300字范文 > 我的世界服务器连接协议 go-mc: Minecraft(我的世界)各种协议的Go实现

我的世界服务器连接协议 go-mc: Minecraft(我的世界)各种协议的Go实现

时间:2022-04-14 07:17:18


我的世界服务器连接协议 go-mc: Minecraft(我的世界)各种协议的Go实现


There's some library in Go support you to create your Minecraft client or server.





Realms Server

RCON protocol

Saves decoding /encoding

Minecraft network protocol

Simple MC robot lib


Swing arm

Get inventory

Pick item

Drop item

Swap item in hands

Use item

Use entity

Attack entity

Use/Place block

Mine block

Custom packets

Record entities


Some examples are at /cmd folder.


1.13.2 version is at gomcbot.

Getting start

After you install golang:

To get latest version: go get /Tnze/go-mc@master

To get old versions (eg. 1.14.3): go get /Tnze/go-mc@v1.14.3

First of all, you might have a try of the simple examples. It's a good start.

Run Examples

Run go run /Tnze/go-mc/cmd/mcping localhost to ping and list the localhost mc server.

Run go run /Tnze/go-mc/cmd/daze to join local server at localhost:25565 as Steve on offline mode.

Basic Useage

One of the most useful functions of this lib is that it implements the network communication protocol of minecraft. It allows you to construct, send, receive, and parse network packets. All of them are encapsulated in go-mc/net and go-mc/net/packet.

这个库最核心的便是实现了Minecraft底层的网络通信协议,可以用与构造、发送、接收和解读MC数据包。这是靠 go-mc/net 和 go-mc/net/packet这两个包实现的。

import "/Tnze/go-mc/net"

import pk "/Tnze/go-mc/net/packet"

It's very easy to create a packet. For example, after any client connected the server, it sends a Handshake Packet. You can create this package with the following code:


p := pk.Marshal(

0x00, // Handshake packet ID

pk.VarInt(ProtocolVersion), // Protocol version

pk.String("localhost"), // Server's address

pk.UnsignedShort(25565), // Server's port

pk.Byte(1), // 1 for status ping, 2 for login


Then you can send it to server using conn.WritePacket(p). The conn is a net.Conn which is returned by net.Dial(). And don't forget to handle the error.^_^


Receiving packet is quite easy too. To read a packet, call p.Scan() like this:


var (

x, y, z pk.Double

yaw, pitch pk.Float

flags pk.Byte

TeleportID pk.VarInt


err := p.Scan(&x, &y, &z, &yaw, &pitch, &flags, &TeleportID)

if err != nil {

return err


As the go-mc/net package implements the minecraft network protocol, there is no update between the versions at this level. So net package actually supports any version. It's just that the ID and content of the package are different between different versions.


Originally it's all right to write a bot with only go-mc/net package. But considering that the process of handshake, login and encryption is not difficult but complicated, I have implemented it in go-mc/bot package, which is not cross-versions. You may use it directly or as a reference for your own implementation.


Now, go and have a look at the example!
