300字范文 > 盖茨基金会入驻新浪 腾讯 人人三大社交平台 社会化媒体助力慈善公益

盖茨基金会入驻新浪 腾讯 人人三大社交平台 社会化媒体助力慈善公益

时间:2020-04-15 09:00:45


盖茨基金会入驻新浪 腾讯 人人三大社交平台


社会化媒体助力慈善公益 盖茨基金会入驻新浪、腾讯、人人三大社交平台 社会化媒体助力慈善公益

TUV 南德意志集团受邀将出席 中国航空食品管理国际论坛

北京12月7日电 /美通社亚洲/ -- 12月2日,中国首届 社会化媒体与社会公益国际论坛 在北京召开。该论坛由北京大学主办,腾讯公益慈善基金会、比尔及梅琳达 盖茨基金会和百度公益基金会支持,新浪、人人、阿里巴巴等中国社会化媒体企业先锋合作举办。来自互联网企业及国内外慈善组织共200余名代表出席并参与讨论。

人人公司董事长兼首席执行官陈一舟、新浪网副总编邓庆旭、阿里巴巴集团资深副总裁金建杭、腾讯基金会执行秘书长窦瑞刚、盖茨基金会全球首席传播官凯珍(Kate James)等分别做了主题演讲,并就各自运用社会化媒体推动公益的策略和实践进行了分享。

盖茨基金会在论坛上宣布正式启动在新浪、腾讯的官方中文微博以及人人网的公共主页(新浪微博@盖茨基金会,,)。 社会化媒体为慈善及公益组织提供了平台,让它们可以听到来自世界各地需要帮助的人们的声音,从而更好地改变这个世界, 在主题演讲中,凯珍指出, 社会化媒体这种新技术,也将把中国乐善好施的悠久传统带入一个新的境界。世界需要来自中国的声音,中国的创造力、领导力和奉献精神将影响全球。


论坛上,腾讯基金会、盖茨基金会、百度基金会三大慈善组织,联合人人、腾讯、新浪、百度、阿里巴巴五家互联网企业共同签署了 北京宣言 ,承诺将成立常设组委会,确保每年定期举办 社会化媒体与社会公益国际论坛 ,并使之成为公益组织与互联网企业沟通的平台和桥梁。各家企业和组织均表示,希望借助论坛的平台,吸引更多参与者加盟,逐步形成 全民公益 的共赢局面。



Social Media to Promote Social Good

Gates Foundation launches its official social media platforms

on Sina, Tencent and Renren

TUV 南德意志集团受邀将出席 中国航空食品管理国际论坛

BEIJING, Dec. 7, /PRNewswire-Asia/ -- Chinas first International Forum on Social Media for Social Good was held in Beijing on December 2, . The Forum was organized by Peking University and sponsored by Tencent Foundation, Bill Melinda Gates Foundation and the Baidu Foundation, with support from Chinas social media pioneer enterprises , Renren, Inc., Alibaba Group, etc. More than 200 representatives from overseas and domestic philanthropy organizations and Internet enterprises attended the Forum.

Chairman and CEO of Renren, Inc. Joe Chen, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Deng Qingxu, Senior Vice President of Alibaba Group Jin Jianhang, Executive Secretary-General of Tencent Foundation Dou Ruigang, and the Gates Foundation Chief Communications Officer Kate James delivered keynote speeches respectively, and shared their strategies and practices of using social media to promote social good.

The Gates Foundation announced at the Forum the official launch of its microblogs on , , and . Social media is a new technology which can take the long and noble tradition of giving in China to a new level. In her keynote speech, Kate James pointed out, Chinese people have the experience, the innovation and the compassion to tackle these issues and make their voice heard around the globe. It is your creativity, leadership and your spirit of giving which can make the difference.

The Forum had panel discussions and case sharing to explore new trends in social media development, and opportunities and challenges in the process of using social media to promote social good. Overseas and domestic philanthropy organizations, including China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation, United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF), and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), as well as celebrities and grassroots organizations, shared their experiences.

At the Forum, philanthropy organizations, Tencent Foundation, Gates Foundation and Baidu Foundation, in conjunction with Internet companies , , , and , signed the Beijing Declaration, committing to establish a working organization to ensure that the International Forum on Social Media for Social Good runs on a regular basis each year, and to build the Forum as a bridge and platform facilitating communications between philanthropy organizations and Internet enterprises. All participating companies and organizations expressed the wish that the Forum will serve to attract more participants, thus to develop a truly national culture of philanthropy.

The Internet companies had a chance to acknowledge voices of the front-line philanthropy organizations through the Forum, and provided a joint training course on December 3. Tencent, Baidu, Google, Alibaba, Renren and Sina gave briefings on their service platforms that are available for non-profit organizations respectively, and shared their successful experiences in promoting charitable projects. More than 80 philanthropy organizations shared their ideas of charity and philanthropy, and came up with a number of innovative programs in collaboration with emerging social media platforms.

Discussions on social media for social good began in September . Back then, with the United Nations Foundations vigorous efforts, the first Social Good Summit was held in New York, the United States. Following that, the African Media Leaders Forum, the first African new media and philanthropy forum, was held in Tunis, Tunisia in mid-November. This is the first time that China holds a forum to discuss what can be done through social media to promote social good.

