300字范文 > 描写小兔子的英语作文300字


时间:2019-03-12 09:34:42
















Winter morning, was covered with a layer of mist Mist.

I opened the window a while cold wind hit me, I was frozen straight suction air-conditioning. Take a look at the windows of the frosting, frosted bear the form of different patterns. Some trees, like Yi Keke heads held high, and some like a blossoming white clouds, some of Fei Liu and down like a waterfall, I really like a beautiful mural ah!

One goes out, cold face descend quickly, wind in my face like a knife across the same pain, walking in the street the morning exercise, fewer people feel a lot.

However, the roadside pine and holly are still as tall and straight, it stretched its arm, indicating that it was the graceful posture of the beautiful and extremely! Almost all of the animals are hibernating, and only the birds twitter in the branches did not feel the cold in winter.

However, I know winters morning is the most beautiful!


我姥姥家有好多小兔子,小兔子很可爱,三瓣嘴,两只火红的眼睛,就像两盏明亮的灯;还有两只长耳朵,热的时候可以当扇子扇风 ;兔子的尾巴也很好,过河时,鳄鱼咬不到,过森林时,大灰狼抓不到,当兔子太好了。有一天,我用纸折了一只兔子放在学习桌上,虽然不能天天看我姥姥家的真兔子,我每天只要看一下纸兔子就足够l了,兔子太完美了,我好喜欢小兔子呀!





In me domestic eave falls, have a birds nest, there are a pair of laborious swallow couples inside. One day, I discover to bag of a few cerebella is shown in birds nest, piece move the small mouth that the needle fizzles out again " spurt, spurt, spurt " the ground is crying. "Ah! Darling of swallow of big swallow hatch comes! " I cry happily gladly. At that time, in the young brothers daughter that the car plays in house Wen Sheng came, her eye devouringly is looking at Yan Baobao. My heart thinks, young brothers daughter won make what decision on small swallow body! I tell her intentionally, altogether has 4 small swallow. I am afraid that she goes hitting Yan Baobao with maize. Classes are over afternoon come home, I did not put down satchel to see small swallow directly. I set foot on ladder to climb eave, well, how to remain 3 small swallow only? It is that naughty young brothers daughter for certain. Be in at this moment, transmitted the cry of small swallow bitterness from house. I am busy walk into look in house, young brothers daughter is playing small swallow on the table. I ask her angrily: "You are 6 years old of big children, so naughty still, swallow is beneficial bird, why should you catch it? " young brothers daughter replies hurriedly: "Do not catch, be... be... be collect below eave those who come. " I see young brothers daughter cries, fool her to say at once: "Precious jade, put small swallow, wait for sometime me you catch cicada to play, ? " " not, I play even meeting. " young brothers daughter is shaking a body to say. Alas, take her to do not have method really. Suddenly, I remembered a thing, I say to young brothers daughter: "Precious jade, that your mom takes you to go market buys food, you go lost, not anxious? " " I cry urgently continuously, mom looks for me everywhere. Thanks to a well-meaning elder sister, she helped me find mom. " precious jade precious jade say. I capture an opportunity to hasten say: "You look, swallow mom also is looking for its little baby anxiously. " if young brothers daughter seemed to understand me, face is red. Then, her two tactics is holding small swallow in both hands, walk out of a house, small swallow replace in the nest. "Spurt, spurt, spurt... " the cry that the sky transmitted big swallow, that cry is like is to be like acknowledgment young brothers daughter, young brothers daughter was looking at big swallow to laugh, she laughs so happily.



There is the creek that a the four seasons often sheds before my door, it was brought to us a lot of joy and convenient, we can like it. Spring, the willow of brook edge sprouted, peach blossom is red, these beautiful scenery dress up this brook beautifully, transient person cannot help stopping see much eye. Summer, this brook became the childs paradise, natant swim, make the fight hitting water of water battle, extremely happy. Some girls still are picking the wild flower of brook edge, halcyon summer and move a vibrant picture, really extremely beautiful. The autumn, the fruiter result of brook edge, people is picking fruit, it is the picture of a bumper harvest really. In the winter, brook froze, children are in ice skate, the winter that their mirth is hush is not doleful. I love you, brook!




Today, my father took me and my mother go to my grandma house to play.

To the grandmother I asked: "Grandma, the family dog?" Grandma said: "The dog birth to a dog, and it is to warm puppy." I was surprised and said: "wow! Birth to a puppy dog ah! "I hurried to the kitchen to see puppies. Really gave birth to four puppies. I grabbed a dog. Its claws dangling, also en en cried. Dog mom staring at me, afraid I had hurt its children. Watched it not look at me, Ill put them back. Soft hair dog that is very smooth, like polished oil-like. They are very lovely she is. I will always look after them.












