300字范文 > 【滤波器设计】基于matlab GUI窗函数法高通+低通+带通带阻FIR滤波器设计【含Matlab源

【滤波器设计】基于matlab GUI窗函数法高通+低通+带通带阻FIR滤波器设计【含Matlab源

时间:2019-02-10 04:14:49


【滤波器设计】基于matlab GUI窗函数法高通+低通+带通带阻FIR滤波器设计【含Matlab源



完整代码已上传我的资源:【滤波器设计】基于matlab GUI窗函数法高通+低通+带通带阻滤波器设计【含Matlab源码 072期】





1 设计原理

1.1 滤波器概念

1.2 数字滤波器的系统函数和差分方程

1.3 数字滤波器结构的表示

1.4 数字滤波器的分类

2.1 IIR滤波器与FIR滤波器的分析比较

2.2 FIR滤波器的原理

3 FIR滤波器的仿真步骤


%DSP语音滤波%常函数法设计低通、高通、带通、带阻滤波器function varargout = DSP_fiters004(varargin)% DSP_FITERS004 MATLAB code for DSP_fiters004.fig%DSP_FITERS004, by itself, creates a new DSP_FITERS004 or raises the existing%singleton*.%%H = DSP_FITERS004 returns the handle to a new DSP_FITERS004 or the handle to%the existing singleton*.%%DSP_FITERS004('CALLBACK',hObject,eventData,handles,...) calls the local%function named CALLBACK in DSP_FITERS004.M with the given input arguments.%%DSP_FITERS004('Property','Value',...) creates a new DSP_FITERS004 or raises the%existing singleton*. Starting from the left, property value pairs are%applied to the GUI before DSP_fiters004_OpeningFcn gets called. An%unrecognized property name or invalid value makes property application%stop. All inputs are passed to DSP_fiters004_OpeningFcn via varargin.%%*See GUI Options on GUIDE's Tools menu. Choose "GUI allows only one%instance to run (singleton)".%% See also: GUIDE, GUIDATA, GUIHANDLES% Edit the above text to modify the response to help DSP_fiters004% Last Modified by GUIDE v2.5 26-May- 19:06:06% Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDITgui_Singleton = 1;gui_State = struct('gui_Name', mfilename, ...'gui_Singleton', gui_Singleton, ...'gui_OpeningFcn', @DSP_fiters004_OpeningFcn, ...'gui_OutputFcn', @DSP_fiters004_OutputFcn, ...'gui_LayoutFcn', [] , ...'gui_Callback', []);if nargin && ischar(varargin{1})gui_State.gui_Callback = str2func(varargin{1});endif nargout[varargout{1:nargout}] = gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});elsegui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});end% End initialization code - DO NOT EDIT% --- Executes just before DSP_fiters004 is made visible.function DSP_fiters004_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin)% This function has no output args, see OutputFcn.% hObject handle to figure% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)% varargin command line arguments to DSP_fiters004 (see VARARGIN)% Choose default command line output for DSP_fiters004handles.output = hObject;% Update handles structureguidata(hObject, handles);% UIWAIT makes DSP_fiters004 wait for user response (see UIRESUME)% uiwait(handles.figure1);% --- Outputs from this function are returned to the command line.function varargout = DSP_fiters004_OutputFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) % varargout cell array for returning output args (see VARARGOUT);% hObject handle to figure% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)% Get default command line output from handles structurevarargout{1} = handles.output;% --- Executes on button press in pushbutton7.function pushbutton7_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)% hObject handle to pushbutton7 (see GCBO)% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)y = handles.y; %带噪语言%%% %FIR低通滤波器_等波纹法备选方案% fp = str2double(get(handles.edit12,'String')); %通带截止频率% fs = str2double(get(handles.edit13,'String')); %阻带截止频率% At = 100; %带外衰减系数(dB)% wave=1;%带内纹波系数(dB)% mval=[1 0]; %边界处的幅值% fedge=[fp fs];% derta1=1-10^(-wave/20); %δ1的计算% derta2=10^(-At/20);%δ2的计算% dev=[derta1 derta2]; %基本参数δ1与δ2% Fs=8000;%FIR采样频率% %参数计算% [N,fpts,mag2,wt]=remezord(fedge,mval,dev,Fs);% %雷米兹交替算法设计最优FIR滤波器% b=remez(N,fpts,mag2,wt);% %FIR低通滤波器滤波% sf1=filter(b,1,y);% x=sf1; %信号% plot(handles.axes5,x); %绘出随频率变化的振幅% y1 = fft(x); %对信号进行快速Fourier变换% mag2 = abs(y1); %求得Fourier变换后的振幅%% 凯塞窗滤波fs = 8000;hn = handles.hn;x1 = fftfilt(hn,y);% filename = 'kaiser.wav';% audiowrite(filename,x1,fs);n = length(x1);f = fs*(0:n/6-1)/n;t = (0:n-1)/fs;figure(9)subplot(5,1,2);plot(t,y(:,1)); %加噪语音信号的时域波形图xlabel('时间/s');ylabel('振幅/V');title('加高斯白噪声后语音信号的时域波形'); grid on;subplot(5,1,3);plot(t,x1(:,1));xlabel('时间/s');ylabel('振幅/V');hold on;title('加高斯白噪声的语音信号滤波后的时域波形'); hold off;grid on;y_zz = fft(y); %带噪语音的频谱图subplot(5,1,4);plot(f,abs(y_zz(1:n/6)));%加噪语音信号的频谱图%axis([0, 8000, 0, 0.05])xlabel('频率/Hz');ylabel('幅度/dBm');title('加高斯白噪声后语音信号的频域波形'); grid on;x11=fft(x1,n);subplot(5,1,5);plot(f,abs(x11(1:n/6)));xlabel('频率/Hz');ylabel('幅度/dBm');hold on;title('加高斯白噪声的语音信号经凯塞滤波后的频域波形'); hold off;grid on;% sound(x1,fs)[H,f]=freqz(hn,1);subplot(5,1,1);plot(f,20*log10(abs(H)/max(abs(H))));xlabel('归一化频率');ylabel('振幅/dB');hold on;title('频率响应'); hold off;grid on;plot(handles.axes5,t,x1(:,1))mag2 = abs(x11); %滤波后的频谱sf1 = x1; %滤波后的信号handles.mag2 = mag2;handles.sf1 = sf1;guidata(hObject,handles)% --- Executes on button press in pushbutton8.function pushbutton8_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)% hObject handle to pushbutton8 (see GCBO)% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)sf1 = handles.sf1;fs = handles.edit11;clear soundsound(sf1,fs)% --- Executes on button press in pushbutton9.function pushbutton9_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)% hObject handle to pushbutton9 (see GCBO)% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)mag2 = handles.mag2;plot(handles.axes6,mag2(:,1)); %绘出随频率变化的振幅% --- Executes on button press in pushbutton5.function pushbutton5_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)% hObject handle to pushbutton5 (see GCBO)% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)y = handles.y;fs = handles.edit11;clear soundsound(y,fs)% --- Executes on button press in pushbutton2.function pushbutton2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)% hObject handle to pushbutton2 (see GCBO)% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)x = handles.x;fs = handles.edit11;clear soundsound(x,fs)% --- Executes on button press in OpenFile.function OpenFile_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)% hObject handle to OpenFile (see GCBO)% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)[file, path] = uigetfile({'*.wav';'*.mp3';'*.*'},...'File Selector');if isequal(file, 0) % 如果file的返回值等于0disp('User selected Cancel'); elsedisp(['User selected ', fullfile(path, file)]); [x,fs] = audioread(fullfile(path, file));plot(handles.axes1,x(:,1))handles.x = x;handles.edit11 = fs;guidata(hObject,handles)end



1 matlab版本


2 参考文献

[1] 沈再阳.精通MATLAB信号处理[M].清华大学出版社,.



[4]王怡,涂宇,谭泽涛,吕雅婷.基于Matlab的FIR滤波器设计与仿真[J].电子技术与软件工程. (18)

【滤波器设计】基于matlab GUI窗函数法高通+低通+带通带阻FIR滤波器设计【含Matlab源码 072期】
