300字范文 > c语言中英文字母的符号 C语言中的符号(国外英文资料).doc

c语言中英文字母的符号 C语言中的符号(国外英文资料).doc

时间:2023-04-25 20:48:03


c语言中英文字母的符号 C语言中的符号(国外英文资料).doc



The symbol in C

The operator's type C operator can be divided into the following categories:

The arithmetic operator

For all kinds of numerical operations. Including the plus (+) and minus (-), multiply (*), in addition to (/), yu (or operator, %), since the increase (+ +), minus (-), a total of seven.

The relationship operator

For comparison. Including the greater than (>), less than ( =), less than or equal to (< =), and is not equal to six (! =).

Logical operators

For logical operations. Including (&), or (| |), not (!). Three.

Bit operation operator

The amount of the operation is performed by the binary digit. Including and (&), or (|), not (~) and an exclusive or (^), left (< >) six.

The assignment operator

Used for assignment operators, divided into simple assignment (=), composite arithmetic assignment (+ = - =, * = / =, % =) and compound operation assignment (& =, | = ^ =, >, > =, < < =) three categories, a total of 11 kinds.

The conditional operator

This is a triadic operator that is used for conditional evaluation (? :).

The comma operator

Used to combine several expressions into an expression ().

The pointer operator

To fetch the content (*) and take the address (&) two operations.

Find the byte operator

The number of bytes used to calculate the data type (sizeof).

Special operators

Parenthesis (), subscript [], member (-,.), etc.

The data type of C

Primitive type, type of structure, pointer type, empty type

Classification and characteristics of basic types

Type specification byte numeric range

Character char 1 C character set

Basic int 2-32768 ~ 32767

Short integer short int 2-32768 ~ 32767

Long integer long int 4-214783648 ~ 214783647

Unsigned unsigned 2 0 ~ 65535

Unsigned long integer unsigned long 4 0 ~ 4294967295

Single precision float 4 3/4e - 38 ~ 3/4e + 38

Double precision double 8 1/7E - 308 ~ 1/7E + 308

3. Constant suffix

L or L long integer

U or U has no s
