300字范文 > synaptics触摸板_使用Dell Synaptics触摸板修复Firefox滚动问题

synaptics触摸板_使用Dell Synaptics触摸板修复Firefox滚动问题

时间:2022-02-16 06:46:00


synaptics触摸板_使用Dell Synaptics触摸板修复Firefox滚动问题


As most regular readers know, I’ve recently been able to enjoy a super-slick new Dell laptop—there’s just one small problem: my touchpad simply won’t scroll in Firefox!


Since this is a serious workflow problem, and I can’t use an external mouse all the time, I set about trying to find a fix. Turns out the Circular Scrolling feature was breaking in Firefox, and simply wasn’t scrolling at all—and here’s how to disable it.

由于这是一个严重的工作流程问题,并且我不能一直使用外部鼠标,因此我着手尝试查找修复程序。 事实证明,循环滚动功能已在Firefox中中断,并且根本没有滚动,这是禁用它的方法。

Note: I’m using Windows 7, but one would assume the same problem might exist in Windows Vista as well since the drivers are the same.

注意:我使用的是Windows 7,但由于驱动程序相同,因此人们可能会假定Windows Vista中也可能存在相同的问题。

Fixing Firefox Scrolling Issue


Open up Control Panel and look for the Mouse properties window, or just typemouseinto the start menu search box. Once you are there, you should see a Dell Touchpad settings window, where you can click to open the settings.

打开控制面板,然后找到“鼠标属性”窗口,或在开始菜单搜索框中键入鼠标。 到达那里后,您应该会看到Dell Touchpad设置窗口,您可以单击此处以打开设置。

Next, click on the Scrolling Settings link…


And remove the checkbox from the Circular Scrolling option. This is what was breaking the scrolling for me.

并从“循环滚动”选项中删除该复选框。 这就是让我无法滚动的原因。

Hit the Apply button, and with any luck you should immediately be able to scroll in Firefox again.


Second Alternative Fix


If the above fix doesn’t solve your problem, you can remove the Dell touchpad drivers and install the generic Synaptics ones, which work better for a lot of people—but they are missing some of the extra Dell features. As long as your touchpad does what you are expecting, it could be worth it.

如果以上修复方法不能解决您的问题,则可以删除Dell触摸板驱动程序并安装通用的Synaptics驱动程序,该驱动程序对许多人来说效果更好-但它们缺少一些Dell额外的功能。 只要您的触摸板达到了您的期望,这是值得的。



翻译自: /howto/windows-vista/fixing-firefox-scrolling-problems-with-dell-synaptics-touchpad/

