300字范文 > lia字开头的成语 凉字开头的成语

lia字开头的成语 凉字开头的成语

时间:2019-04-15 07:00:06


lia字开头的成语 凉字开头的成语

Semester5 与偷窃有关的成语

idioms about stealing

偷天换日/tou tian huan ri/:idiom.

stealing the heaven and replace the sun/date.

偷梁换柱/ tou lian huan ri/: idiom.

replace the beam and pillars with other materials.

偷工减料/tou gong jian liao/: idiom.

cheating the workmanship and materials.


for example,i bought a luxury bag L.V online.but it was a faked/duplex and bargain goods.i gave the faked bag to a saleman who worked in a real luxury shop.i ordered him changing another for me.to change a real in a fake.

the behavior i did is stealing heaven and date,or stealing beam and pillar.


two of idioms r same.


for example again.i paied taxi fee in real cash,100RMB to a driver.he watched it and checked it in sunshine,moving it to his bag,then,he returned a fake cash 100RMB to me suddenly,sounded: the cash u paied me is faked ! change another real cash,pls. i checked that cash he returned to me.ops,i said: i paid u a piece of cash 100RMB ,new print.but this u return to me is a piece of old cash. the driver was a user for faked cash. his behavior is stealing heaven and date,or stealing beam and pillar.


once again,a accountant works for his company .he changed/exchanged the real cash in faked.the behavior is called 1.2.


a couple of twin,sisters .this one went to outlander in a passport which was belong" to another,and return homeland back.the behavior is call 1, or 2.


cheating on workmanship and materials,idiom used for building always.


the bridge has 5 years in usage,but clapsed.this is a consequence that build workers/construction workers archtects cheating on workmanship and matetail.
