300字范文 > linux强实时 强实时性Linux内核的研究与设计

linux强实时 强实时性Linux内核的研究与设计

时间:2023-10-05 18:18:33


linux强实时 强实时性Linux内核的研究与设计

作者:王继刚[1,2]顾国昌[1]徐立峰[2]李翌[2]WANG Ji-gang, GU Guo-chang, XU Li-feng, LI Yi (1. Computer Science and Technology Inst. , Harbin Engineering Univ. , Harbin 150001 , China; 2. Central Research Inst. , Chengdu Graduate School, ZTE Corporation, Chengdu 610041 , China)

出处:《系统工程与电子技术》第12期1932-1934,1947共4页Systems Engineering and Electronics


摘要:实时应用领域的发展对多任务实时操作系(real—time operating system,RTOS)的需求迫切,增强标准Linux系统的实时性能,使其具有强实时特性,是当前RTOS研究领域的热点。分析了影响Linux实时性能的因素,比较了目前流行的增强标准Linux实时性能的方法,从内核的体系结构、调度策略、抢占机制等方面深入研究并设计了强实时性Linux内核-KLinux。实验结果表明,所作设计改进能有效地提高Linux内核的实时性能,可以满足强实时系统的需求。The demand for real-time operating system (RTOS) is becoming more and more urgent because of the development of real-time computing. How to increase the real time performance of Linux is popular in the research of RTOS. The reason of limiting for the standard Linux is analysed and the way of increasing the performance in Linux systems is compared. Hard real time Linux kernel is studied and designed through several as pects, kernel architecture, scheduling policy, kernel preemption. The experimental results on KLinux show that the improvement gives a better result for applications with real time constraint than original Linux kernel.
