++){if(use_native_property){path_length = selected_paths[i].length;} else {path_points = selected_paths[i].pathPoints;for(j = 0; j < path_points.length; j++){if(j == path_points.length - 1){if(selected_paths[i].closed){k = 0;} else {break;}} else {k = j + 1;}segment_length = getLength([path_points[j].anchor, path_points[j].rightDirection,path_points[k].leftDirection, path_points[k].anchor],div_num);path_length += segment_length;}}all_paths_length += path_length;// write out the resultif(use_mm_4_unit){path_length = pt2mm(path_length); // convert to millimeter}position_to_write_result = findCenter( selected_paths[i] );writeResultAsText(lay,fixedTo(path_length, digit) + unit,font_name,font_size,position_to_write_result,results);path_length = 0;}// write out the total lengthif(selected_paths.length > 1){if( use_mm_4_unit ){all_paths_length = pt2mm( all_paths_length ); // convert to millimeter}position_to_write_result[1] -= font_size;writeResultAsText(lay,"所选路径总长" + fixedTo(all_paths_length, digit) + unit,font_name,font_size,position_to_write_result,results);}activeDocument.selection = results.concat(selected_paths);}// ------------------------------------------------// return the segment length// segment = part of a path between 2 anchors// q = [Q0[x,y],Q1,Q2,Q3], div_num = division number// Simpson's method : with simplified coefficients to speed-upfunction getLength(q, div_num){var div_unit = 1 / div_num; var m = [q[3][0] - q[0][0] + 3 * (q[1][0] - q[2][0]),q[0][0] - 2 * q[1][0] + q[2][0],q[1][0] - q[0][0]];var n = [q[3][1] - q[0][1] + 3 * (q[1][1] - q[2][1]),q[0][1] - 2 * q[1][1] + q[2][1],q[1][1] - q[0][1]];var k = [m[0] * m[0] + n[0] * n[0],4 * (m[0] * m[1] + n[0] * n[1]),2 * ((m[0] * m[2] + n[0] * n[2]) + 2 * (m[1] * m[1] + n[1] * n[1])),4 * (m[1] * m[2] + n[1] * n[2]),m[2] * m[2] + n[2] * n[2]];var fc = function(t, k){return Math.sqrt(t * ( t * ( t * ( t * k[0] + k[1]) + k[2]) + k[3]) + k[4]) || 0;};var total = 0;var i;for(i = 1; i < div_num; i += 2){total += fc(i * div_unit, k);}total *= 2;for(i = 2; i < div_num; i += 2){total += fc(i * div_unit, k);}return (fc(0, k) + fc(1, k) + total * 2) * div_unit;}// ------------------------------------------------// less simplified Simpson's method (for verify)function getLength2(q, div_num){var div_unit = 1 / div_num;var m = [q[3][0] - q[0][0] + 3 * (q[1][0] - q[2][0]),3 * (q[0][0] - 2 * q[1][0] + q[2][0]),3 * (q[1][0] - q[0][0])];var n = [q[3][1] - q[0][1] + 3 * (q[1][1] - q[2][1]),3 * (q[0][1] - 2 * q[1][1] + q[2][1]),3 * (q[1][1] - q[0][1])];var fc = function(t, m, n){return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(3*t*t*m[0] + 2*t*m[1] + m[2], 2)+ Math.pow(3*t*t*n[0] + 2*t*n[1] + n[2], 2)) || 0;};var total = 0;var i;for(i = 1; i < div_num; i += 2){total += 4.0 * fc(i * div_unit, m, n);}for(i = 2; i< div_num; i+= 2){total += 2.0 * fc(i * div_unit, m, n);}return (fc(0, m, n) + fc(1, m, n) + total) * div_unit / 3;}// ------------------------------------------------// convert PostScript point to millimeterfunction pt2mm(n){return n * 0.35277778;}// ------------------------------------------------// writes out "str" as a Text object.// AI10 compatibility is experimentalfunction writeResultAsText(lay, str, nam, siz, posi, results){if(ver10){var tx = lay.textArtItems.add();with(tx){contents = str;with(textRange()){font = nam;size = siz;}position = [posi[0]-width/2, posi[1]+height/2];}results.push(tx);} else {var tx = lay.textFrames.add();with(tx){contents = str;with(textRange){with(characterAttributes){size = siz;textFont = textFonts.getByName(nam);}with(paragraphAttributes){justification = Justification.LEFT;autoLeadingAmount = 120;}}position = [posi[0]-width/2, posi[1]+height/2];}results.push(tx);}}// ------------------------------------------------// find out the center[x, y] of the PageItemfunction findCenter(pi){var gb = pi.geometricBounds; // left, top, right, bottomreturn [(gb[0] + gb[2]) / 2, (gb[1] + gb[3]) / 2];}// --------------------------------------function extractpaths(s, pp_length_limit, paths){for(var i = 0; i < s.length; i++){if(s[i].typename == "PathItem"&& !s[i].guides && !s[i].clipping){if(pp_length_limit&& s[i].pathPoints.length <= pp_length_limit){continue;}paths.push(s[i]);} else if(s[i].typename == "GroupItem"){extractpaths(s[i].pageItems, pp_length_limit, paths);} else if(s[i].typename == "CompoundPathItem"){extractpaths(s[i].pathItems, pp_length_limit , paths);}}}// ------------------------------------------------// notify 1st character's font name in the selected text objectfunction getFontName(){if (documents.length<1){return;}var s = activeDocument.selection;var text_object = ver10 ? "TextArtItem" : "TextFrame";if (!(s instanceof Array)|| s.length<1|| s[0].typename != text_object|| s[0].contents.length<1){alert("Usage: Select a text object, then run this script");} else if(ver10){alert(activeDocument.selection[0].textRange(0,0).font);} else {alert(activeDocument.selection[0].textRange.characters[0].textFont.name);}}// ------------------------------------------------// It seems that "toFixed" is not available in AI10function fixedTo(n, k){var m = Math.pow(10 ,k);var s = (Math.round(n * m)) + "";if(k <= 0){return s;}while(s.length < k + 1){s = "0" + s;}var len = s.length - k;s = s.substr(0, len) + "." + s.substr(len, k);s = s.replace(/0+$/, "");s = s.replace(/\.$/, "");return s;}



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