300字范文 > [双语] 夏季健康肌肤保养必备小常识

[双语] 夏季健康肌肤保养必备小常识

时间:2021-01-20 09:33:41


[双语] 夏季健康肌肤保养必备小常识

Summer Skin Hazards 夏季皮肤问题

Sunburn and Dry Skin 晒伤和皮肤干燥

There are several ways to prevent sunburn, such as staying inside during the worst heat of the day, apply sunscreen liberally (at least a one-ounce shot-glasssize amount) before you go outside, reapply every two hours and always after swimming, and wearing clothing that keeps sensitive skin covered when in the sun(No need to cover up head to toe, but do consider a long-sleeved shirt, wide-brimmed hat, and sunglasses at the beach, at least for part of the day).

有许多方法可以预防晒伤,比如在一天最热的时候待在室内;在出门前抹足防晒霜(至少要有一个1 盎司小酒杯那么多的量),隔两个小时就要再抹一次,游完泳后也一定要抹防晒霜;暴露在阳光下时身上的衣服要可以遮住敏感肌肤(不用从头到脚都裹起来,但去沙滩时可以穿一件长袖衬衫,戴顶宽边帽和一副太阳眼镜,至少在一天的某个时候要这样穿)。

Staying hydrated will help with itching and drying skin as well as keeping lotion and moisturizers on the skin, so be sure to drink plenty of water and slather moisturizers so your skin can drink too.

保持肌肤水润有助缓解肌肤瘙痒和干燥,还有助肌肤吸收润肤乳和保湿霜,所以一定要喝很多水,抹大量保湿霜,这样你的肌肤也能“喝” 饱水。


