300字范文 > 英语小故事小学带翻译 小学生英语故事大全带翻译

英语小故事小学带翻译 小学生英语故事大全带翻译

时间:2021-12-24 04:03:59


英语小故事小学带翻译 小学生英语故事大全带翻译



上海版小学六年级英语下册Unit 10 Listen and say英语课文翻译

Do you remember the stories "The emperor' s new clothes" and "The ugly duckling" ?


Andersen wrote the stories.He was a Danish writer.He wrote a lot of interesting fairy tales and stories.Children around the world enjoy reading his stories.


The stories "Snow White" , "Little Red Riding Hood" and "Cinderella" are from Grimms' Fairy Tales.


The Grimm brothers were German writers.They collected a lot of stories.

Both adults and children like their stories.


Aesop' s Fables is another great book.Most stories in this book are about animals.The animals in the stories can talk.Some well known stories are "The fox and the grapes" , "The farmer and the snake" and "The wind and the sun" .We can usually learn something from these stories.



A Swede admired Napoleon so much that he managed

to become one of his soldiers.

One day, word came that Napoleon would be inspecting the army.Some fellow soldiers of the Swede's reminded him that the great man might ask him some questions.Not knowing any French at all,the Swede was very anxious.An older soldier told the Swede that Napoleon always asked three questions in the same order. The first question was, "How old are you?" The second was,"How long have you been in my army?" And the third was, "Did you serve in my last two campaigns? So the Swede memorized the answers in the same order. "Twenty-three, sir." "Three months, sir." "Both, sir."

On the day of the inspection, Napoleon stood before the army, walking up and down and looking at his soldiers with satisfaction. Then He began to inspect the army.He smiled to the soldiers or had a word with some of the officers. The Swede stood still,his lips moving slightly.Unfortunately,the great man saw him and went over to him and asked him the questions.However, this time Napoleon did not ask the questions in the same order as usual.

"How long have you been in my army?" asked the great man.

“Three years, sir,”replied the Swede quickly.

Napoleon was astonished. “Either you are mad, or I am,”he declared.

“Both,sir!”cried the Swede proudly.



检阅那天,拿破仑站在队伍前面,用满意的目光望着士兵们。然后,他开始检阅了,一会儿微笑着看这个士兵,一会儿对那个军官说句话。那瑞典人一动不动地站着,只有嘴唇在轻轻地动着。拿破仑一眼看见了他,走到他面前,开始问他问题。但是,这次拿破仑没有按以往的顺序提问,伟人问的是:'你在我部队里多久了?',' 23岁,先生。','你今年多大了?','3岁,先生。'瑞典人立刻回答道.拿破仑惊呆了,吼道:'到底是你疯了还是我疯了?''都是的,先生。'瑞典人自豪地高喊道。



All kinds of vehicles——buses, coaches, cars and motorcycles, come and go every day. But it seems that we think the road is ours! The drivers may be a boss or a high-level worker, but will not care about the rules of road.

We feel proud that we've got our driving license, but we must drive safely. It is wise to follow many rules and laws. You must know what traffic lights and signs(标记) mean. You must know where and when you can park . Also use common sense and politeness. Be careful and enjoy the drive!

Never pay the cost of your and your family's safety along with the safety of other people on the road. Please set an example to your kids and others.




我们得到了驾照(driving license)觉得很骄傲,但我们必须安全驾驶。遵守众多规章和法律是明智的(wise)。你必须要知道交通灯(traffic lights)和标识的含义。你必须要知道你在何时何地停车(park)。此外,运用常识,要有礼貌。要小心并享受驾驶!


#英语# #我上头条# #英语故事#






在某短视频平台偶然听到《我是你的格桑花》这首歌,被这首歌背后凄美动人的真实爱情故事打动了。试着将歌词译成英文,纪念一下故事中逝去的女主人公。中文歌词/王琪英文翻译/qiqi还没等到高山上的雪融化我就等不及要出发在你离开前我要去采一束最先盛开的格桑花I can't wait for the snow on the highmountain to melt and I willstart off.I will pick up a bunch of Galsang flowers which have first got into blossom before you depart.不能陪你去到海角天涯就让花儿替我陪着你吧如果太阳下山我还没回来你走吧不用再等我啦其实我知道这一世缘分尽了遗憾心里还藏着几句话I can't accompany you to go to theends of the earth, let the flowers accompany you.If I haven't come back when the sun have set down, depart as there is no need to wait for me.Actually I know the destiny that ties us together has ended in our lives, it's a pity that l have concealed some words.明知道我不能陪你过完余生这些情话不说也罢不怪老天要收回我的芳华就当今生和你相遇的代价再回头看看你走过的草原I know I can't accompany you to live the rest of your life. It's ok not to speak out these love words.Don't blame the God for getting back my young life. Take it as the price of getting encountered with you.Turn back again to take a look at the grassland you have covered.你那里也下雪了吧山上的雪越下越大可是我还没找到一朵花原来爱情不能把雪融化可我不甘心就这么倒下It is also snowing in the place you live. It is snowing more and more heavily, but I haven't found a flower.Actually love can not melt the snow, but I am unwilling to fall down like this.我的脚步已经走不动啦也许我应该就在这里睡下我希望有一天你经过这里我身上开出格桑花My steps have already been unable to move. Probably I should have slept here, hoping someday you go passing by and Galsang flowers have grown overmy body.英文ℳএ⋆qiqiꦿ້໌ᮩঞ★#小组收藏馆# #头条创作挑战赛# #小组博物馆# #冬季生活打卡季#
