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mysql 的innoDB和NDB数据库引擎

时间:2019-01-20 10:45:38


mysql 的innoDB和NDB数据库引擎



以mysql cluster NDB 7.3和MySQL 5.6之InnoDB为例:


MySQL Cluster NDB存储引擎用分布式, shared-nothing的架构实现,这使其和innodb有不少不同之处。比如事务、外键、表限制等,具体见下表:

Theseare shown in the following table:




如何选择memory存储引擎或mysql cluster:

When to Use MEMORY or MySQL Cluster.

Developers looking to deploy applications that use the MEMORY storage engine for important, highly available, or frequently updated data should consider whether MySQL Cluster is a better choice. A typical use case for the MEMORY engine involves these


• Operations involving transient, non-critical data such as session management or caching. When the MySQL server halts or restarts, the data in MEMORY tables is lost.

• In-memory storage for fast access and low latency. Data volume can fit entirely in memory without causing the operating system to swap out virtual memory pages.

• A read-only or read-mostly data access pattern (limited updates).

MySQL Cluster offers the same features as the MEMORY engine with higher performance levels, and provides additional features not available with MEMORY:

• Row-level locking and multiple-thread operation for low contention between clients.

• Scalability even with statement mixes that include writes.

• Optional disk-backed operation for data durability.

• Shared-nothing architecture and multiple-host operation with no single point of failure, enabling 99.999% availability.

• Automatic data distribution across nodes; application developers need not craft custom sharding or partitioning solutions.

• Support for variable-length data types (including BLOB and TEXT) not supported by MEMORY.

MEMORY存储引擎和MySQL Cluster的更多细节对比参见白皮书《Scaling Web Services with MySQL Cluster: An Alternative to the MySQL Memory Storage Engine》

Table15.4MEMORYStorage Engine Features


myisam, memory, ndb, archive, innodb存储引擎功能汇总:

Table15.1StorageEngines Feature Summary

要选mysql cluster要根据ndb存储引擎的特征和应用场景做详细测试,安装简测见我的博文《centos65安装简测mysql cluster 7.3.7》/beiigang/article/details/43485585
