300字范文 > 亚马逊kindle设置_如何让您的Amazon Echo大声朗读您的Kindle书

亚马逊kindle设置_如何让您的Amazon Echo大声朗读您的Kindle书

时间:2023-06-22 15:59:03


亚马逊kindle设置_如何让您的Amazon Echo大声朗读您的Kindle书


Ever wish you could read your books while doing other stuff at the same time? Sure, you could listen to Audiobooks with Audible, but your Amazon Echo can also read yourKindle ebooks to you out loud. Here’s how.

曾经希望您可以在同时做其他事情的同时阅读书籍吗? 当然,您可以使用Audible收听有声读物 ,但您的Amazon Echo也可以大声朗读Kindle电子书。 这是如何做。

Even if you already use Audible on a regular basis, it’s likely that there are some books that don’t have an audiobook version, so using the Kindle Books read-aloud feature on the Amazon Echo is a great alternative. You won’t get the smooth, calm voices from real people reading books aloud like on audiobooks–instead, Alexa herself will read aloud Kindle ebooks in her mildly robotic voice–but it at least works.

即使您已经定期使用Audible,也可能有些书没有有声书版本,因此使用Amazon Echo上的Kindle Books朗读功能是一个不错的选择。 真实的人不会像有声读物那样大声地朗读书籍,而不会获得平稳,平静的声音-相反,Alexa自己会以柔和的机器人声音大声朗读Kindle电子书,但至少可以正常工作。

The good news is that your Kindle ebook library is already linked to your Amazon Echo, so you can go ahead and give the device voice commands and begin listening to your Kindle books. One thing to keep in mind, though, is that not every Kindle book is supported by the Echo, but you can go into the Alexa app and see which of your Kindle ebooks are supported.

好消息是,您的Kindle电子书库已链接到您的Amazon Echo,因此您可以继续执行设备语音命令并开始聆听Kindle书。 但是要记住的一件事是,并非Echo支持所有Kindle电子书,但是您可以进入Alexa应用程序,查看支持哪些Kindle电子书。

To do this, tap on the sidebar menu button in the top-left corner of the screen in the Alexa app.


Select “Music & Books”.


Tap on “Kindle Books” at the bottom.

点击底部的“ Kindle Books”。

From there, all of the supported Kindle ebooks that you own will appear in the list.


When you tap on one, Alexa will immediately begin playing it on the Amazon Echo.

当您点击一个时,Alexa将立即开始在Amazon Echo上播放它。

You don’t have to go into the Alexa app at all, though. Obviously, the whole point of the Echo is using voice commands to do everythinghands-free. So, to listen to your Kindle books, just say:

不过,您根本不必进入Alexa应用程序。 显然,Echo的重点在于使用语音命令来实现免提操作。 因此,要收听您的Kindle书,只需说:

“Alexa, read my Kindle book.”

“ Alexa,读我的Kindle书。”

“Alexa, read my book, [title]”

“ Alexa,读我的书,[标题]”

“Alexa, play the Kindle book, [title].”

“ Alexa,播放Kindle书,[title]。”

“Alexa, read [title].”

“ Alexa,请阅读[title]。”

You can also use voice commands to control your Kindle book, like pausing, rewinding, etc.


“Alexa, pause.”

“ Alexa,暂停。”

“Alexa, resume.”

“ Alexa,简历。”

“Alexa, play.”

“ Alexa,玩。”

“Alexa, stop.”

“ Alexa,停下来。”

The commands below allow you to navigate paragraphs:


“Alexa, skip back.”

“ Alexa,跳回来。”

“Alexa, skip ahead.”

“ Alexa,向前跳。”

“Alexa, go back.”

“ Alexa,回去。”

“Alexa, go forward.”

“ Alexa,前进。”

“Alexa, next.”

“ Alexa,下一个。”

“Alexa, previous.”

“ Alexa,以前。”

Unfortunately, you can’t navigate based on chapters like you can with Audible audiobooks, but the controls you do get are quite impressive.


翻译自: /253409/how-to-make-your-amazon-echo-read-your-kindle-books-out-loud/

