300字范文 > 计算机中重命名的英文单词 重命名是什么意思

计算机中重命名的英文单词 重命名是什么意思

时间:2019-11-16 13:04:06


计算机中重命名的英文单词 重命名是什么意思

1. 多步重命名功能,允许多个步骤进行合并,不像其他工具,一个操作工作可以处理复杂的重命名。

The multi-step renaming feature allows multiple renaming steps to be combined to deal with complex renaming jobs in a single operation.

2. 单击节点选中它,再单击一次,就可以重命名此节点;或者双击节点,在弹出的对话框中也可以重命名节点;或者在屏幕下方的属性窗口重新指定名称。

From here, we will rename some of the nodes and transitions to make the process more readable. To do this, click on the node and the name will become enterable, or double click and use the dialog to enter the new name.

3. Photo Namer 该软件允许你重命名你的图像文件。

Software Description: About Photo Namer, This program allows you to rename your image files.

4. 类别提供丰富的配置文件,支持先进的设置为您的个性化,使您保存并命名该配置文件,您也可以重命名和删除的未来。

Offer abundant profiles in category, support advanced settings for you to personalize, and enable you to save and name the profile which you can also rename and delete in future.

5. 首先,两列已重命名。

First off, two columns have been renamed.

6. 该软件还拥有许多省时的功能,诸如可重复使用的文件夹布局和文件重命名规则。

It also has many time-saving features, such as reusable folder layouts and file naming rules.

7. 重命名每首曲目的标题,以配合这首歌的名字。

Rename every track's title to match the song's name.

8. 支持720 p/1080i的影像-播放档案的电脑,通过有线以太网( 1 0/100)-重放所记录的内容,在硬盘;重放档案储存在硬碟-直接播放该档案的外部设备,如U S B驱动器,硬盘,智能卡阅读器(通过u sb 2 0.0主机端口)-支持多种文件格式:的M PEG1/2/4 ,转换,音频,视像/格式/数码影碟,m p3/wma,杜比数字,a c3,的J PEG,柯达图片光盘-快速前进/扭转,重复播放-看照片以各种方式:旋转,缩放,音乐幻灯片播放转让/存储功能-与U S B2.0的目标端口和U S B2.0主机端口-工作作为U SB硬碟当连接到US B端口的电脑档案储存/备份/转让(通过USB2.0的目标端口)-支持U SB驱动器,硬盘,智能卡阅读器的数据交换(通过U SB2.0主机端口)编辑记录的音频/视频标题,没有电脑-硬盘格式-抗体抹掉的,分裂的所有权,合并名称,地址章马克-复制,删除,重命名终端:复合视频,复合视频,分量视频输出,左/右音频,左/右音效输出,迷你光学音效输出,接头R J45网络端口,U SB2.0主机,USB 2.0接口目标硬盘支持的IDE硬盘,支持FAT32文件的支持和FAT32和NTFS电源::DC12V ( 1.5A和)耗电:789,6瓦特。

Support 720p/1080i - Playback files in PC through wired Ethernet (10/100Mbps)- Playback the recorded contents in HDD; Playback the files stored in HDD - directly playback the files on external devices like USB drive, HDD, Card reader(through USB2.0 Host Port)- support multiple file format: MPEG 1 /2/4, DivX, Xvid, VCD/SVCD/DVD, MP3/WMA, Dolby digital, AC3, JPEG, Kodak picture CD - fast forward/reverse, repeat playback - view Pictures in various ways: Rotate, zoom, music slide show Transferring/storage function - with USB2.0 Target port and USB2.0 Host port - work as USB HDD when connected to USB port on PC for file store/backup/transfer (through USB2.0 Target port)- supports USB drive, HDD, Card reader data exchange (through USB2.0 Host port) Editing recorded A/V title without PC - HDD format - AB Erase, split title, merge title, add chapter mark - Copy, delete, Rename Terminals: Composite video in, composite video out, component video out, left/right audio in, left/right audio out, mini optical audio out, RJ45 net port, USB2.0 Host, USB 2.0 Target HDD Support IDE HDD, support FAT32 File Support FAT32 and NTFS Power: DC12V(1.5A) Power consumption: 1W, 6W.

9. 该软件允许你添加前缀和后缀字符,替换字符,更改名称大小写,更新时间戳,MP3 智能重命名,一览表,过滤不合法字符以及 MP3 ID3 v1 标识。

It allows you to prefix or postfix characters, replace characters, change name cases, update time stamps, MP3 smart rename, enumeration, illegal character filtering and MP3 ID3 v1 tagging.

10. 有10个重命名的规则为您的选择。

There are 10 renaming rules for your choice.

11. 重命名是什么意思

11. 重命名,所以我决定写一个外壳扩展将你为我做。

Renaming so I decided to write a shell extension which would do it for me.

12. 首要的,是它的批量重命名功能。

The first and foremost, is its batch renaming capabilities.

13. 重命名您的帐户将自动重置您的帐户,作为新的。

Renaming your account will automatically reset your account as New.

14. 重命名tREFtREFI在DDR200/266

Rename tREF to tREFI at DDR200/266

15. 四十天后为孩子取名,老赛地肉孜托了人去找重外孙的父亲斯迪克,一边通知远近的亲戚和相熟的人来参加他重外孙的命名仪式。

A naming ceremony should be held in the 40th day after her birth. Saderoz asks a man to find the baby's father Stick. Meanwhile, he notifies his relatives and acquaintances far and near to attend the naming ceremony of his great granddaughter.

16. Xrefactory是一个Emacs和XEmacs的重构浏览器,提供了多项目支持,源代码浏览器,智能感知输入提示的代码完成,安全符号重命名的重构,参量处理,字段/方法的提取,字段封装,字段/方法的移动,等等。

Xrefactory - Xrefactory is a refactoring browser for Emacs and XEmacs providing multiple projects support, source browser, intellisense code completion, refactorings for safe symbol renaming, parameter manipulations, function/method extraction, field encapsulation, moving of fields/methods, etc.

17. 它能很快将所有在当前文件夹的文件进行重命名。

It will soon be all in the current folder to rename the file.

18. 在KTM车队的示范项目,我们重命名该文件。

In the KTM Demonstration program, we renamed the file.

19. 这是一种通用的重命名机制

This value can be assigned to another name which

20. 你必须不重命名或移动该文件。

And you must NOT rename or move that file.
