300字范文 > 职场英语:提高人际沟通技巧的10个方法


时间:2019-10-14 06:04:50



While some people sail ahead using their impeccablecommunication skills, others struggle to be understood. Here’s how you can improve your communication skills. 当一些人熟练地运用完美的沟通技巧时,另一些人还在努力学习。下面是一些可以帮助你提高沟通技能的方法。 1. Understand the Nuances of Communication 理解沟通的细微差别 Communication has long transcended verbal exchanges to become an effective way of connecting with people. Communication leaves ample scope for misinterpretation, leaving greater chunks of the intended meaning lost in translation. Understanding such subtle nuancesbrings about greater awareness in self-improvement. 沟通早已不再局限于口头的交流,而变成人与人之间联系的有效方式。沟通过程中存在着许多干扰和扭曲信息传递的因素,在传达的过程中信息的内容和含义经常会被误解。理解了这种微妙的差别,会使你更加意识到自我提高的需要。 2. Say what’s On Your Mind 说出你的想法 When it comes to conveying the desired message, most people shy away from speaking their mind mostly because they are bogged down by social expectations. They keep personal opinions withdrawn from the ensuing conversation. The prime purpose of being able to communicate effectively is to be able to express your personal opinions in the given matter. 当信息被传达时,大多数人会因为怕达不到社会的期望值而羞于表达他们的想法。 人们常常在谈话中倾向于保留自己的想法。有效的沟通的最主要的目的就是能在特定的环境中表达出自己的想法。
