300字范文 > 6月1日雅思大作文真题参考范文 觉醒吧人类 保护动植物已经晚了吗?

6月1日雅思大作文真题参考范文 觉醒吧人类 保护动植物已经晚了吗?

时间:2022-05-26 01:58:26


6月1日雅思大作文真题参考范文 觉醒吧人类 保护动植物已经晚了吗?







Human civilisation has largely destroyed the habitats of many plants and animals so that some species have disappeared entirely from the earth. This situation has caused a strong sense of pessimism among many people that it is already too late for us to do anything about it. Though people have enough reasons to hold this pessimistic view, I am still positive that we can save the situation by taking effective measures.




(2)Habitat: (动植物)栖息地

(3)Pessimistic view: 悲观的观点

(4)I am positive that... 我确信......


In the name of "development" and "civilisation", human beings have long ignored the interest of plants and animals. To build a city, for instance, they will not hesitate to cut all the trees in the area and erect numerous concrete buildings in their place. When the trees are gone, all the animals have to leave or die because they can no longer survive. As the urbanisation goes on ruthlessly throughout the world, plants and animals can find less and less space to live in. This situation is bad enough, and shows no positive sign of change.




(2)In the name of...:以......的名义

(3)Urbanisation: 城市化

(4)Ruthlessly: 残酷地;无情地

(5)Show no positive sign of change: 没有表现出丝毫积极变化的迹象


Yet, this does not mean we are helpless. Though we can not stop the city from spreading altogether, we cancreate a favorable environmentfor plants and animals to thrive on. For example, in the center of the city, we can give large spaces for trees and other plants and leave animals living there the way they like. In fact, I have already seen that many cities are running this kind of special "animal parks" which imitate the natural habitats of plants and animals and do not allow people tointrudein. More important is, of course, that people should be educated to understand that human beings themselves would suffer if the entireecological systemwere destroyed. Our own existenceis so dependent onthe plants and animals around us that if they die, we will die, too. With this understanding deep in mind, human beings will try their best to maintain a harmonious relationship with the natural world.




(2)Create a favorable environment: 建议一个良好的环境

(3)Intrude: 闯入

(4)Ecological system: 生态系统

(5)Be dependent on...: 依赖于......


Over the past 5000 years of human development, we do have brought negative effects on plants and animals and the situation seems to beworsening. So, for the benefits of the nature and ourselves, we should act immediately. Though keeping balance between the natural protection and human development is never easy, we can alwaysfind a way out. It is never too late to take measures to change the situation, and the earlier, the better.




(2)worsen: 恶化

(3)Find a way out: 找到出路


Human civilisation has largely destroyed the habitats of many plants and animals so that some species have disappeared entirely from the earth. This situation has caused a strong sense of pessimism among many people that it is already too late for us to do anything about it. Though people have enough reasons to hold this pessimistic view, I am still positive that we can save the situation by taking effective measures.

In the name of "development" and "civilisation", human beings have long ignored the interest of plants and animals. To build a city, for instance, they will not hesitate to cut all the trees in the area and erect numerous concrete buildings in their place. When the trees are gone, all the animals have to leave or die because they can no longer survive. As the urbanisation goes on ruthlessly throughout the world, plants and animals can find less and less space to live in. This situation is bad enough, and shows no positive sign of change.

Yet, this does not mean we are helpless. Though we can not stop the city from spreading altogether, we can create a favorable environment for plants and animals to thrive on. For example, in the center of the city, we can give large spaces for trees and other plants and leave animals living there the way they like. In fact, I have already seen that many cities are running this kind of special "animal parks" which imitate the natural habitats of plants and animals and do not allow people to intrude in. More important is, of course, that people should be educated to understand that human beings themselves would suffer if the entire ecological system were destroyed. Our own existence is so dependent on the plants and animals around us that if they die, we will die, too. With this understanding deep in mind, human beings will try their best to maintain a harmonious relationship with the natural world.

Over the past 5000 years of human development, we do have brought negative effects on plants and animals and the situation seems to be worsening. So, for the benefits of the nature and ourselves, we should act immediately. Though keeping balance between the natural protection and human development is never easy, we can always find a way out. It is never too late to take measures to change the situation, and the earlier, the better.


1. Though people have enough reasons to hold this pessimistic view, I am still positive that we can save the situation by taking effective measures.


2. As the urbanisation goes on ruthlessly throughout the world, plants and animals can find less and less space to live in.


3. Though we can not stop the city from spreading altogether, we can create a favorable environment for plants and animals to thrive on.


4. running this kind of special "animal parks" which imitate the natural habitats of plants and animals and do not allow people to intrudein.


5. Though keeping balance between the natural protection and human development is never easy, we can always find a way out.


6月1日雅思大作文真题参考范文 觉醒吧人类,保护动植物已经晚了吗? 关爱植物和动物永远都不会晚

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