300字范文 > 高考英语满分作文范文:英语说明文


时间:2018-11-11 01:47:35



看图类写作是高考写作的热点之一,具有一定的难度。内容上多为中学生日常生活中熟悉的经历,社会热点,具有一定的交流性、应用性、时代性、教育性。 【写作指导】 1.要审清写作要求。 2.此题只提供了一幅相关的图画信息。通过观察及写作要求,我们可以确定:(1)体裁:夹叙夹议;(2)人称:须用第三人称;(3)时态:可用一般现在时。 3.审清图画的主题和梗概:一个年轻人在工厂,嘴里正吸着烟,这时他看到工厂里的一个禁止吸烟的标志牌,而工厂本身也正向大气中排放滚滚浓烟。年轻人顿时觉得困惑不解……由此,作者发表评论:相关部门应当采取措施禁止工厂污染自然环境的行为! 4.增加细节,连贯成文,做到层次分明,结构严谨,并准确选用相关词语、句型表达图画内容。 【参考范文】 Smoke This is a funny and instructive picture. In the picture, a young man is smoking happily in a factory when he sees a sign which means “No smoking” on the wall. But he finds that the factory is giving off large quantities of heavy smoke which makes him feel very puzzled, “Why does the factory forbid people to smoke while the factory itself emits so much poisonous smoke?” Nowadays, many factories know the danger of smoking to themselves and don’t allow people smoking in the factory. However, they don’t pay any attention to the danger that they cause to the whole society. And they let out lots of polluted smoke which does great harm to our environment. In my opinion, we could live without most of the industrial products, but we could not survive without nature! Therefore, something must be done to prevent the pollution caused by all factories! 【范文点评】 本文首先对图片内容进行了简短的介绍,接着发表了作者的简短评论。文章结构严谨,审题准确,语言流畅,过渡自然。文章的得分亮点也较多。如最后一段,一句“In my opinion, we could live without most of industrial products, but we could not survive without nature.”,便不入俗套地点明了要采取相关措施的原因!可谓一语惊人,令人深思!
