300字范文 > macbook air_每次插入MacBook Pro或Air时如何听到提示音

macbook air_每次插入MacBook Pro或Air时如何听到提示音

时间:2022-07-16 11:14:35


macbook air_每次插入MacBook Pro或Air时如何听到提示音

macbook air

The new MacBook, first released in , makes a chime sound every time you plug the MacBook in, just like the iPhone and iPad. But the MacBook Pro and Air don’t–unless you enable this hidden feature.

新款MacBook于首次发布,每次插入MacBook时都会发出铃声,就像iPhone和iPad一样。 但是MacBook Pro和Air不会,除非您启用了此隐藏功能。

While thisfeature is only enabled by default on theMacBook, PowerChime.app–which causes the sound–is present in macOS on any Mac. All you need to do is run a single command to enable it. If you’ve got a fraying charger, or live in a house with some loose plugs,hearing that your charger is workingcan be a godsend. (Thanks to GitHub user herbischofffor discovering and sharing this trick.)

虽然仅在MacBook上默认启用了此功能,但在任何Mac上的macOS中都存在PowerChime.app(会发出声音)。 您需要做的就是运行一个命令来启用它。 如果您的充电器破旧不堪,或者住在插头松动的房屋中,听说您的充电器正在工作可能是天赐之物。 (感谢GitHub用户herbischoff发现并分享了这一技巧。)

如何在MacBook Pro或Air上启用PowerChime (How to Enable PowerChime on Your MacBook Pro or Air)

To enable PowerChime.app, you need to open the Terminal. Head to Applications > Utilities or search Spotlight for “Terminal”.

要启用PowerChime.app,您需要打开终端。 转到“应用程序”>“实用程序”,或在Spotlight中搜索“终端”。

Then,paste this command and hit Enter:


defaults write com.apple.PowerChime ChimeOnAllHardware -bool true; open /System/Library/CoreServices/PowerChime.app &

defaults write com.apple.PowerChime ChimeOnAllHardware -bool true; open /System/Library/CoreServices/PowerChime.app &

Commands can seem like magic spells, but they’re not that complicated. Here’s how this particular one breaks down:

命令看似魔术,但并不复杂。 以下是这种特殊情况的分解方式:

defaultsis a program on your Mac that changes settings.


The wordwriteis you tellingdefaultsthat you want to change something.


com.apple.PowerChime ChimeOnAllHardware -bool truerefers to the specific settings you want to change.

com.apple.PowerChime ChimeOnAllHardware -bool true您要更改的特定设置。

The;ends the first command and starts a second one


opentells your Mac to open a program


/System/Library/CoreServices/PowerChime.appis the PowerChime application itself.


After running the command, you will hear a sound every time you plug in your MacBook Pro or Air. Neat, right?

运行该命令后,每次插入MacBook Pro或Air时,您都会听到声音。 整洁吧?

在MacBook Pro或Air上禁用Power Chime (Disable Power Chime on Your MacBook Pro or Air)

If you decide you don’t like this, here’s the command to reverse what you just did:


defaults write com.apple.PowerChime ChimeOnAllHardware -bool false;killall PowerChime

defaults write com.apple.PowerChime ChimeOnAllHardware -bool false;killall PowerChime

The first command is largely the same as before, just with the wordfalseinstead oftrue. The second command, which comes after;, shuts down PowerChime.app instead of launching it.

第一个命令与以前基本相同,只是单词false而不是true。 第二个命令,后面是;,请关闭PowerChime.app而不是将其启动。

为什么这甚至存在? (Why Does This Even Exist?)

So, why does is this hidden setting even offered? As stated before, it’s because of the MacBook.

那么,为什么还要提供这种隐藏设置呢? 如前所述,这是由于的MacBook。

That MacBook uses USB Type-C to charge, instead of the Magsafe charger used by the MacBook Pro and Air lines. The Magsafe charger is one of Apple’s best creations, and includesa visible light that lets you know when you’re plugged in. The USB Type-C charger that comes with the MacBook doesn’t offer that, so users needed some other way to quickly confirm the device was actually charging. This sound is it.

那个MacBook使用USB Type-C充电,而不是MacBook Pro和Air系列使用的Magsafe充电器。 Magsafe充电器是Apple最好的产品之一,并且包括可见光,可让您知道何时插入电源。MacBook随附的USB Type-C充电器不提供此功能,因此用户需要其他方式快速确认设备实际正在充电。 就是这个声音。

We’re not sure why the new MacBook doesn’t just use the Magsafe, but it’s cool that the sound also works on other devices.


Photo credit: MarLeah Cole/Flickr

图片来源: MarLeah Cole / Flickr

翻译自: /274191/how-to-hear-a-chime-every-time-you-plug-in-your-macbook-pro-or-air/

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