300字范文 > 双语:尿布外交 乔治小王子已被求婚两次

双语:尿布外交 乔治小王子已被求婚两次

时间:2021-04-03 15:35:35


双语:尿布外交 乔治小王子已被求婚两次

With very few evening engagements in the programme the couple have the opportunity to see their son in the early evening. 在行程的少数晚宴中,夫妇晚上早点才有机会看到他们的儿子。 It is likely they have been bathing their baby, who will soon be nine months old, and putting him to bed after returning at the end of the day. 很可能他们已经跟小王子洗澡了,第二天快来临的时候才送他睡觉,小王子马上九个月大了。 The only time he has met other children so far on the royal tour came during a playdate in New Zealand. 目前在皇室旅行中,仅有的一次见到其他的孩子们是在新西兰的一次露面中。 The tot went to a party with 10 other babies born within a week of his July 22nd birthday. It was organised by the New Zealand child welfare charity Plunket at the Governor Generals residence, Government House, in Wellington. 在他的7月22号生日这一周,同去参加派对的还有其他的十个小宝贝。这个派对是由新西兰儿童福利慈善机构普伦基特在惠林顿总督府总督官邸组织的。 He proved to be something of a royal bruiser though as he enthusiastically began kicking his legs and waving his arms with excitement when he spotted a set of toys on the floor. 当他看到地上有一堆玩具的时候,会极具热情的高兴的用腿踢用胳膊抓,他被证实为皇室的彪汉。 He got down for a crawl around and promptly made a little girl called Paige Stevens cry after taking a wooden doll from her. 他在地上爬来爬去,很快就把一个叫佩奇史蒂文斯的小女孩弄哭了,因为他拿了她的木质娃娃。 But the young Prince soon discovered that what goes around comes around and another girl took a toy from him - however he did not seem too bothered. 但是小王子很快就发现他的周围发生了什么,另外一个女孩从他手里拿走了娃娃----然而他看起来很快乐并不枯燥。 His choice of attire - or rather his mothers for him - has also received plaudits. 他对服装的选择----或者更确切的说是他妈妈为他挑选的衣服----也得到了很多的称赞。 From cute knits to adorable romper suits, George is certainly a kid to watch in the fashion stakes. 从可爱的针织服到讨人喜欢的连身套装,乔治在时尚比赛中一定是受人瞩目的时尚王。
