300字范文 > excel中的菜单栏自定义_如何在Excel中自定义和使用状态栏


时间:2020-04-23 06:05:24




The status bar at the bottom ofExcel’s window can tell you all kinds of interesting information,such as whether Num Lock is on or off, the page number, and the average of numbers in selected cells. Even better, you can easily customize thestatus bar to show just the information you want.

Excel窗口底部的状态栏可以告诉您各种有趣的信息,例如Num Lock是打开还是关闭,页码以及所选单元格中数字的平均值。 更好的是,您可以轻松自定义状态栏以仅显示所需的信息。

To show and hide items on the status bar, right-click anywhere on the status bar and select the items you want to see. Any items preceded by a check mark will display on the status bar. Note that some items only display on the status bar under certain conditions, even when they are enabled. The Customize Status Bar popup menu stays open so you can select and deselect multiple options. Simply click anywhere outside the popup menu to close it.

要在状态栏上显示和隐藏项目,请右键单击状态栏上的任意位置,然后选择要查看的项目。 任何带有复选标记的项目将显示在状态栏上。 请注意,某些项目仅在某些条件下才显示在状态栏上,即使已启用它们。 “自定义状态栏”弹出菜单保持打开状态,因此您可以选择和取消选择多个选项。 只需单击弹出菜单外的任意位置即可将其关闭。

In this article, we will describe how some of these options work, and you can also read more about all of the status bar options in Excel.

在本文中,我们将描述其中某些选项的工作方式,并且您还可以阅读有关Excel中所有状态栏选项的更多信息 。

The “Cell Mode” option on the status bar is enabled by default and displays the current cell editing mode on the far left side of the status bar. “Ready” indicates a general state, ready for input. “Enter” displays when you select a cell and start typing or press “F2” twice to start entering data. When you double-click a cell or press “F2” once on a cell to enter data directly in the cell, “Edit” displays as the cell mode. Lastly, “Point” displays when you start to enter a formula and then click the cells to be included in the formula.

默认情况下,状态栏上的“单元格模式”选项处于启用状态,并在状态栏的最左侧显示当前单元格编辑模式。 “就绪”表示准备输入的一般状态。 选择单元格并开始键入时,将显示“ Enter”,或者按两次“ F2”开始输入数据。 双击单元格或在单元格上按一次“ F2”以直接在单元格中输入数据时,“编辑”将显示为单元格模式。 最后,当您开始输入公式然后单击要包含在公式中的单元格时,将显示“点”。

The “Caps Lock”, “Num Lock”, and “Scroll Lock” options are indicators that show whether these keyboard featuresare toggled on or off. When these indicators are enabled, they display on the status bar when their respective features are toggled on. If the features are off, you will not see the indicators on the status bar. So, don’t be surprised if you don’t see the indicators on the status bar right away when you enable these options.

“ Caps Lock”,“ Num Lock”和“ Scroll Lock ”选项是指示符,显示这些键盘功能是打开还是关闭。 启用这些指示灯后,将其各自的功能打开时,它们会显示在状态栏上。 如果功能关闭,您将不会在状态栏上看到指示器。 因此,启用这些选项时,如果您没有立即在状态栏上看到指示器,请不要感到惊讶。

Note that clicking on these indicators does not toggle the features on and off. You can only do so from the keyboard.

请注意,单击这些指示器不会打开或关闭功能。 您只能从键盘上进行操作。

Most of the time, Excel is in “Insert Mode”, which inserts text you type without replacing the text that’s already there. Overtype Mode allows you to replace whatever is to the right of the insertion point as you type. The Insert key on your keyboard allows you to toggle between Insert Mode and Overtype Mode. However, you can’t tell whether Overtype Mode is on or off unless you type something to find out. The “Overtype Mode” option for the status bar indicates whether Overtype Mode is on or off and works the same way as the Caps Lock, Num Lock, and Scroll Lock indicators. When the Overtype Mode option for the status bar is enabled, and Overtype Mode is on, you will see the indicator on the status bar.

在大多数情况下,Excel处于“插入模式”,它会插入您键入的文本,而不替换已有的文本。 改写模式允许您在键入时替换插入点右侧的任何内容。 键盘上的插入键可让您在插入模式和改写模式之间切换。 但是,除非您键入要查找的内容,否则您无法确定改写模式是打开还是关闭。 状态栏的“改写模式”选项指示改写模式是打开还是关闭,并且与Caps Lock,Num Lock和Scroll Lock指示器的工作方式相同。 启用状态栏的改写模式选项并且启用改写模式时,您将在状态栏上看到指示器。

Note that the Insert key on the keyboard will always toggle between the Insert Mode and Overtype Mode while you are in Excel. You cannot disable this functionality of the Insert key in Excel like you can in Word.

