300字范文 > 英语中考复习题汇编1:冠词


时间:2024-05-17 23:06:59





1.(四川省达州市渠县试题) He is leaving Beijing by .

A. a shipB. the ship C. ships D. Ship

2.(海南试题)—Excuse me. Where is ________ school library? —This way, please.

A.anB. theC. A

3.(山东青岛试题)David is ______ eight-year-old boy with short black hair.

A. / B. a C. an D. the

4.(四川省成都七中实验学校)I usually ride _____ bike to school. But this morning, I went to school by _____ bus.

A. a ; theB. the; a C. 不填; a D. a; 不填

5.(福建南安九都中学等四校第一次阶段联考)Edward and William are brothers. There is uncommon similarity between two boys.

A. an ; 不填 B. an ; the C. a ; 不填 D. a ; the

6.( 四川南充)—Who’s _____________boy under the tree?

—Bill. He’s _____________ active boy.

A. a, an B. a, the C. the, a D. the, an

7.( 山东青岛)Look!Thereis_____________bottleonthetable.

A. aB. anC. theD. /

8.( 四川成都)I want to be _____________ engineer when I grow up.

A. aB. an C. the

9.( 上海中考)Christine is selling her house, but on _____________ other hand she doesn’t want to move.

A. a B. an C. the D. /

10.( 湖北省随州市中考)Lang Lang is _____________ famous pianist. He plays _____________ piano very well.

A. a; the B. the; the C. the; / D. a; /


1. (﹒福建南安九都中学等四校第一次阶段联考)My brother wants _____________ orange, not _____________ orange juice.

A. a;/B. an;anC. an;/

2. (﹒江苏泰州沿江区域九年级第二次模拟)—What _____________ cold weather!

—Yes. But it’s _____________ unusual experience for us who live in a hot place.

A. an;anB. /;aC. /;anD. a;an

3. ( 云南省大理市中考英语模拟)—May 13th is _____________ unlucky day for Mike.

—I think so. He lost both his girlfriend and his program.

A. aB. anC. theD. /

4. ( 江苏省南京市中考英语模拟)Lost in Hong Kong directed by Xu Zheng is _____________ interesting film. Most people like it.

A. aB. anC. theD. 不填

5.江苏省苏州市高新区九年级下学期第一次模拟考试)—Do you think an advertisement is _____________ help when you look for a new job?

—Well, it all depends. Anyway, it gives me more of _____________ chance to try.

A. a; a B. 不填; the C. a; the D. 不填; a

6.【福建福州模拟】﹣What do you usually have for breakfast?

﹣Some bread,________ egg and a glass of milk.

A.a B.an C.the

7.【贵州毕节模拟】It’s ______ ancient story and it tells us how to be ________ good learner.

A. a; aB. an; an C. an; a D. a; an

8.【贵州黔东南州模拟】Jim has ______ useful book. ______ book is very interesting.

A, the; AB. an; AC. a; The D. an; The

9.【河南模拟】---Kate, are you only child in your family?

---Yes, but new baby is on the way.

A. a; the B. an; the C. the; a D. the; the

10.【黑龙江龙东地区模拟】—Who is ______ girl behind the tree ?

—Which one ? The one with ______ umbrella ?

A. a; the B. the; an C. the; a


1.【湖北省宜昌市期末英语试题】 ---Do you know when is _________ No Tabacco(烟草)Day?

---It’s May 31st.

A. anB. aC. theD. /

2.【山东省菏泽市期末英语试题】Jane is ________ 16-year-old high school student in ________ United States.

A. a; theB. the; a C. a; /

3.【山东省青岛市期末英语试题】Jacks hobby is to playchess

A. a B. an C. theD. /

4.(江苏省宿迁市期末)Every evening my daughter plays _____________ piano for an hour.

A. the B. a C. / D. an

5. (湖北黄石期末)—What did you do last night, Bob?

—First I did my homework, and then I played _____________ piano for half _____________ hour.

