300字范文 > 英语旅游日记 英语旅游日记50字带翻译

英语旅游日记 英语旅游日记50字带翻译

时间:2023-04-10 21:00:26


英语旅游日记 英语旅游日记50字带翻译


Day 1

I arrived in London in the morning and was wowed by the hustle and bustle of the city. The architecture is simply stunning, and the people are so friendly! After dropping off my bags at the hotel, I headed straight to Buckingham Palace. I was lucky enough to catch the changing of the guards ceremony, and it was truly impressive. I also visited Trafalgar Square and saw the famous lion statues.

Day 2

Today, I decided to take a trip to the British Museum. It was something out of a dream! I spent hours exploring the museum and marveling at the amazing artifacts on display. My favorite exhibit was the Egyptian collection, which had some truly jaw-dropping pieces. After the museum, I walked down Oxford Street and did some shopping. I bought some souvenirs for my family back home and some new clothes for myself.

Day 3

One of the highlights of the trip was a visit to Stonehenge. It was amazing to see these ancient stones up close and marvel at how they could have been brought to this site thousands of years ago. After Stonehenge, I took a trip to Bath to see the Roman baths. They were simply breathtaking, and the city is so charming. I had afternoon tea at a quaint little teahouse and soaked in the ambiance.

Day 4

Today, I took a trip to Warwick Castle, which was an incredible experience. I loved learning about the history of the castle and exploring the grounds. I also watched a jousting tournament, which was so much fun! After Warwick Castle, I headed back into London and took a ride on the London Eye. The views from the top were breathtaking, and I got some amazing photos.

Day 5

On my last day in London, I decided to visit the Tower of London. The history of the place is so intriguing, and I loved learning about the Crown Jewels. After the Tower, I went to Camden Market and had some delicious street food. I also did some more shopping and picked up some unique items that I can find back home.


Title: My Memorable Trip to Paris - 我难忘的巴黎之旅

I have always dreamed of visiting Paris, the city of love and lights. Finally, my dream came true during my summer vacation this year. I was enchanted by the beautiful architecture, delicious cuisine, and rich culture.


Upon arrival, I visited the iconic Eiffel Tower and its grandeur left me speechless. The Louvre Museum was a definite highlight of my trip where I saw the famous Mona Lisa painting. Walking along the Champs-Élysées was also a delight, with numerous shops and cafes to explore.


The food was amazing too, from the freshly baked croissants to the comforting Beef Bourguignon. The French take their food seriously and every meal was a culinary adventure.


I also loved the romantic atmosphere of the city, with couples strolling hand in hand along the Seine River and enjoying the stunning view of the city at sunset.


Overall, my trip to Paris was everything I had hoped for and more. It was an unforgettable experience filled with love, beauty and culture.

