300字范文 > 新学期开学演讲稿英文范文 新学期开学英文演讲稿精选

新学期开学演讲稿英文范文 新学期开学英文演讲稿精选

时间:2023-01-30 21:13:26


新学期开学演讲稿英文范文 新学期开学英文演讲稿精选



Dear Principal, Teachers, and Fellow Students,

Good morning!

As the old semester fades into the distance and a new one slowly emerges, we gather here today to embark on a fresh journey of learning and discovery. As a student representative, it’s an honor to stand here and extend my warmest greetings and wishes to each and every one of you.

Firstly, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to our dedicated teachers. It is your unwavering commitment and tireless efforts that have lit the path of knowledge for us, nurturing our minds and hearts. This semester, we look forward to following your guidance, delving deeper into the mysteries of learning, and pursuing our dreams.

To the new students who have just joined our school, a heartfelt welcome! Your arrival brings a fresh breeze of energy and hope to our school. I hope you will settle in quickly, integrate into our school community, and together, we will craft wonderful memories.

As we embark on this new semester, we also face new challenges and opportunities. In this era of constant change and rapid development, it’s imperative that we continue to learn and grow to adapt to the demands of the times and fulfill our potential. Therefore, I would like to share a few hopes and suggestions with you:

Firstly, let us cultivate bold aspirations and lofty ideals. It is only with a clear goal and unwavering belief that we can forge ahead in our studies and lives, constantly surpassing ourselves.

Secondly, let us cultivate excellent character and habits. A person’s character and habits determine the trajectory of their life and future. Hence, we must prioritize developing our character and habits, upholding honesty, respect, and a love for our school and fellow students.

Lastly, let us cherish every moment and work diligently. Time is our most precious asset. We must make the most of every second, studying diligently and exploring deeply to enhance our comprehensive skills and competitiveness.

In conclusion, let us come together, hand in hand, to face the challenges and seize the opportunities of this new semester. With enthusiasm, belief, and dedication, let us craft a more promising future for ourselves and our school!

Thank you, everyone, for your attention. Let’s begin this new semester with a fresh start and an open mind, ready to learn, grow, and excel!

Good luck to all of us!


Dear Principal, teachers, and fellow students,

Good morning!

As we mark the beginning of a new school term, I am filled with a sense of excitement and anticipation. On behalf of all the students, I would like to express our deepest gratitude to the teachers for their tireless efforts and dedication. Similarly, a warm welcome to the new students who have joined our esteemed institution.

The start of a new term signifies fresh opportunities and challenges. Looking back, we cherish the memories of our accomplishments and learn from our mistakes. However, it’s essential to remember that they are merely steps in our journey of growth. Standing at the threshold of a new term, we must approach it with renewed enthusiasm and unwavering determination.

This term, let us set clear goals and persevere towards them. Academia is our primary focus, and we must make the most of every moment to enhance our learning abilities and strive for academic excellence. Furthermore, we should actively engage in extracurricular activities to develop our practical skills and foster a comprehensive educational experience.

As we embark on this new journey, let us cultivate a spirit of gratitude. We must appreciate the efforts of our parents, teachers, and peers. Let us translate this gratitude into actions by working hard to fulfill their expectations and spreading warmth and kindness around us.

Moreover, we must embrace responsibility and innovation. As young individuals in the modern era, we carry a weighty responsibility. We must rise to the challenges presented to us and dare to innovate, explore new horizons, and contribute to societal progress.

In conclusion, I would like to quote a phrase that resonates deeply with me: “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Let us take that first step with confidence and determination, braving the challenges of the new term and writing our own remarkable chapters.

Thank you all for your attention. Let’s make this term a transformative and enriching experience for all of us!

Best regards,

[Your Name]


Dear Principals, Teachers, and Fellow Students,

Good morning, everyone!

As the sun shines brightly on a fresh start, we gather here to embark on another journey of learning and growth. On behalf of all students, I extend my deepest respect to our hardworking teachers and a warm welcome to the new members who have just joined our big family.

Looking back on the past term, we have all experienced the joy of discovery, the challenges of growth, and the warmth of friendship. We have learned to persevere in the face of difficulties, to collaborate for mutual progress, and to exceed ourselves in the midst of challenges. Every diligent effort and every drop of sweat has shaped our achievements today.

However, a new school year signifies a new journey, and new challenges await us. At this fresh start, I would like to share a few thoughts and expectations with you.

Firstly, we should cultivate lofty ambitions. Ambitions are the beacons that guide us forward and the compasses that direct our course in life. We must aim high, cultivate noble virtues, acquire exceptional talents, and shoulder significant responsibilities. We should align our personal dreams with the needs of the country and the mission of the times, contributing our youthful strength to the realization of the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation.

Secondly, we must persevere in diligent studies. Learning is the staircase to growth and the bridge to the future. In the new school year, we should dedicate ourselves to learning with even greater enthusiasm, constantly expanding our knowledge and enhancing our comprehensive qualities. Furthermore, we should cultivate the ability to learn independently, making learning a lifelong habit.

Thirdly, we should foster a spirit of innovation. Innovation is the call of the times and the soul of national progress. In the new school year, we should dare to question, bravely explore, and constantly challenge and surpass ourselves. We should actively participate in technological innovation, cultural creation, social practice, and other activities, igniting the spark of innovation with the passion of our youth.

Lastly, we should uphold the core socialist values. As young people of the new era, we should consciously practice the core socialist values, promote the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation, inherit the red gene, and establish correct worldviews, life values, and moral principles. With practical actions, we should uphold the moral standards of “patriotism, professionalism, integrity, and friendliness” and become young people of the new era with ideals, morality, culture, and discipline.

Fellow students, the new school year has begun. Let us embrace the new term with renewed enthusiasm and dedication. Let us navigate the vast ocean of knowledge, soar in the sky of dreams, and together write a splendid chapter for the new school year!

Finally, I wish everyone success in their studies, good health, and all the best in the new school year!

Thank you, everyone!