A. the;aB. /;anC. the;anD. a;the

6.(山东东营学校期末)—Will you stay for _____________ supper with us?

—Sure, I’d love to. Home cooking is just what I like.

A. aB. anC. theD. /

7.(江苏苏州期末)Edward and William are brothers. There is _____________ uncommon similarity between _____________ two boys.

A. an;/B. an;theC. a;/D. a;the

8.(江苏连云港期末考试)—Dong Guijun is _____________ first man of Lianyungang to reach the top of Mount Qomolangma.

—He is _____________ pride of us.

A. the;/B. a;theC. the;theD. a;/

9.(江苏宿迁期末考试)—Have you read a book called "The Merchant of Venice"?

—Yes. _____________ book is very interesting.

A. AnB. AC. TheD./

10.(辽宁省营口市九年级下学期考试)—Do you often play _____________ basketball with your friends?

—No, I don’t like sports. I often play _____________ piano in my free time.

A. a; the B. the; / C. /; the D. the; a


【四川达州模拟】1.—What useful book it is!

—Yeah, it tells you how to play guitar.

 A. an; the B. a; a C. a; the D. an; a

连云港】2 Mr Wang has worked as ______ English teacher for more than 10 years.

A. /B. a C. an D. the

【呼和浩特模拟】3. ----How long does it take us to go to your hometown from here?

----It takes ushour or more to go to my hometown by train.

A. an; a B. a ; an C. an; / D. a; /

【四川广元模拟】4Susan joined an art club at ___age of six and paints well.

A. the B. an C.a

【四川南充模拟】5. My uncle is ________ engineer. He works very hard.

A. the B. aC. an

【四川宜宾模拟】6.A horse is _______ useful animal.

A. a B. an C. the D. /

【天津模拟】7. We usually go to ______ school on weekdays, and sometimes go to______ cinema at weekends.

A. 不填;theB. the; theC. the; 不填 D. 不填;不填

【乌鲁木齐模拟】8. _are planning to go on vacation.

A.BlacksB.A Blacks C. The Blacks D.The Blacks

【广西柳州模拟】9.Mrs Smith has _____ son and a daughter.

A. a B. an C. the


(湖南岳阳中考)1. Your sister hashad cold, and you must give her some medicinethis afternoon.

A. an;\ B. a;\C.\;the

【沈阳】2. I don’t know the city. Where can I find ___ good restaurant?.

A. a B. an C. theD. (不填)

【浙江台州】3. -What are you going to be when you grow up?

-teacher like you.

A. A B. An C. The D./

【凉山】4John can play _____ guitar, but he can’t play ______ chess.

A. the;/ B./;the C. the; the

【广西贺州】5. —lily is coming by_____ plane tomorrow.

—Let s go to_ airport to meet her.

A. a; a B. /; a C. the; the D. /; the

【湖南郴州】6. —What ________exciting sports show!

—Yeah, I love this game.

A. aB. theC. an

【广东河源】7.Miss Liu wants to lose weight. She just has _______ cup of milk for ________ breakfast every day.

A. a; the B. a;(不填) C. the; a D. the;(不填)

【山东济宁】8 I like music, but I don’t like ______ music of this film.

A. a B. an C. the D.不填

【浙江金华】9. My mother is _______English teacher in No. 2 Middle School.

A. a B. theC. an D, /

【江苏泰州】10. Li Na plays ________ tennis very well. She has become ____first Asian woman to reach a Grand Slam(大满贯) final.

A. a, the B. /, the C. the, a D./,a

【·福州中考】11.— What does Michael look like?

— He has big eyes and _______ wide mouth.

A. aB. anC. the

【山东菏泽】12. On April 12, 1961,_____27—year—old Yuri Gagarin(尤里.加加林)became the first human to go into_____ space.

A. the;不填 B. the; theC. a;不填 D. a; the

【山东滨州】13.---How was ________ dinner at Mike’s house?

---It was great. Mike’s mum is _________ wonderful cook.

A. a; theB. the; aC. the; theD. a; an