请注意,在Excel中时,键盘上的插入键将始终在插入模式和改写模式之间切换。 您不能像在Word中那样禁用Excel中Insert键的此功能。

The Selection Mode option on the status bar is enabled by default and indicates which mode is being used when you are extending or adding to a selection of cells. “Extend Selection” displays on the status bar when you press “F8” to extend the current selection of contiguous cells using the arrow keys. When you want to add a non-contiguous cell or range of cells by pressing Shift+F8, “Add to Selection” displays on the status bar.

默认情况下,状态栏上的“选择模式”选项处于启用状态,并指示在扩展或添加到单元格选择中时使用的是哪种模式。 当您按下“ F8”以使用箭头键扩展当前连续单元格的选择时,状态栏上将显示“扩展选择”。 当您想通过按Shift + F8添加不连续的单元格或单元格区域时,状态栏上将显示“添加到选择”。

The View Shortcuts option is enabled by default and adds buttons to the status bar for displaying the “Normal” view, “Page Layout” view, and “Page Break Preview” view. Use these buttons to change the view of the current worksheet. Each worksheet in your workbook can have a different view.

“查看快捷方式”选项默认情况下处于启用状态,并向状态栏添加按钮以显示“普通”视图,“页面布局”视图和“分页预览”视图。 使用这些按钮可以更改当前工作表的视图。 工作簿中的每个工作表可以有不同的视图。

The Page Number option on the status bar is enabled by default and displays the current page number and total number of pages on the left side of the status bar. However, the page number only displays when the Page Layout view is selected from the View Shortcuts described above.

默认情况下,状态栏上的“页码”选项处于启用状态,并在状态栏的左侧显示当前页码和总页数。 但是,仅当从上述“视图快捷方式”中选择“页面布局”视图时,才会显示页码。

The Average, Count, and Sum options on the status bar are enabled by default. “Average” displays the average calculated from any selected cells containing numerical values. The number of cells currently selected that contain data is indicated by “Count”. “Sum” pretty much does what it says on the tin and displays the sum of the numerical values in the selected cells.

默认情况下,状态栏上的平均,计数和总和选项处于启用状态。 “平均值”显示从任何选定的包含数值的单元格计算得出的平均值。 当前选定的包含数据的单元数由“计数”指示。 “ Sum”几乎与锡上的内容相同,并显示所选单元格中数值的总和。

If you want to know how many cells in the current selection contain numerical values, turn on the “Numerical Count” option on the status bar. You can also find out the “Minimum” and “Maximum” numerical values in the currently selected cells.

如果您想知道当前选择中有多少个单元格包含数字值,请打开状态栏上的“数字计数”选项。 您还可以在当前选定的单元格中找到“最小”和“最大”数值。

The Zoom percentage and Zoom slider are enabled by default and allow you to zoom in to have a closer look at your worksheet, or zoom out to see more of your worksheet at once. Clicking the “Zoom” percentage on the far right side of the status bar opens the Zoom dialog box allowing you to select a percentage of magnification, fit the selection to the window, or enter a custom percentage. You can also use the Zoom slider to quickly zoom in and out or use the “Zoom Out” (minus) and “Zoom In” (plus) buttons.

默认情况下,“缩放百分比”和“缩放”滑块处于启用状态,可让您放大以更仔细地查看工作表,或缩小以一次查看更多工作表。 单击状态栏最右边的“缩放”百分比,将打开“缩放”对话框,您可以在其中选择放大百分比,使选择适合窗口或输入自定义百分比。 您还可以使用“缩放”滑块快速放大和缩小,或使用“缩小”(减号)和“放大”(加号)按钮。

In earlier versions of Excel, you could hide the status bar if you wanted more space available for your worksheets. However, that capability was removed starting with Excel . So you might as well make it as useful as possible.

在早期版本的Excel中,如果希望为工作表提供更多空间,则可以隐藏状态栏。 但是,从Excel 开始删除了该功能。因此,您最好使其尽可能有用。

翻译自: /247261/how-to-customize-and-use-the-status-bar-in-excel/

