300字范文 > 计算机科学个人陈述中文 计算机申请专业个人陈述范文

计算机科学个人陈述中文 计算机申请专业个人陈述范文

时间:2020-10-05 04:59:30


计算机科学个人陈述中文 计算机申请专业个人陈述范文




i assumed much before i began to write down the PS. However,

holding the pen, I suddenly felt wordless because i've an excessive

amount of to mention, an excessive amount of to write down.

Standing at the crossroad of life, i decided to review abroad and

not using any hesitations.



It was not the will for the life overseas, however the

pursuit of my proreadroused my idea to review abroad. i used to be

eager for the extrareadand embedded understanding of the essence of

knowledge Science, tasting its charm. Pocketing this interest, I

came into the dep. of Beijing Forescheck outUniversity. Through

several years’ readthere, I gradually realized thon the 摩登

datasociety needed not just the professionalfessional talents in

datascience, but in addition the embedded researches on this field

so as to make use of it into each enterprise. Meanwhile, it's

surethon the tips science is justthe developing trfinishone day,

which mayhistorically amendmentthe ever familiar lifestyle.

Therefore, within the means of learning, i will be able to taste

its interest and challenge, with which i will be able to

remainabreast with the most recent technology. Furthermore, i feel

it was valuable for me to contribute my youth into the tips

Science, probably the most mavenspective enterprise one day.


My ordinary score on my school report will inform you that

it's not that i am smartat examinations. Those so-known

as“examination skills” also are stdiversityto me. Instead, I

emphasize the practicaloperations and the actual needs of the

society, expecting to be informed the dataand technology that

stands on the highest of the period. Therefore, i'm goingt the most

recent knowledge mainly by reading great quantityof English books

and peremployingthe internet sites. Besides, I participated in lots

of practical activities, by which i coulduse what i've learnt into



In my sophomore year, only as other schoolmates were

submerging themselves into the fairy globalof PC games, i started

my part time working experience by working as a technician on the

internetsite of a small company. only at that exciting time, i

discovered that it was very trickyto make use of the theories I

learnt on eleganceinto the practicalwork. Trapped within the gap

between the varsity and society, I collected and summarized much

practical profiles from a chain of internet sites and learnt the

HTML language and the CSS design on my own. From the basicattempt

within the society, i noticed that i'm goingt much from

difficulties as opposed to smooth work. On designing the tips a

part of the internetsite, i couldnot locatethe very most

efficientcombination between the files. However, as a

troublesome-nosed boy, i used to be not defeated by the

difficulties, but very excited towards them. By classifying and

summarizing the files i discovered at the internet sites, i

eventually solved the issue.





making the most of my insistent efforts, i used to be

finally kissed by a possibilityto take part in a developing

project, by which I worked as a core assistant of my teacher to

develop the Iptables module under Linux. From a theoretical

perspective, the developmentof the module may well be included

within the fundamentaltheories of the operating system. However, it

was another challenge for me because i used to be not conversant on

this systemming of system module. Finally, i discovered the related

knowledge on a boknamed “Module Programming”. way to my repeated

attempts, times of failures, eventually, presented me with the

general success. Through this custom, i think firmly that failure

is the access to the success.




I had a dream once I used to be only a child----becoming a

member in Chinese Academy of Science, the pioneer of the science

and technology in China. My senior year witnessed me to succeed in

my dream. Under the advice of my teacher, i'm goingt the

possibilityto work with the professionalfessors in automation

department of CAS on developing the interface according to the

biometric authentication technology. Two weeks was a little while,

but a harvest time for me. during the examendmentwith the experts

and professors and searching outup great quantityof books and

related literatures within the library, my understanding on all of

the specifies BIOAPI interface, the design of the 类 and

datastructure and the biometric interfaces had largely deepened.

Seeing the general success, the sweetest smile on the earth

blossomed on my face.


My assiduity in readand careful working attitude wat the

appreciation of the professionalfessors in CAS. Therefore, on the

los angelesst period of my undergraduate study, i used to be

recommended by them to endmy graduation design by participating in

a graduate subject of Chinese Blog Search Engine.



because the assistant, I completed the access and storage of

the Blog knowledgeby employingC language and Perl database. With

the assistance of my studying fellows, i eventually designed a

frame of the Blog Search Engine and learn many new



After graduation, I accepted the offer of ladullon Sinan

onlinesite, where i used to be mainly liable for the batch

installation of operating system, tailor of the software package,

the security configuration, the graceful running of the equipments

online, the test and recovery of varioushardware failures.

Meanwhile, i used to be in command of the immediate response and

disposal of the accidents and the exactmaintenance of thousands of

servers within the entire company.


As a system engineer in Sinan onlinesite, tlisted here are a

large number of skinnygs to do within the application process,

operating system and network in addition to within the hardware. We

sometimessolve the issues by our own practical experience combining

with the related proliteratures and the datawe now have



Years of ladullexperience made me realized clearly that it

has still an extended method to visit succeed in my

dream---becoming a proon this field. i've to step out of the

“flowers” coating me now for my achievements to the extrareadfor

the following station at the way of living. Therefore, i would like

a nutritious educationalatmosphere.


It was my curiosity that pushed me onto the street of

learning new technologies and that it was my strong learning

skilland capskillthat the presented me with the present

achievement. i think that standing on the cross road of life after

a couple of years extrastudy, i will be able to be more confident

and powerfuler expectative for my future.
