300字范文 > 孩子起名必须带英文吗好吗 给孩子起名需要找人起嘛

孩子起名必须带英文吗好吗 给孩子起名需要找人起嘛

时间:2019-06-30 06:52:50


孩子起名必须带英文吗好吗 给孩子起名需要找人起嘛





同事朋友圈发了条狗,左手“我要吃”,右手“牛排”,明显就是模仿可达鸭。我调侃给它起名叫“没得犬(xuan)“, 结局一定是”啥的没得到“。没得犬的气势足够,必须牛排,没得选,可惜在上海,结局很悲惨。没得犬和可达鸭真可谓是天生一对。这两天来读做几篇关于小狗的文本,在现在这个阶段,宠物是家里唯一不知道发生了什么,但依然陪着你的另一半。今天读做的主人和小狗Coco一生的故事,看看你读完后有什么感想,你的语感和答题正确率又如何呢?


Dog owners have a certain feeling, almost a secret language that says "I understand how much you love this animal, and I know that it will break your heart when you lose them."

Over the years, friends had warned me that the d___1___ to let a beloved pet go was the most difficult one they had ever made. At the time,I would just nod and show my a___2___. I didn't really understand what it meant. As my dog got older, however, this reality neared for me.

Years ago, we got a call from a friend that their dog needed a home. The dog's needs were simple: It r___3___a house with kids, where it will be the only pet and loved f___4__. We moved ahead with the adoption and never looked back.

We called her Coco.She joined an active family,and her life c___5___ in an instant.She may have wanted to go home during her first like,but she soon became an adventure buddy.

I think she was happiest when spending time with our children when she joined the family.Coco went e___6___with us.When friends teased(取笑)us that we treated Coco as a human child,we'd reply that she was sometimes the best-behaved child.

As Coco aged,she walked less and ate less.After a weekend of seeing her struggling to breathe,we knew it was time to visit the vet.Nothing lives forever.Her l___7___ weekend was so hard on all of us,trying to thank this sweet dog for 15 years of companionship and love.She l___8___ the world where she had lived: loving us and being loved right back.


参考答案:1. decision 2. agreement/approval 3. requires 4.faithfully 5. changed 6. everywhere 7. last 8. left
