300字范文 > 英语数学0基础考研学校 基础数学考英语一还是英语二

英语数学0基础考研学校 基础数学考英语一还是英语二

时间:2020-08-22 23:27:53


英语数学0基础考研学校 基础数学考英语一还是英语二






























When it comes to taking the National College Entrance Examination (NCEE) in China, one of the most crucial decisions that students face is choosing between basic mathematics and English language when it comes to the humanities section. In the past, the decision was often viewed as a choice between two subjects that were unrelated, meaning that an excellent score in one subject could not make up for poor performance in the other.

However, with the recent changes to Chinas NCEE, a high score in either English language or basic mathematics can now be used as a way to improve overall exam results. Nevertheless, the decision between basic mathematics and English language can still be a challenging and stressful one. Therefore, this paper aims to explore the benefits and drawbacks of choosing either English one or English two by breaking down the different elements of both subjects.

2. Basic Mathematics

Choosing basic mathematics as one of the test subjects has its advantages. One of the benefits of basic mathematics is that it is known for being a more straightforward subject than English. Basic mathematics is a content-based subject, which requires students to grasp mathematical concepts and formulas, solve problems with logical reasoning and critical thinking, and use precisely calculated methodologies. This means that attending classes diligently, practicing lots of test questions, and understanding the core principles of mathematics in deep, precise ways can lead to high scores.

Another benefit of basic mathematics is that some of the exams questions are predictable, and therefore students can choose a focused area to spend more time preparing specifically. Basic mathematics has a well-developed curriculum and a relatively fixed set of question types, including algebra, geometry, and calculus. This means that students can strategize on the types of questions that can crop up, making it easier to predict the kind of questions that might arise in the final exam compared to English language.

Moreover, basic mathematics is essential to many other scientific disciplines, such as physics and engineering. A good basic mathematics score in the NCEE exam provides a solid foundation for students to excel in other scientific subjects, making them more attractive to universities, job opportunities, and future employers. Therefore, choosing basic mathematics as one of the exam subjects can be a wise decision for students who love mathematics or planning to major in science-related fields.

However, there are some drawbacks to opting for basic mathematics. Firstly, as mathematics is only one part of the NCEE exam, students who are highly skilled in mathematics and decide to focus on it for their humanities part only could neglect other equally important humanities subjects, such as history, geography, politics, and Chinese language. This means that by making this trade-off, students could put their chances of scoring highly in other subjects at risk, leading to overall lower exam results.

Secondly, for students who are not naturally strong in mathematics, choosing to take basic mathematics can be a daunting task, especially since it requires extensive practice and self-learning. Basic mathematics demands a lot of mental energy and attention, and students often practice mathematics for months before taking the exam, leading to immense pressure, stress and getting buried under lots of textbooks, leading to an aversion to learning.

3. English Language

English is another popular choice for students taking the NCEE exam. One of the advantages of choosing English language is that it is a universal language used worldwide. Therefore, English language learning has both academic and practical benefits that all students should strive to acquire. Mastering English language skills not only contributes to academic success but can also open up a world of potential employment opportunities, including becoming a translator, an international communication specialist, or an English teacher.

Moreover, the English language is more skill-based than content-based, requiring students to engage in lots of reading, writing, and speaking practices. This means that students who want to excel in English must have strong analytical and critical thinking skills, great interpersonal skills and be good at essay writing, vocabulary, sentence structure, and grammar. Excelling in all these areas means that students improve their written and verbal communication skills, which are vital skills that students require in many other areas in life.

Another advantage of English language is that it is more diverse and open-ended than basic mathematics. English language tests on the NCEE exam could cover a wide range of topics, including current affairs, literature, culture, history, and geography. While this means that some of the questions would not be predictable, it also means that students can choose the subject matters they are passionate about to use that as a focus area to improve and score highly.

However, choosing English language as one of the exam subjects also has its drawbacks. Firstly, the English language is a challenging subject, and scoring highly in it requires a lot of study and practice. Moreover, students often find that this subject specifically requires extensive work on improving their English writing ability, oral speaking and listening skills, which requires a lot of effort and takes a long time to show results.

Secondly, unlike mathematics, English language has many more uncertainties in the questions that can be possible. Unlike mathematics, which covers a fixed curriculum, English language tests on the NCEE exam can cover a vast array of different topics, so it can be challenging to predict the kinds of questions that might arise during the final exam.

4. Conclusion

In conclusion, students need to weigh the pros and cons of taking either English language or basic mathematics as their humanities exam subject on the National College Entrance Examination. Both subjects can be challenging, and students must choose based on their strengths, weaknesses, interests, and future goals. However, it is essential to remember that both subjects contribute to a holistic education and development, and it is always advisable for students to grab such opportunities to improve their skills.
