300字范文 > 【考研英语语法】名词从句的虚拟 主语从句 WH-形式的引导词引导名词从句

【考研英语语法】名词从句的虚拟 主语从句 WH-形式的引导词引导名词从句

时间:2018-07-31 05:09:46


【考研英语语法】名词从句的虚拟 主语从句 WH-形式的引导词引导名词从句

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Used when we say that things are (un)important or (un)desirable. 当我们说某件事情是否重要或者是否有意愿的时候

形式:(should) + 动词原型

It’s important that the child go to a first-class school.这里不要误以为是 goes, 表达虚拟语气时,用的是 (should) go, should 可以省略,但是在翻译时翻译出应该

We were anxious that everybody (should) receive the information as soon as possible.,变否定,在 receive 前加 not

He suggested that I (should) move to another city. 这里表达时一个过去的动作,建议我,表示想要我搬去,变否定在 move 前 + not

Eric is concerned that the club close. Eric 担心这个俱乐部会关门,表示他不想这个俱乐部关门

He says that the club is closing.

The doctor recommends that she be allowed to sit up out of bed for an hour a day. (should) be allowed表达推荐就有想要的含义

It’s important that somebody (should) talk to the policeman.

She wished (or It was her wish) that her money (should) go to charity.

I insisted that the contract (should) be read aloud.

2.上述 should + 动词原型的表达含义

① Used after words expressing the importance of an action 往往表达事物的重要性。

② Used after words expressing personal reactions and judgements.表达个人的反应和判断

~~~~~~ It’s surprised that you (should) say that to me.

~~~~~~ It was strange / odd that you should have invited Emma.

3.that 引导名词从句:无含义

I heard about his idea that we should agree. 对抽象名词 idea 进行解释,同位语从句

I hope that you will be happy. 宾语从句,这里的 that 可以省略

It’s essential that you come. 主语从句

My iead is that we should agree 表语从句,that 可以省略

Lucy said that she was feeling better. 宾语从句,这里的 that 也可以省略

注:以上均无含义,只起到语法上引导从句的功能,表达含义上来看,不需要考虑,且当 that 引导宾语从句时,可以省略,表语从句的 that 也可省略,但是主语从句和同位语从句的不可省略。


1.形式: the fact that …

That she was foreignmade it difficult for her to get a job. 主语从句

The fact thatshe was foreign made it difficult for her to get a job. 主语从句变为同位语从句,后面解释说明 fact


1. who、when、where、why、what、which、(how)

主语:Who you inviteis your business. 主语从句,其中最重要的就是形式主语

宾语:Do you seehow he treats me? 宾语从句

~~~~ how + 形容词、副词 表示多么,是程度副词,how diverse …

~~~~ I often think about where I met you. 介词后的宾语从句

表语:A hot bath iswhat I need.表语从句


~~~~ I have no idea whether it will rain or not

Eric told me where he was going. 间接引语,宾语从句

Ask her when she will be ready. 间接引语,宾语从句

I’m surprised at her speed.

I’m surprised at how fast she can run.(相较而言比较不正式,没有上句简洁,口语中会用到)

2. 形式主语/主语从句:变成尾重的形式

Who you invite is your business. 头重脚轻,这种形式正确,但是不地道

It is your business who you invite.引入 it 代替 后面真正的主语 Who you invite

whether / if :直接引语是一般疑问句的时候,将其转化为间接引语(名词从句),需要使用 whether 这个词。在 引语部分 有详细介绍

Whether you love mereally matters. whether 引导主语从句,转变规则和变为间接引语相同

‘Do you love me ?’ => She asked mewhether I loved her.宾语从句

The question iswhether you love me.表语从句

注:在句首只能用 whether

Whether you can stay hereisn’t yet certain.

3. Whoever、Whatever 、Whichever 更多引导主语从句与宾语从句

Whoever phoned just nowwas very impolite. 主语从句

Usewhichever room you like. 宾语从句,which 这个词在引导名词从句时必须加名词,表示那个 …

Whatever is in that boxis making a funny noise. 主语从句

4. 形式主语 it ☆☆☆

That he hasn’t phoned is odd. 头重脚轻

It is odd that he hasn’t phoned.

It’s amazing that she can speak so many languages.

It’s amazing how many languages she spoke.

To read page 154 is important.

It is important to read pay 154.

It is good to relax at the beach.

Seeing you was nice.

It was nice to see you.

5. 形式宾语

① 当句中有宾语补足语时,且宾语较长(宾语从句/不定式),就需要引入形式宾语

I find that Eric is away odd.

I finditodd that Eric is away.

Lucy’s blister madeit a problemto walk.

I find it difficult to make sentences with correct grammatical rules.

② regard / consider / view / see … as …,其中 as 前的宾语如果较长,可以用 it 替换,将真正的宾语放到 as 后面

I regarditas thoroughly bad mannersthat they never thanked us.

注:两个条件:宾语补足语 宾语较长做宾语从句或不定式时

6. 形式宾语的特殊使用情况

1、owe it to … to do … 把 … 归因于

~~~~leave it to … to do … 把做 … 事情留给谁

~~~~~We owe it to the government to help those who need help.

~~~~~I’ll leave it to you to inform the other members.

2、like / love / hate it + 从句

~~~~~ We love it when you sing English songs.

3、take it that … 我猜测

~~~~~ I take it that you won’t be working tomorrow. = I assume / suppose that …

4、 … would appreciate it if …

~~~~~ I would appreciate it if you would keep me informed.

~~~~~ I would appreciate it if you could reply me at your earliest convenience.(书信作文结尾经典句型)
