300字范文 > [5] 语法课 独立主格 虚拟语气

[5] 语法课 独立主格 虚拟语气

时间:2020-12-20 19:09:27


[5] 语法课 独立主格  虚拟语气

[ 练习]

① 谁该⼲这项⼯作,这个问题需要考虑。同位语[4]

The questionwho should do the work requires considerations.

② ⼈们认为他们可以利⽤假期从⽇常⽣活中获得⽚刻休息。宾语从句[3]

People thinkthatthey have vacations to take breaks from their daily routines.

③ 你的答案和他的到底有什么区别呢?强调句[4]

How is ityour answer differs from his?

[ 独立主格]


① 多⽤于书⾯语

② 独⽴主格 = 名词 / 代词+ 分词 等

③ 独⽴主格结构的 名词 / 代词 与 分词 之间有逻辑上的主谓关系

④ 主谓关系 ≠ 主谓结构,独⽴主格 ≠ 句⼦

⑤ 独⽴主格的主语 和 句⼦的主语 不⼀样。

⑥ 独⽴主格作状语表⽰时间、原因、条件、伴随、⽬的以 及状态等,修饰整个句⼦。

The test finished, we began our holiday.

= When the test was finished, we began our holiday.


[ 构成 ]

1. [ 名词 / 代词] + [ 现在分词 / 过去分词 / 形容词 / 副词 / 不定式/ 名词 / 介词短语 ]

① 名词 / 代词 +现在分词 (doing)


Night enshrouding the earth, nobody could make out what the dark mass was from a distance.

② 名词 / 代词 +过去分词


He was listening attentively in class, his eyes fixed on the blackboard.

③ 名词 / 代词 +不定式两者如果是主动的逻辑关系,则⽤主动;如果是动宾关系,则⽤被动形式

我们四⼈同意分⼯⼲, 每⼈翻译全书的四分之⼀。

The four of us agreed on a division of labor, eachto translatea quarter of the book.


Many trees, flowers, and grassto be planted, our newly built school will look even more beautiful.

④ 名词 / 代词 +形容词


Computers very small, we can use them widely.

⑤ 名词 / 代词 +副词


The meeting over, our headmaster soon left the meeting room.

⑥ 名词 / 代词 +名词


His first shot failure, he fired again.


Two hundred people died in the accident, many of them children.

⑦ 名词 / 代词 +介词短语


He lay at full length upon his stomach, his head resting upon his left forearm

2. With,without 引导的独⽴结构

with (without) + 宾语(名词 / 代词)+ 宾语补⾜语


He stood at the door, with a computer in his hand.

= He stood at the door, computer in hand.

[ 句法功能 ]

1. 作时间状语

The governorponderingthe matter, more strikes gathered across his path.


2. 作条件状语

Weatherpermitting, they will go on an outing to the beach tomorrow.


3. 作原因状语

Therebeingno further business to discuss, we all went home.


4. 作伴随状语或补充说明

Ten students entered for the competition,the youngest a boy of 12.

⼗个学⽣报名参加了这次竞赛,年级最⼩的是个12岁的男 孩。

5. 作定语(功能 = 定语从句)

He is the person with a lot of questions to be settled.


[ 虚拟语气]

1. 虚拟 = ⾮真实 / 现实 / 事实虚拟语⽓可表达怀疑、忧虑、推测、假设、想象或祝愿等。

① 和事实状况不符:如果我是你……

② 假设不能成真:如果我能长出翅膀……

2. 虚拟语⽓的时态

① 虚拟过去:不符合已经发⽣的事实,e.g. 如果我昨天没有……

② 虚拟将来:不太可能,e.g. 如果我明天被1000w砸到……


真实条件句 v.s. 虚拟条件句 形式:If + A, B.

① 如果我们能预防校园暴⼒,那么青少年犯罪率会⽐现在低得多。现在时 did were -- would do

If wecouldprevent school violence, the juvenile crime ratewould bemuch lower than now.

② 要不是冰河世纪,恐龙可能存在得更久。过去时 had done -- would have done

If ithadnotbeenfor the Ice Age, the dinosaursmight have survivemuch longer.

[ 练习 ]

1. if 虚拟条件句——虚拟过去[ The Third Conditional ]had done + would have done

① 如果他当时没跑那么快,他就抓不到贼了。

If hehad not run, hewould have not caughtthe thief. catch--caught

② 如果你当时更⼩⼼,你就不会摔断腿了。

If youhad beenmore careful, youwould have not brokenyour leg.

2. if 虚拟条件句——虚拟现在[ The Third Conditional ]did / were + would do

① 他没钱,如果他有钱,他会买⼀辆很快的车。

He doesn’t have any money. If hehadthe money, hewould buya fast car.

② Jane喜欢住在城⾥,如果她住在乡下,她会不开⼼。

Jane likes living in a city. Shewould be unhappy, if shelivedin the country.

3. if 虚拟条件句——虚拟将来 [ The Third Conditional ]

did / were | were to do | should to do+ would do

① 如果有来世,我将娶你为妻。

If Iwere to livemy life again, Iwould haveyou as my wife.

In the future, if Ihad(have) a lot of money, Iwouldbuy a villa.

If that should happen, I would kill myself.

[ 阅读练习]

Yet it may be incorrect to lay the blame entirely on human action. Several of the lowland cities, such as Tikal, appear to have depended heavily on the cultivation of raised fields set in the marshy depressions known as bajos, which today flood intermittently in the rainy season but may originally have been permanent lakes. The raise-field system of intensive cultivation (created by digging surrounding canals and using the soil removed to elevate the fields for planting) allows year-round food production through the constant supply of soil nutrients that erode into the drainage ditches dug around the raised fields, nutrients that are then collected and replaced. Stable water levels were essential to this subsistence system, but evidence from Lake Chichancanab in Yucatan shows that between A.D 800 and A.D 1000 this region suffered its driest period of climate in several thousand years. We may expect that as a result water level fell, and the raised fields in many areas became unusable. But the human response must be viewed through the lens of the social, political, and cultural circumstances. These exerted a powerful mediating effect on the way the Maya endeavored to cope with their difficulties. Had population levels been lower, the impact of the drought may not have been catastrophic, as it was, the Maya were already reaching the limits of the available subsistence capacity, and Mayan elites had espoused certain social and political agendas (including expensive warfare and competition with each other).It was against this specific background that a period of drought led quickly to crisis and collapse.

12. According to paragraph 5, all of the following made it more difficult for the Maya to cope with effects of the drought EXCEPT

A.failureto properly cultivate the fields

B. highpopulationlevels

C.competitionbetween Mayan groups

