300字范文 > matlab拔河比赛_拔河比赛


时间:2021-10-16 06:11:11






This is a standard interview problem to divide a set of number to two different set where both the subset contains same number of element and have a minimum difference of sum between them using backtracking.


Problem statement:


There is a set containsNnumber of elements. We have to divide this set into two different sets where each of the subsets contains the same number of elements and has a minimum difference between them.

有一个包含N个元素的集合。 我们必须将此集合分为两个不同的集合,其中每个子集包含相同数量的元素,并且它们之间的差异最小。

IfNis even then each of the subsets will containN/2number of elements.

如果N为偶数,则每个子集将包含N / 2个元素。

IfNis odd then one of the subsets will contain(N+1)/2and others will contain(N-1)/2number of elements.

如果N为奇数,则子集中的一个子集将包含(N + 1)/ 2个元素,而其他子集将包含(N-1)/ 2个元素。

Input:Test case T//T no. of line with the value of N and corresponding values.E.g.331 2 341 2 3 4101 4 8 6 -7 -10 87 54 16 1001<=T<=1001<=N<=100Output:Print the two subsets.


T=3N=31 2 3Output: set1: {1, 2} set2: {3}N=41 2 3 4Output: set1: {1, 4} set2: {2, 3}N=101 4 8 6 -7 -10 87 54 16 100Output: set1: {{ 4, -7, -10, 87, 54 } set2: {1, 8, 6, 16, 100 }

Explanation with example


Let, there isNno. of values, say e1, e2, e3, ..., en andNis even.

让我们没有N。e 1 ,e 2 ,e 3 ,...,e n和N的值是偶数。

Subset1: { N/2 no. of values }Subset2: { N/2 no. of values }

The process to insert the elements to the Subsets is a problem of combination and permutation. To get the result we use the backtracking process. Here we take the sum of all the elements

. Here we have to find out the elements that are in the subset no.1 and the elements that are not in subset1, must be in the subset no. 2. Every time we consider two things.

将元素插入子集的过程是组合和排列的问题。 为了获得结果,我们使用了回溯过程。 这里我们取所有元素的总和

The ith element is a part of the subset1.

第i 个元素是subset1的一部分。

The ith element is not a part of the subset1.

第i 个元素不是subset1的一部分。

After gettingN/2number of elements into the subset1. We will check,

在将N / 2数量的元素放入子集1之后 。 我们会检查

If the value is less than thenDifferencewe update the value of theDifferenceand make a note of the elements that are in the subset1.


After getting the elements for those the value ofDifferenceis less we check the elements of the main set and find out the elements that are not in the subset1 and put them in subset2.


Set: {1, 2, 3}Sum=6

1is in the subset1 thereforeSubset1: {1}andDifference = abs(3-1) = 2

1在子集1中,因此子集1:{1},并且差= abs(3-1)= 2

2is in the subset1 thereforeSubset1: {1,2}andDifference = abs(3-3) = 0

2在子集1中,因此子集1:{1,2},且差= abs(3-3)= 0

Therefore,Differenceis minimum.


Subset1: {1,2}Subset2: {3}

C++ implementation:

C ++实现:

#include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;void traverse(int* arr, int i, int n, int no_of_selected, int sum, int& diff, bool* take, vector<int>& result, vector<int> current, int current_sum){//if the current position is greater than or equals to nif (i >= n)return;//if the value of difference is greater than//Sum/2-current sum of the elements of Subset no.1if ((diff > abs(sum / 2 - current_sum)) && (no_of_selected == (n + 1) / 2 || no_of_selected == (n - 1) / 2)) {diff = abs(sum / 2 - current_sum);//store the subset no. 1result = current;}//taking the elemets after the current element one by onefor (int j = i; j < n; j++) {take[j] = true;current.push_back(arr[j]);traverse(arr, j + 1, n, no_of_selected + 1, sum, diff, take, result, current, current_sum + arr[j]);current.pop_back();take[j] = false;}}void find(int* arr, int n){//array to distinguished the elements those are in subset no. 1bool take[n];int sum = 0;for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {sum += arr[i];take[i] = false;}int diff = INT_MAX;int no_of_selected = 0;vector<int> result;vector<int> current;int current_sum = 0;int i = 0;traverse(arr, i, n, no_of_selected, sum, diff, take, result, current, current_sum);set<int> s;//elements those are in subset no.1cout << "Set1 : { ";for (int j = 0; j < result.size(); j++) {cout << result[j] << " ";s.insert(result[j]);}cout << "}" << endl;//elements those are in subset no.2cout << "Set2 : { ";for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {if (s.find(arr[j]) == s.end()) {cout << arr[j] << " ";}}cout << "}" << endl;}int main(){int t;cout << "Test case : ";cin >> t;while (t--) {int n;cout << "Enter the value of n : ";cin >> n;int arr[n];cout << "Enter the values: ";//taking the set elementsfor (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {cin >> arr[i];}find(arr, n);}return 0;}



Test cases : 3Enter the value of n : 3Enter the values: 1 2 3Set1 : { 1 2 }Set2 : { 3 }Enter the value of n : 4Enter the values: 1 2 3 4Set1 : { 2 3 }Set2 : { 1 4 }Enter the value of n : 10Enter the values: 1 4 8 6 -7 -10 87 54 16 100Set1 : { 4 -7 -10 87 54 }Set2 : { 1 8 6 16 100 }

翻译自: /icp/tug-of-war.aspx

