300字范文 > 计算机应用技术综评 VB学生综合测评系统--毕业论文.doc

计算机应用技术综评 VB学生综合测评系统--毕业论文.doc

时间:2024-03-01 19:39:38


计算机应用技术综评 VB学生综合测评系统--毕业论文.doc


论文方向: 软件工程

论文题目: 学生综合测评系统设计

专 业: 计算机应用技术

小组成员: 李建学 马粉艳 韩亚

曾桂菊 郑艳琴 张明忠

指导教师: 谢树云


摘 要



论绍Visual Basic6.0技术统设计个块的实现统的测试调试统开发过问题和问题的决。


本文文件主要利用 Microsoft Visual Basic6.0编语进开发,Microsoft Access数库证数较参考照软义从问题义、总设计详细设计编码和单测试综测试软维护帮编写来讨论综测评统务

关键词综测评统统设计统测试统规数库;Visual BasicAbstract

During college,school students in each semester must undertake a comprehensive evaluation, that the scholarship, student provide the necessary basis for。Therefore, whether the student's comprehensive evaluation points accurate, timely, fair count out of the relationship is very important.

Present form mainly by students, the class teacher to collect student information, the beginning of the semester under the Comprehensive details of calculation of evaluation performance appraisal, evaluation, including moral, intellectual, physical education, comprehensive ability and other aspects, and fill out evaluation results table.

Comprehensive evaluation manual calculation is a very complex process: first, calculate each student's own comprehensive evaluation results, made of grass form, handed over to Class Council?; then Class Council? check results will be made of electronic documents on entry to the faculties the relevant departments. This approach results from the manual calculation of personal evaluation, there may be errors; each semester to repeat tabulation, format, different from unity; not complete and comprehensive evaluation related to class management.

The paper introduces the Visual Basic6.0 technology, systems analysis and design, the realization of the various functional modules, system testing debugging, and system development process, problems encountered and problems solved.

Therefore, developing a student's comprehensive evaluation system is nec
